Annairis Heimskringla
Court: Seelie
Legacies: Panderer/Peacock
House: Fiona
Seeming: Childling
Kith: Sidhe
Str: 1, Dex: 4 (Innocous), Sta: 2, Cha: 3, Man: 2, App: 5 (Cute), Per: 3, Int: 2, Wit: 3
Alertness: 2, Athletics: 2, Dodge: 2, Empathy: 2, Kenning: 3, Persuasion: 3, Subterfuge:2, Crafts: 1, Etiquette: 2, Leadership: 1, Performance: 2, Stealth: 3, Greymare: 4, Linguistics: 1, Lore Dreaming: 2
Chimerae: 5, Holdings: 2, Retinue: 1
Ledgerdemain: 5
Wayfare: 3
Actor: 3
Fae: 5
Nature: 3
Prop: 2
Scene: 2
Glamour: 6, Willpower: 5, Banality: 1
Other Traits:
Awe and Beauty (+2 Appearance, -2 to the difficulty of Social rolls, Opponents must make a Willpower roll diff. 6 to attack.)
Noble Bearing (Cannot be made to look foolish, cannot botch Etiquette rolls.)
Banality's Curse (Gains two temporary Banality for each point earned)
Immune to Fear, natural or magical
Attracted to Danger
Merits and Flaws:
Child (3pt. Flaw)
Curiosity (2pt. Flaw)
Short (1pt. Flaw)
Musing Threshold:
Franklin J. Montague the III (Retainer)
Nature: Caregiver
Demeanor: Judge
Concept: Soldier
Str 3, Dex 2, Sta 4 (Solid), Cha 2, Man 2, App 2, Per 2, Int 3, Wit 2
Brawl 3, Dodge 2, Intimidation 1, Leadership 2, Streetwise 1, Animal Ken 2, Drive 2, Etiquette 1, Firearms 2, Repair 1, Security 3, Survival 1, Bureaucracy 2, Linguistics 2, Medicine 1, Instruction 1, Sense Deception 1, Swimming 1, Throwing 1, Animal Training 1
Contacts 3, Influence 2, Rank (Military) 3, Resources 3
Willpower: 5, Banality: 4
Other Traits
Legal Guardian
Merits and Flaws
Garou Kinfolk (Get of Fenris, 3pt. Merit)
Chelestrya (Winged Centaur Chimerae)
Attributes *
Str 6/9 (Trample), Dex 3/6, Sta 3/6, Cha 3, Man 1, App 5 (Wondrous), Per 3/6 (Details), Int 2/3, Wit 2/4 (Sudden Noises)
Alertness 4, Athletics 5, Brawl 5, Dodge 4, Empathy 3, Intimidation 2, Kenning 3, Persuasion 4, Swimming 3, Melee 5, Stealth 4, Survival 2, Etiquette 3, Archery 5, Tracking 1, Greymare 1, Linguistics 1
Changeling Life, Flight (25 yards per Dex pt.; 1 Glamour per Hour), Wyrd (1 Willpower per Scene), Weaponry (Str +5), Armor (3 dice), Aggravated Damage, Scuttle (1 Action per Glamour), Traverse Dreaming (1 Glamour)
Glamour: 9, Willpower: 3/9, Banality: 1
Health Levels: OK x3, -1 x3, -2 x3, -5 x2, Incapacitated
* Attributes before the slash are for Horse Seeming