Nova Name:  Chyna

Real Name:  Joanie Lee
Eruption:  Deliberate
Nature:  Survivor
Allegiance:  Independant
Concept:  9th Wonder

:  Chyna accompanied many other former wrestlers to Kombat Island where she was exposed to a retrovirus that induced Nova Latency. It took some time for her to erupt but once she did she started working for NKL immediately.

Roleplaying Notes:  As a Nova Chyna is constantly trying to gain respect in a field where most of the heavyweights are stronger and tougher than she is. Because of this she never turns down an opportunity to fight a Nova who is stronger than she is. She does however turn down fights with Novas who are weaker than she is.

    Strength: 5, Dexterity: 4, Stamina: 4, Perception: 3, Intelligence: 3, Wits: 4, Appearance: 4, Manipulation: 3, Charisma: 3

    Brawl: 3, Might: 3, Athletics: 3 (Tumbling), Drive: 1, Martial Arts: 2, Melee: 1, Endurance: 3, Resistance: 3, Academics: 1, Linguistics: 1, Rapport: 1, Intimidation: 2, Style: 2, Streetwise: 1, Perform: 2

    Attunement: 2, Backing: 2, Dormancy: 3, Eufiber: 2, Node:2, Resources:3

Mega Attributes:
    Mega Strength:  2 (Lifter)
    Mega Dexterity:  1 (Quickness)
    Mega Stamina:  1 (Resiliency)
    Mega Appearance:  1 (First Impression)

    Willpower: 8, Quantum: 3, Taint: 2, Quantum Pool: 26, Initiative: 9

Quantum Powers:
    Armor:  1
    Body Modification:  Extra Health Levels (+1 Bruised)
    Flight:  1
    Invulnerability (Hands):  1
    Luck:  1

Health levels:
    Bruised x2, Hurt, Injured, Wounded, Maimed, Crippled, Incapacitated, Dead