Biotechnica Exotics

Exotic Bioware

Item Game Effect Body Index Legality Availability Cost Street Index
Minor Face Modifications None .05 legal 6/4 days 1,000¥ 1
Major Face Modifications None .1 legal 6/4 days 5,000¥ 1
Muzzle, Short None .1 legal 6/4 days 2,000¥ 1
Muzzle, Long None .2 legal 6/4 days 10,000¥ 1
Mandibles, Extended Does (Str)L damage .3 5P-BB 8/7 days 15,000¥ 2
Natural Fangs Does (Str-1)L damage, Reach -1 .2 5P-BB 8/7 days 25,000¥ 2
Natural Claws Does (Str)L damage, +3 target penalty to manual skills .15 4P-BB 8/7 days 15,000¥ 2
Retractable Claws Does (Str)L damage .2 4P-BB 8/7 days 30,000¥ 2
Tail Strength and Quickness scores of 1 .3 legal 6/4 days 40,000¥ 1
Combat Tail Does (Str+1)L or (Str)M Stun damage .8 5P-BB 8/7 days 80,000¥ 1.5
Digitigrade Legs -1 to Quickness or +1 bonus with Tail 1.75 legal 6/6 days 100,000¥ 1.5
Skinchange (fur, scales, etc...) None 1 legal 6/6days 25,000¥ 1
Heavy Scales +2 to Impact Armor 2 6P-BA 8/7 days 100,000¥ 1.5
Exo Skeleton +4 to Ballistic, +6 to Impact Armor 3.75 6P-BA 8/14 days 250,000¥ 2.5
Frame Alteration, Enlarged +1 to Running Multiplier, +1 Body 2 legal 6/7 days 75,000¥ 1
Frame Alteration, Reduced -1 to Running Multiplier, +1 Strength,+1 Body 2 legal 6/7 days 75,000¥ 1

Biotechnica's Bioexotics Line

Tiger Woman
Minor Facial Modifications: Also called Minor face Mods, these are any facial changes that involve tissue graft or skin stretch. Minor face Mods do not include bone or muscle alterations or any modifications underneath the bone structure. No game effect.
Major Facial Modifications: Major face Mods involve bone and muscle restructuring as well as anything covered by Minor face Mods. Major face Mods are also required as the basis for any of the muzzle and mandible options. No game effect.
Muzzle, Short: A short muzzle involves a joining of the nose bridge with the upper jaw and a slight restructuring of the lower jaw to avoid an overbite. No game effect.
Muzzle, Long: A long muzzle projects beyond the nose bridge and joins the upper jaw with the pommels. A long muzzle is used as the basis for Natural Fangs and without it the fangs cannot be used in melee combat unless the opponents are grappling. No game effect.
Mandibles, Extended: Prehensile extended jaws that can be either vertical (insect) or horizontal (avian). They are usually sharp and strong and can inflict (Str)L damage in unarmed combat. Though they cover and displace most of the lower face installation of the mandibles does not mean that the human organs of speech and ingestion are removed.
Natural Fangs: Canines or Tusks with the moderate ability to retract into the jaw while the mouth is closed. They are difficult to use in melee combat (reach -1), but do (Str -1)L damage in unarmed combat.
Natural Claws: Keratin-Carbon deposit growths that grow from the last finger bone of the hand and cover the entire tip of the finger coming to a point from half an inch to an inch beyond the fingertip. Stronger and more resilient than steel they can be used in unarmed combat to do (Str)L damage. They do however interfere with the normal use of the hands and impose a +3 penalty to all tasks that require manual dexterity.
Retractable Claws: Retractable claws resemble natural claws in most respects but have the added feature of being retractable. They extend from sheaths at the top of the finger, do the same damage as natural claws but impose no task penalty when not extended. When not in use they look like small pointed nails.
Tail: Tails come in a variety of styles such as reptilian, simian, avian and virtually of any animal that has a tail. Manipulative and dexterous prehensile tails can move up to 1 kg and have an effective Strength of 1.
Combat Tail: Heavier and stronger than the standard tail the combat tail involves a restructuring of the muscles of the buttocks and the bones of the hips. The combat tail can be tipped with spikes, spines or bony knobs. The standard combat tail does (Str)M Stun damage in unarmed combat. Spiked, knobbed and stinger tails do (Str +1)L damage in unarmed combat. Stinger tails cost (16,000¥ X Cost of a single dose) extra and inject one toxin chosen at the time of instalment. The stinger reservoir holds enough poison for three injections. It takes six hours to produce a replacement dose.
Digitigrade Legs: Three jointed legs similar to the hind legs of most quadrupeds. It involves a shortening of the thigh and shin while lengthening the arch of the foot and reducing the projection of the heel. This arrangement can prove to be unbalancing to a naturally bipedal organism but can provide superior balance when arranged in tandem with a tail.
Skinchange: A full body cosmetic modification that is combined with a hormone treatment to simulate the texture and coloration of most animal hides. The skinchange procedure poses the risk of developing cancer. Every (3 + Essence) months roll body against a target number equal to the Body index of the character. If this roll fails to aquire even one success then the character will develope skin cancer. Karma may be used to purchase rerolls as usual.
Heavy Scales: Dense keratin deposits the natural armor of insects, reptiles and some anphibians. Can be stimulated to grow like overlapping plates or like smooth scales. Poses same cancer risk as skinchange and may flake away if hormone treatment is discontinued. Provides +2 Impact rating to armor and is frequently augmented through the use of subdermal armor though it is not compatible with Orthoskin.
Exoskeleton: A full body frame layering of actual chitonous material. Styles are usually designed for insectoid appearance, augmented with Aura Masking this allows the subject to appear as an insect fleshform and infiltrate insect spirit comunities. Popular designs tend to emulate Turtle and Armadillo hides instead. Designed for flexibility and maximum durability it provides +4 to Ballistic and +6 to Impact armor. It is not compatible with either Orthoskin or Dermal plating.
Frame Alteration, Large: Bone extensions and a general cholesterol and charbohydrate diet increase the subject's general height and width by approximately 50%. Longer legs mean greater running speed and higher jumping reach. The Calcium/Silicium implants used to strengthen the elongated bones increase the body's overall resistance and durability. Provides a bonus of +1 to the Running Multiplier and +1 to Body.
Frame Alteration, Small: Shortening of the long bones in the limbs while simuletaneously widening and restructuring the hip assembly and chest box allows a reduction in height without having to sacrifice any muscle mass. Bone strengthening implants combined with heavier tendon placements are included to maximize the benefits of a wider girth and a lower center of gravity. Inflicts a -1 to the Running Multiplier. Provides a +1 to Body and Strength.