Adam is a cyber-zombie made of flesh and demon parts integrated into a robot structure powered by a nuclear battery. He is currently being stored at the wharehouse facility at the Groom Lake Air Force Base.
Good news: Finally there's a demon. Bad news: It's pretty much a walk on. Don't expect to ever see him again.
The ancestry of the Anthus demon can be traced back to ancient Greece. The demon Antaeus is believed to have propagated this breed throughout the Peleponese. Thankfully Anthus demons are rare and cannot breed with mortals. They propagate by investing a spark of their demonic essence into the rotting carcass of an animal that has died in a swamp or delta. They prefer oxen, bulls, bears and other large animals.
Though not as strong as their progenitor they are nonetheless among the strongest and toughest of demons that are capable of naturalization. Nearly immortal they are commonly the enforcers of more intelligent or ambitious demons. Their own intelligence is not substandard but they do suffer from a lack of foresight.