Carp | Str +1, Dex +2, Sta +3, gills |
Crane | Dex +3, Sta +2, App +1, wings |
Fox | Str +1, Dex +3, Sta +1, App +1, claws and teeth |
Squid | Str +3, Dex +1, Sta +2, tentacles |
Tiger | Str +2, Dex +2, Sta +2, claws and teeth |
When the Bushi dons the Beast Mask he becomes half-man, half-animal. The Vampire gains some of the characteristics of the animal while retaining some of his own. Other animals can be chosen as a Totem spirit at the Storyteller's discretion. Once the Totem animal is chosen it can never be changed. Forever after the Bushi will have a -2 to difficulties with that type of animal. In particular with the power Sharing of Spirits. The difficulty to enter the animal and to retain his own intelligence are 6. But after this power is learned the Bushi can never use Sharing of Spirits on any other type or race of animal ever again. So if a Bushi chooses as his Totem animal a tiger he will no longer be able to enter the bodies of house cats or lions much less dogs or other beasts.