Nova Name:  Mike Awesome

Real Name:  Michael Alphonso
Eruption:  Deliberate
Nature:  Gallant
Allegiance:  XWF
Concept:  Heavyweight High Flyer

:  Awesome is the odd man out among the wrestlers that were exposed to the virus that produced the NKL Novas.  He originally signed with NKL along with his fellow wrestling buddies, but soon after jumped ship to the XWF after gaining the Titan Championship from Kane.  The other wrestlers haven't forgiven him for leaving the title vacant in the middle of a season long feud.  The XWF promised him three times the money and international exposure as well as an immediate title push.  He gained the Red Circle title in his first match.  But in his very next match he got injured and was sidelined for a week.  The incident damaged the reputation of the XWF making it look as if the championship match had been fixed.
    Awesome's career is down and so is his gate draw.  This means that his earnings are down too.  He's unhappy with his current deal which is mostly incentives and royalties, both of which are low for Awesome.  But since he burned so many bridges he can't go back to the NKL either.  He's left to languish in the XWF's lower circuit where he fights mitoids week after week in small venues that usually aren't even televised.

Roleplaying Notes:  Awesome is a different sort of Nova.  He doesn't have any Quantum Powers except for Body Modification.  All his power is concentrated in Mega Attributes.  He can only attack obstacles head on, which hasn't been much help in his personal life.

    Strength: 5, Dexterity: 5, Stamina: 5, Perception: 3, Intelligence: 3, Wits: 5, Appearance: 4, Manipulation: 1, Charisma: 3

    Brawl: 5, Might: 5, Athletics: 5, Drive: 3, Martial Arts: 3, Melee: 2, Endurance: 5, Resistance: 3, Academics: 4, Bureaucracy: 2, Computer: 3, Linguistics: 3, Medicine: 1, Biz: 3, Intimidation: 4, Style: 2, Streetwise: 2, Etiquette: 1, Perform: 3

    Attunement: 2, Backing: 3, Contacts: 3, Influence: 2, Node: 5, Resources: 3

Mega Attributes:
    Mega Strength:  3 (Crush)
    Mega Dexterity:  2 (Physical Prodigy)
    Mega Stamina:  3 (Resiliency)
    Mega Wits:  1 (Quickness)
    Mega Appearance:  1 (Awe Inspiring)

    Willpower: 5, Quantum: 2, Taint: 3, Quantum Pool: 24, Initiative: 13

Quantum Powers:
    Body Modification:  +1 Bruised Health Level


Health levels:
    Bruised x3, Hurt, Injured, Wounded, Maimed, Crippled, Incapacitated, Heinous