• Sweet Whispers
Allows communication and command over animals. Eye contact must be maintained and all commands must be issued as requests. Communication is mental and takes place between the animal and the beast within the vampire.
System: No roll is necessary to talk to an animal, but the player must make a Manipulation + Animal Ken roll to get it to follow commands (Difficulty 6).
•• The Beckoning
Allows the summoning of animals of a single species within the vicinity. The character must call out in imitation of the animal's call. The animals that respond are inquisitive and often friendly but under no obligation to the character who made the call. System: Roll Charisma + Survival (Difficulty 6) and consult the table below to see how many animals respond. Specific types of animals are a difficulty 7, individual animals are difficulty 8.
1 success One animal responds.
2 successes A quarter of the animals respond.
3 successes Half the animals respond.
4 successes Most of the animals respond.
5 successes All of the animals respond.
Only those animals who can hear the call will be able to respond.
••• Song of Serenity
This power allows you to expel the savagery from an animal or mortal, making it extremely passive. The target cannot use or regain Willpower and will not resist any attacks. System: Roll Manipulation + Empathy, difficulty 7. The number of successes must match or exceed the targets Willpower.
•••• Sharing of Spirits
By staring into the eyes of an animal, you can possess that animal and move about within its body. Your body slips into torpor while you are inside the animal. System: Roll Charisma + Animal Ken, difficulty 8, while staring into the animal's eyes. With less than three successes the player must spend Willpower points to get the animal to do things against its nature.
1 success Cannot use Disciplines
2 successes Can use Auspex
3 successes Can also use Presence
4 successes Can also use Dominate
5 successes Can also use Thaumaturgy
The player must roll Wits + Empathy, difficulty 8, to retain his own mind and avoid thinking as the animal whenever confronted by tense situations.
••••• Drawing out the Beast
You can transfer the Beast to another avoiding frenzy but inflicting it upon your victim. Only beings with a Humanity score of less than 7 can receive the Beast. System: Roll Manipulation + Animal Ken, difficulty 8.
1 success The Beast is unleashed upon a friend.
2 successes The Beast is transferred but the character is stunned for the next turn.
3 successes The Beast is successfully transferred.
If the attempt fails the character enters frenzy. If the attempt botches Willpower cannot be spent to stop the frenzy.
• Heightened Senses
All five senses are enhanced to superhuman degrees. Double normal sensing ranges and penalties when a sense is Ôblinded'. System: Roll unmodified Auspex rating against a variable difficulty to sense danger.
•• Aura Perception
The Vampire can see the auras of beings which indicate mood, identity and general health. System: Roll Perception + Empathy, difficulty 8.
1 success Can only distinguish shade.
2 successes Can see one color.
3 successes Can see patterns.
4 successes Subtle shifts can be seen.
5 successes Can see mixtures of color and pattern.
Aura sight can only be attempted once per encounter once successful.
••• Spirit's Touch
The Vampire can receive impressions from an object of the person to whom it belongs or who last held it. System: Roll Perception + Empathy, difficulty depends on time since object was last held and how important the object is to subject. Each success reveals one of the following; Nature, Demeanor, aura, name, sex or age as well as an image of the scene when the object was last held.
•••• Telepathy
The Vampire can scan the surface thoughts of one subject who is nearby. System: Roll Intelligence + Subterfuge, difficulty of the subject's Willpower. If the subject is a Vampire a point of Willpower must be spent as well.
••••• Psychic Projection
The Vampire can separate his consciousness from his body thereby travelling through the astral plane while connected to his body by an astral cord. While in astral form the Vampire can travel to any place on earth and up to the moon's orbit. System: To enter the astral plane the Vampire must spend one Willpower point. To reach his destination he must roll Perception + Occult, difficulty varies according to distance and difficulty of journey. Failure means the character is lost, a botch means the silver cord is snapped.
Each level of Celerity provides one extra action per turn at the cost of one blood point per turn.
• Ignis Fatuus
The Vampire can create static illusions that affect one sense. System: The illusion costs one Willpower point to create and remains until the Vampire ceases to concentrate on it, can no longer sense it, decides to end it or it is seen through in some way.
•• Fata Morgana
The Vampire can create illusions that affect any or all senses. System: The illusion costs two Willpower points to create and remains until the Vampire ceases to concentrate on it, can no longer sense it, decides to end it or it is seen through in some way.
••• Apparition
The Vampire can cause any illusion created with the first two levels of this Discipline to move. System: The Vampire spends one Blood point to make an illusion move in one specific way. The Vampire can change or stop the motion, but only if he has done nothing but concentrate on the illusion since creating it.
•••• Permanency
The Vampire can cause any illusion created with the first two levels of this Discipline to remain after he ceases concentration. System: All the Vampire has to do is spend a Blood point and the illusion will stay until dissolved.
••••• Horrid Reality
The Vampire can cause one victim to react to an illusion as if it had physical reality. System: The Vampire must spend two Willpower to create the illusion. If it is used to harm another then the Vampire must roll Manipulation + Subterfuge, difficulty of the target's Perception + Self Control. Each success causes one Health level of chimerical damage. A person cannot actually be killed by this power.
• Blood Scent
With this power the Inquisidore can identify and locate the creature with a sample of it's blood. The Inquisidore only needs to smell the blood once, thereafter he can track the creature by scent wherever it goes. It does not matter how old the trail is as long as the Inquisidore has smelled that persons blood before. The ability to track the scent of another creature only works as long as the prey remains in contact with the ground. System: To use this power the Inquisidore needs a fresh sample of blood no more than two days old or which has been preserved in a freezer. From the sample the Inquisidore can tell what sort of creature it was taken from whether it was a Vampire, Werewolf, Mage or other. Roll Perception + Survival difficulty 5 to determine if the subject is a Vampire. Difficulty 6 to determine what kind of creature it is if it is not a Vampire. To determine what clan a Vampire belongs to roll Perception + Occult vs. a difficulty of 8. To track a Vampire by the scent of his blood roll Perception + Survival vs. a difficulty of 8 (Difficulty 9 for all other creatures).
•• Call to the Faithful
With this power an Inquisidore can call upon the help of all those of his bloodline and those humans who possess True Faith. Only those with faith or members of the bloodline will hear the call. They receive a brief impression of the danger or need of the caller but nothing concrete. They are not obligated to respond unless they are of the bloodline, but most mortals with True Faith will be curious about the source of the summons. How soon they arrive and in what numbers depends on the effectiveness of the call and the intervening distance. System: The caller must roll Charisma + Leadership (Difficulty 6), the number of successes determines how far away the call is heard.
1 Success A single building, hearing range.
2 Successes A city block, through walls and obstructions.
3 Successes An entire neighborhood, through soundproof windows.
4 Successes A city district or small town, through soundproof walls.
5 Successes An entire city, up to the horizon (8 to 24 miles).
Mages of the Celestial Chorus will hear the call if they have Correspondence at level two and Prime at level one. Other mages would have to cast the rote first before they could hear the call.
••• Affirmation
This power allows the Inquisidore to regain lost Humanity. System: The Inquisidore can sacrifice permanent Willpower in exchange for humanity that he has lost during the course of the game session. The Humanity regained in this fashion cannot exceed the original score. This power is the single exception to the rule that an Inquisidore cannot use any power of Credo while his humanity is lower than 7. However until humanity is raised at least to 7 this is the only power of Credo available to the character.
•••• Renunciation
This power allows the Inquisidore to deny the Beast and its influence. System: At this level of Credo the Inquisidore is immune to damage from holy water, cannot be held at bay by religious symbols or any other effect of True Faith that harms Vampires. Whenever the Inquisidore is in danger of Frenzy or Rötscheck he may spend a Willpower point to suppress it for the entire scene. For the rest of that scene nothing will be able to frighten or provoke the Inquisidore. Additionally the Inquisidore has achieved such calm that derangements hardly affect him. If he already has a derangement a single point of Willpower will suppress it for an entire game session. If the character is in danger of acquiring a derangement then he can spend a point of Willpower to avoid it altogether.
••••• God's Grace
The Inquisidore who walks in God's grace is truly blessed. The Beast is completely suppressed and the Inquisidore appears alive even to other Kindred. The heart is no longer a dead organ of mystic properties and beats with human passion. He can eat food and feel sensation as if he were alive even though he is still a Vampire. The food and drink do not nourish him but neither are they expelled upon consumption. Furthermore the sun's rays do not harm the Inquisidore and a stake through the heart will impair but not immobilize him. Fire does not do any special harm to an Inquisidore in God's grace. However the most prized power of Credo is that at this level the Inquisidore is no longer in danger of losing his soul to Diablerie. System: No roll is necessary at this level of Credo. The Vampire receives no damage from Sunlight. Fire damage is considered normal non-aggravated damage. The damage from a stake through the heart cannot be regenerated as long as the stake is still inside. But unless the attack did seven health levels of damage it will not in itself paralyze the Inquisidore. Thermal scans designed to detect Vampires will show him to be a normal human. Other methods of detecting Vampires may also prove ineffective.
When a Vampire tries to commit Diablerie on an Inquisidore with this power the process remains the same up until the last moment. When the Vampire has drunk the last of his blood and begins to try to drink until he is extinguished, the Inquisidore suffers the Final Death and passes on. The Diabolist is left with an empty vessel and cannot increase his generation in this way.
All difficulties to avoid frenzy, fear and derangement are lowered by two if the character foregoes Renunciation. It is still hard for her to frenzy or be affected by fear and insanity. The difficulties to go into frenzy are increased by two and the character can no longer choose to voluntarily slip into frenzy or else he automatically loses two points of humanity. An Inquisidore in God's Grace only loses one Blood Point per week instead of one each day allowing him to go longer without drinking blood.
• Passion
Intensifies the emotions the victim is currently feeling. System: Roll Charisma + Empathy, difficulty of the Path rating of the victim.
1 success One turn.
2 successes One hour.
3 successes One night.
4 successes One week.
5 successes One month.
The Vampire has no control over what the victim feels or how long he stays with one particular emotion.
•• Mind Tricks
With this power the Vampire can induce hallucinations in his victim. The illusions appear to be completely real but can only be seen for a second or out of the corner of the eye. System: Roll Manipulation + Subterfuge, difficulty of the victim's Perception + Self Control (Instincts).
1 success One night.
2 successes Two nights.
3 successes One week.
4 successes One month.
5 successes Three months.
The Vampire has no control over what the victim sees or how he responds to these visions.
••• Eyes of Chaos
This power allows the Vampire to percieve a person's true nature, insanity and how to deal with the person who has it, and patterns of chaos that are not apparent to even the most perceptive minds. System: Roll Perception + Medicine, difficulty variable. Most patterns have no meaning but will captivate the Vampire in their intricacy for hours.
•••• Confusion
The Vampire can send his victim into an autistic state of confusion in which he must spend a point of Willpower to take any action. System: Roll Manipulation + Intimidation, difficulty of the victim's Perception + Self Control (Instincts).
1 success One turn.
2 successes One hour.
3 successes One night.
4 successes One week.
5 successes One month.
••••• Total Insanity
The Vampire can inflict five derangements on his victim causing him to completely lose his sanity. System: Roll Manipulation + Intimidation, difficulty of the victim's Willpower.
1 success One turn.
2 successes One night.
3 successes One week.
4 successes One month.
5 successes One year.
• Command
The Vampire can issue a single one word command describing a particular action that the subject can carry out immediately. System: Roll Manipulation + Intimidation, difficulty of the target's Willpower.
•• Mesmerize
The Vampire can implant suggestions with eye contact to be carried out precisely by the subject, adhering to the letter of the suggestion. System: Roll Manipulation + Leadership, difficulty of the target's Willpower. The victim cannot be made to do anything against his Nature.
••• The Forgetful Mind
The Vampire can remove, create or change the memories of his victim. Even so sometimes this power is incomplete and the memory returns on its own especially when confronted by physical evidence. System: Roll Wits + Subterfuge, difficulty is the Willpower of the target.
1 success Memory loss lasts a day.
2 successes May remove, but not alter memory.
3 successes May make slight alterations to memory
4 successes May alter or remove entire scene from subject's memory.
5 successes Whole periods of the subject's life can be reconstructed.
•••• Conditioning
The Vampire can condition a subject to be unable to resist his attempts at Dominate and to be more resistent to the Dominate attempts of other Vampires. Conditioning destroys some free will turning the subject into an automaton. System: Roll Charisma + Leadership, difficulty of the target's Willpower. The Vampire must accumulate from five to ten times the subject's Self Control in successes to complete the conditioning. Conditioning raises the attempts to Dominate of others by 2, to a maximum of 10.
••••• Possession
The Vampire can take complete control of another's mind and body by actually entering that persons mind with his own. System: Roll Charisma + Intimidation, difficulty 7. The victim rolls Willpower, difficulty 7. For each success over those of the victim the vampire has the victim loses one Willpower. Each success by the victim over those of the attacker provides an extra dice for the next resistance attempt. A botch by the attacker renders the victim permanently immune to all further Dominate attempts by the attacker.
• Dragon Eyes
The Sons of the Dragon operate mostly underground and in total darkness. Dragon Eyes allow the Vampire to see in total darkness. They also glow a sickly green or yellow regardless of the light. System: The change from normal vision to Dragon Eyes is automatic. To intimidate someone the Vampire must roll opposed Willpower scores, difficulty of 7. The Vampire must roll three or more successes beyond those of his opponent to completely terrify his victim. One or two successes simply frighten the victim and causes a +1 to combat and social difficulties against the Dragon Son. Failure frustrates the Dragon Son causing him to have a +1 to combat and social difficulties against his intended victim. A Botch causes a derangement and an immediate Frenzy check. This power can be used on any creature as long as the Vampire can see it. The Vampire does not have to be looking into the creatures eyes and can use this power even on spirits, creatures that have no eyes and by staring at the back of the victim's head.
•• Dragon Claws
By expending a blood point the Vampire causes large scaled claws to erupt from his hands. The scales reach up to the elbows and are useful for blocking melee attacks. System: Creating the claws costs one blood point. The claws do Str+3 damage in hand to hand combat while the scales add three dice to block maneuvers in Martial Arts. To retract the claws takes an entire turn but does not cost anything. Once retracted however the claws must be grown again at the cost of one blood point.
••• Dragon Skin
The skin of the Vampire grows scales all over his body with spikes along his spine and extremities. The color and texture are similar to the paper dragons seen in Chinese festivals but these scales are often as hard as steel and do not catch fire so easily. System: The scales provide six extra dice like armor to soak damage. Damage from fire and sunlight can be soaked and are considered to be non-aggravated as long as the Vampire is sheathed in Dragon Skin. The Vampire uses his full dice pool to soak damage from any source while using this power. The spikes can be used in combat to add one dice to block maneuvers or to do Str+1 damage to attackers. The Dragon Skin can be called upon at will but this takes a turn. While covered in scales the Vampire's Appearance drops to zero.
•••• Dragon Wings
Leathery flaps of skin sprout from the sides of the Vampires body extending from his arms to his thighs. These flaps must be unbound for the Vampire to garner their benefits. System: The Vampire with Dragon Wings can fly at three times his normal running speed. Dexterity + Athletics rolls can be made to extend this even further. When pursuing or being pursued by an opponent on the ground count each success as double to determine if the Vampire overcomes or escapes his opponent.
••••• Dragon Fire
The Vampire can open his mouth and spit fire at his opponents. The fire is mystical and damages opponents immune to natural flame. System: Roll Stamina + Survival difficulty 7 to hit an opponent using the complications and circumstances from the firearms chart. Base damage is equal to the dice value of the Vampire's Generation. A Thirteenth Generation Vampire would not cause any damage with this power unless he had more than one success on the strike roll while a Fourth Generation Vampire would cause a base damage of nine Health Levels.
The Vampire can soak Aggravated wounds with Fortitude. System: Each level of Fortitude allows the Vampire to roll one die to soak fire and sun damage. When soaking normal non-aggravated damage roll Stamina + Fortitude, difficulty 6.
• Inner Focus
The Vampire with this power can resist the urge to Frenzy when this would endanger the task at hand or cause him to lose honor. System: The Vampire spends two Blood Points and remains calm for the rest of the scene.
•• Focused Strike
By expending a blood point the Vampire causes Aggravted damage with his blows. System: Each Blood Point spent on this power adds two dice of Aggravated Damage to any hand to hand attack.
••• Honorable Elixir
The Vampire distils his blood into a potion that when taken causes the imbiber to behave in an honorable fashion towards him. System: The Vampire spends a point of Willpower to energize the blood. A single drop is all that is necessary and only if it is drunk will it be effective.
•••• Shield From Fire
The Vampire creates a red aura around himself that offers complete protection from fire. System: The Vampire spends one Blood Point per turn of invulnerability.
••••• Daimyo's Law
The Vampire can make another person pursue an obligation on his behalf. System: Roll Manipulation + Leadership, difficulty of the opponents Willpower. THe target may resist with a Willpower roll, difficulty 8 but at only half the dice pool if under the effects of an honorable elixir.
• Demon Eyes
The Vampire can use this power to see into the Umbra and the Shadowlands. There is no visible change in the Vampire but he is oblivious to his surroundings while looking into the spirit realms. System: The change from normal vision to Demon Eyes takes one turn and requires a Malediction roll, difficulty of the local Gauntlet or 7.
•• Demon Call
The Vampire with this power can summon and bind spirits of the Wyrm, Spectres and Demons. The spirits will come when the Vampire calls them but may be unable to manifest or otherwise be of use to the Vampire. System: The Vampire must roll Charisma + Occult to get a spirit to heed his call. To bind a spirit to do one service or to an object or place requires a Manipulation + Intimidation roll. Both rolls are made with a difficulty of the spirits Willpower and can be resisted by the spirit with an opposed roll. The difficulty for the spirit is the level of Malediction of the Vampire.
••• Demon Ward
The Vampire causes Delirium in mortals when displaying his Vampiric powers. He can also cause a lesser reaction in supernatural creatures with eye contact. But even the weakest supernatural creatures are not as impressed by this power as a mortal. System: Mortals who see the Vampire and realize what he is are affected by the Delirium according to the chart in the Werewolf rules book. When trying to affect a supernatural being the Vampire must enter a contest of Will. Roll opposing Willpower scores against a difficulty of 7. The Vampire must garner two or more successes more than his opponent to have any effect. For each success the Vampire achieved over his victim subtract the result from 11 until it is equal to the permanent Willpower score of the victim or higher and apply the result from the chart. While the result can be higher, and the effect thus less, than the Willpower of the victim would indicate on the chart if the victim were human, it cannot be less, and the effect cannot be for that reason any greater.
•••• Demon Rage
The Vampire can enter a state of Battle frenzy like the Garou in which he is immune to fear and pain and continues to regenerate even from Aggravated damage that cannot be soaked. System: The Vampire must have an action with which to activate Demon Rage and must have suffered damage just prior to the activation of this power. The Vampire gains all the usual benefits of Frenzy and suffers no penalties to dice pools from damage. This power can be activated even if the Vampire is incapacitated or in torpor as long as it is still the same turn as when he fell into torpor or was incapacitated. The Vampire rolls Malediction against a difficulty of 8. For each success one Health Level is instantly regenerated. If further damage is taken it cannot incapacitate the Vampire as he falls into frenzy and continues to regenerate one Health Level each turn. If the roll fails the Vampire cannot attempt it again during the scene and further more if the Vampire was incapacitated or in torpor when he attempted Demon Rage he suffers Final Death immediately.
If the Vampire was incapacitated when attempting Demon Rage, or if the total damage recieved while in frenzy would have taken the character below incapacitated, then the Vampire will suffer from a debilitating scar that cannot be regenerated. The recuperative powers of the undead were heightened to such a degree that some wounds healed too fast and in the wrong way. The Vampire loses one dot from either Strength, Dexterity, Stamina or Appearance. The player can decide which.
••••• Demon Portal
The Vampire can open a passage to the Umbra thereby gaining access to the spirits and passages therein. The Garou call it stepping sideways, the dragon sons call it following the twisting path. System: Just like the Garou the Vampire can step sideways into the Umbra. Also like the Garou the Vampire must gaze into a reflective surface to effect the passage. Roll Malediction vs. the local Gauntlet and consult the stepping sideways chart in the Werewolf rules book. The Vampire can dispense with the reflective surface but must make a Wits + Meditation roll, difficulty 9 and cannot gain more successes to step sideways with the Malediction roll than those gained on the meditation roll.
• The missing Voice
The Vampire can throw his voice causing it to emanate from some other location. The Vampire can also speak with his own mouth even while the voice is speaking in another location. System: Automatic, but the Vampire loses two dice from all dice pools while concentrating on this power.
•• Tourette's Voice
The Vampire can throw his voice to any location or target with which he is familiar. The Vampire will not hear his voice unless he is within earshot. System: The Vampire must spend one Willpower point and roll Wits + Linguistics, difficulty 7. Each success allows the Vampire to speak for one turn.
••• Toreador's Bane
The Vampire can entrance others with his voice. They will do nothing but sit still and listen as long as the Vampire continues to sing. System: Roll Charisma + Music, difficulty of the target's Willpower (-2 for a Toreador). To resist the target must make a Willpower roll, difficulty of the total number of successes of the attacker.
•••• Art's Traumatic Essence
The Vampire can drive one victim insane with his singing. This power can be combined with other levels of Melpominee. System: Roll Manipulation + Empathy, difficulty of the Willpower of the target. The Vampire must accumulate a number of successes equal to the terget's Self Control +5. Once this happens the target acquires a Derangement of the Storyteller's choice.
••••• Death of the Drum
The Vampire can cause damage with his voice. Mortals suffer ruptured eardrums, Vampires suffer greater damage as their organs rupture. System: Roll Manipulation + Intimidation, difficulty of the target's Stamina +3. Each success inflict one Health level of Aggravated damage that can be soaked at difficulty 7. Only one victim can be targeted at a time and only those within earshot can be targeted.
• Insight
The Vampire can look into the eyes of a corpse and see the last things those eyes beheld. System: Roll Perception + Occult, difficulty 8 (difficulty 10 if it is a Vampire).
1 success Sense how the subject died, or what caused it.
2 successes See what happened in the minutes before death.
3 successes See and hear what happened in the minutes before death.
4 successes See and hear what happened up to a half hour before death.
5 successes Completely understand what happened up to an hour before death.
•• Summon Spirit
The Vampire can summon a deceased spirit as long as he knows the name of the spirit or has some impression of him while he was alive, the spirit is of a dead mortal or extinguished Vampire, and the Vampire has an object or person with a personal connection to the spirit in life. System: Roll Perception + Occult, difficulty of the target's Willpower. Each success allows the Vampire to roll one dice to maintain contact. Roll to mainttain contact for each question asked.
••• Compel
The Vampire can command a summoned spirit. System: Roll Manipulation + Occult, difficulty of the target's Willpower. The number of successes indicates the degree of control.
Botch The spirit is enraged and attacks the summoner.
Failure The spirit is free to depart if it wishes. A hostile spirit may attack before departing.
1 success The spirit is compelled to remain and torefrain from attacking any creature without the summoner's permission.
2 successes The spirit is bound to remain peacfully and answer any questions truthfully.
3 successes The spirit is bound to remain peacfully and answer any questions truthfully and fully without leaving out any information.
4 successes The spirit is bound to remain and answer and perform any task the summoner demands. if unwilling it may do a bad job or twist commands.
5 successes The spirit is bound to obey both the letter and intent of the summoner's commands to the best of it's ability.
•••• Haunting
The Vampire can can keep a spirit from returning to the spirit world. System: Roll Manipulation + Occult, difficulty of the Willpower of the target or 4 if it is willing. The spirit remains for one day per success.
••••• Soul Stealing
The Vampire can summon the spirit from a living body. System: Roll Manipulation + Occult, difficulty of the target's Willpower. The victim can spend a point of Willpower to return to it's body.
• Eyes of the Abyss
The Vampire can produce a third eyelid of transparent membrane over his eyes. This nictating membrane corrects vision for underwater sight allowing the Vampire to see underwater as well as he can see on dry land. System: No roll is necessary. This power negates all penalties to perception rolls for being submerged in transparent liquids. When combined with powers that allow vision in darkness this permits the Vampire full vision even in the deepest depths of the sea. Otherwise water restricts vision by one half normal range for every one hundred feet of depth until nothing can be seen at 600 feet.
•• Lemurian Complexion
The Vampire excretes an oily sealant from his pores that covers his body protecting him from water damage and most other elements. System: No roll is necessary, it costs one blood point to cover the entire body in mucus. The mucus remains the entire night or until rubbed off with sand or salt. While covered in the mucus the Vampire does not get bloated due to immersion in water. All soak rolls against fire are at -1 difficulty due to the wet slime covering the Vampire. Additionally the Vampire gains two dice on all swimming and athletics rolls while underwater. Combat penalties for fighting underwater do not aplly to the Vampire as long as he is fighting with natural weaponry.
••• Walk the Abyss
The Vampire's body hardens to accomodate the extreme pressures of the ocean depths. There is no outward change but the weight of the Vampire increases to five times normal. System: No roll necessary. The Vampire can use Stamina to soak all forms of Aggravated Damage except fire and sunlight. All soak rolls including those against Aggravated damage but not against fire and sunlight are done at -2 difficulty on the soak roll.
•••• Errupting Pealeii
The Vampire extends long tentacles from his body, each of which is covered in hooked suckers that grab and rip flesh causing Aggravated damage. System: The Vampire rolls Manipulation + Athletics, difficulty 7. For each success a single tentacle sprouts from his back in an elliptical pattern from the small of the back up to the shoulder blades. Up to five tentacles on each side with the last tentacle ending in a pad for a total of ten tentacles maximum. The last tentacle erupts from the shoulder blade and does an extra die of damage. The other tentacles do Str damage and each tentacle adds one dice to the Brawl pool on divided pool actions.
••••• The Kraken
The Vampire can take the form of the dread Kraken. System: The Vampire spend three blood points and rolls Stamina + Survival difficulty 8 to transform. The transformation takes one turn but the Vampire is permitted one action for each success on the transformation roll beyond two as long as he sacrifices his first action to transform. The Kraken form has all the previous powers of Neptunous and others as well. For each level of Neptunous the Kraken form has an additional Bruised Health level above those of the Vampire. The Kraken form has +3 Strength, and +3 Stamina and an Appearance of 0. The Kraken form has ten tentacles which add eight dice to the Brawling dice pool when splitting the dice pool. The Kraken can see at double the normal vision range underwater and can hear faint noises up to five miles away. The Kraken can 'jet' through the water at blinding speeds, allowing it to avoid attackers without having to roll for evasion. The swimming speed of the Kraken is three times the walking speed of the vampire.
• Panacea
The Vampire can lick a persons wounds to heal them. System: For each Blood Point spent while licking the character heals one Health Level.
•• Anesthetic Touch
The Vampire can block all feeling and induce paralysis by touch. System: Roll resisted Willpower vs. targets Willpower. The number of successes determines the length of the paralysis.
1 success One turn.
2 successes two turns.
3 successes five turns.
4 successes One hour.
5 successes One day.
This power works on supernatural creatures with tangible bodies.
••• Neutral Gaurd
The Vampire can draw up a mental ward that impedes the access of others who wish him harms. System: Spend two Willpower points then roll resisted Willpower vs. Willpower. The intruder must score three more successes than the Vampire to come within ten feet. If the Vampire scores three more successes than the intruder the intruder is paralyzed for five turns.
•••• Treat the Sick Mind
This power uses the mystic abilities of the third eye to diagnose and treat derangements. System: Roll Preception + Empathy, difficuly 7, to diagnose a derangement. Roll Charisma + Medicine, difficulty target's Willpower +3, to cure a derangement. This power has a maximum range of five feet, and if the subject is moving the difficulties for both diagnosis and treatment increase by one.
••••• Unburdening the Bestial Soul
The Vampire can pull the soul of his target into himself. This power requires eye contact with the third eye. The soul remains inside the Vampire and can be released back into the target at any time. Until then the target's body remains a mindless husk following whatever simple orders given to it. System: Roll resisted WIllpower vs. Willpower, the Vampire must accumulate three successes more than the target. Once the soul has been taken the Vampire can spend Willpower to restore Humanity points up to the rating of the Vampire's Empathy or the original Humanity of the target, whichever is less. This power can only be used once on any given person.
• Cloak of Shadows
The Vampire can hide behind an object and remain unseen unless he moves, a light is shined in his direction, or someone moves to where the object is no longer between him and the observer. System: No roll is necessary.
•• Unseen Presence
You can move about without being seen unless someone is specifically looking for you. System: No roll is necessary unless the character speaks or engages in combat. A Wits + Stealth roll, difficulty of observer's Perception +3 is necessary to remain unseen while speaking.
••• Mask of the Thousand Faces
The Vampire can appear to be someone else entirely. System: Roll Manipulation + Acting, difficulty 7 to project the desired look.
•••• Vanish from Mind's Eye
The Vampire can vanish from plain view in front of large crowds. System: Roll Charisma + Stealth, difficulty is the Wits + Alertness of the target. If more successes are obtained than the Willpower of the target, he will forget the Vampire completely as long as the Vampires leaves immediately.
••••• Cloak the Gathering
The Vampire can extend his powers of Obfuscate to include others. System: The Vampire can conceal one additional person per point of Stealth possessed. The power used must be rolled as well and that result applies to all the targets in the gathering.
• Shadow Play
The Vampire can manipulate shadows, dampening light, shrouding areas. The Vampire can cloak himself, warp or erase his own shadow or make his silhoutte more intimidating. System: The Vampire spends one Blood Point to evoke the power. All Intimidation and Stealth rolls are at -1 difficulty. Ranged attacks are at +1 difficulty against the Vampire. Mortals must make a Courage roll or lose one die from their dice pools.
•• Nocturne
The Vampire can plunge an area into total darkness. System: The Vampire can automatically cloak an area 10 feet in diameter at a distance equal to his Perception + Occult times ten yards. Each success on a Manipulation + Occult roll, difficulty 7, doubles the diameter o the effect. All perception is muted and even victims who can see or sense in darkness have their dice pools reduced by three.
••• Arms of Ahriman
The Vampire can summon one or more ÒtentaclesÓ of solid darkness from a shadowy area. These tentacles may grasp, restrain or even constrict foes. System: The Vampire must roll Manipulation + Occult, difficulty 7. Each success summons one tentacle. Each tentacle is six feet long and has Strength and Dexterity scores equal to the Vampire's rating in Obtenebration. Blood points can be spent to raise each of these statistics (Strength, Dexterity and length). A tentacle does Str +1 crushing damage, has four health levels and takes damage from fire and sunlight.
•••• Nightshades
The Vampire may evoke shadowy illusions or a swirling area of dancing shadows. System: The Vampire rolls Wits + Occult, difficulty 7. Each success creates one nightshade or doubles the size of a previously evoked nightshade. Or the Vampire can blanket the entire area of the scene in flitting shadows. All those in the area who do not possess Obtenebration increase initiative difficulties by three and suffer a one die penalty to all dice pools.
••••• Tenebrous Form
The Vampire can turn his body into a slithering, undulating shadow. Vampires in this form are virtually invulnerable, may slither through the narrowest cracks, and may see in the deepest darkness. System: Three Blood points must be expended and the change takes three turns. The Vampire is immune to physical attack but may not physically attack others. Only fire and sunlight do damge to the Vampire and Rötschreck difficulties are one higher in this form.
The character's rating in Potence provides an equal amount of automatic successes on nearly any strength roll. In melee and brawl combat the automatic successes count towards damage.
• Awe
When the Vampire uses this power, everyone in the vicinity becomes intensely attracted to him. System: Roll Charisma + Acting, difficulty 7.
1 success One person.
2 successes Two people.
3 successes Six people.
4 successes 20 people.
5 successes Everyone in the immediate vicinity.
•• Dread Gaze
The Vampire can cause mortals to fear him with a look. System: Roll Charisma + Intimidation, difficulty of the target's Wits +3. Each success reduces the target's dice pool by one for the next turn. Three or more successes make the target flee in fear. A botch renders the target immune to further uses of Presence for the rest of the story.
••• Entrancement
The Vampire can convince another to serve his interests. The victim retains free will and will only heed his own desire to please the Vampire. System: Roll Appearance + Empathy, difficulty of the target's Willpower.
1 success One hour
2 successes One day
3 successes One week
4 successes One month
5 successes One year
There is no way to extend this period and the victim is likely to think ill of the Vampire once it wears off.
•••• Summon
The Vampire can call any person to come to him from any distance. System: Roll Charisma + Subterfuge, difficulty five for someone familiar, 7 for a stranger, 4 for an entranced subject, and 8 if the target has ever attempted to resist the Vampire's Presence attempts.
1 success Target comes hesitantly and slowly.
2 successes Target comes reluctantly and stops at obstacles.
3 successes Target comes at a reasonable speed.
4 successes Target comes with haste, overcoming any obstacles.
5 successes Target rushes to come, doing anything to arrive with all due speed.
Each summons lasts 24 hours.
••••• Majesty
The Vampire commands universal respect and awe unless others purposefully resist his Presence. System: The victim must roll Courage, difficulty of the Vampire's Charisma + Intimidation to attack or even be rude to the Vampire. Vampires can spend Willpower to overcome this even if the roll fails.
• Gleam of the Red Eyes
The Vampire can see perfectly in normal darkness. System: The change takes one turn. No roll is necessary.
•• Wolf Claws
The Vampire can grow inch long claws from his fingers. These claws cause Aggravated wounds. System: The claws grow in one full turn and cost one blood point each time they are grown. No roll is necessary.
••• Earth Meld
The Vampire become one with the ground. System: The Vampire sinks into the ground in one turn at the cost of one blood point.
•••• Shadow of the Beast
The Vampire can transform into either a wolf or a bat. System: The transformation takes three turns and costs one blood point, Or one turn and three blood points. No roll is necessary.
••••• Form of Mist
The Vampire can transform into mist. System: The transformation takes three turns and costs one blood point, Or one turn and three blood points. No roll is necessary. While in mist form the Vampire is immune to physical attacks and takes one less die of damage from sunlight.
• Silence of Death
The Vampire can create a zone of absolute silence. System: The Vampire spends a Blood point and creates a zone of complete silence 20 feet in radius around himself.
•• Weakness
By touch the Vampire can reduce the stamina of his victim for a time. System: The Vampire must touch his victim then roll Willpower, difficulty of the target's Stamina + Fortitude and spend one Blood point.
1 success One turn.
2 successes One hour.
3 successes One day.
4 successes One month.
5 successes Permanently, though Stamina can be bought back with experience.
Mortals reduced to zero stamina become sick and likely will die, Vampires go into Torpor.
••• Disease
By touch the Vampire can reduce all his victim's physical attributes by one. System: The Vampire must touch his victim then roll Willpower, difficulty of the target's Willpower and spend three Blood points. Same effects as above.
•••• Blood Agony
The Vampire can use his blood to cause aggravated damage with a weapon. System: Each blood point used in this fashion allows the weapon to hit once for Aggravated damage. The weapon must be large enough to be coated comepletely with the blood.
••••• Taste of Death
The Vampire can spit blood, causing Aggravatted damage. System: The attack has a range of 10 feet for every point of Strength and Potence of the Vampire. It does two dice of Aggravated damage for every Blood point expended.
• The Eyes of the Serpent
The Vampire's eyes are highly beguiling and will imobilize mortals who look into them. System: No roll is required if eye contact is made with a mortal. To affect supernatural creatures roll Willpower, difficulty 9. This power is broken if eye contact is broken.
•• The Tounge of the Serpent
The Vampire can sprout an 18 inch tounge that does Aggravated damage and can be used to drink blood. System: No roll is necessary. The tounge attack is difficulty 6 and does Strength Aggravated damage.
••• Mummify
The Vampire can mummify himself. In this state the only things that can harm him are sunlight and fire. The Vampire can only be revived from this state by the taste of blood. WHile in this form the Vampire can take no action and cannot use Disciplines. System: No roll is required to assume this form but the transformation takes one turn.
•••• Form of the Serpent
The Vampire transforms into a large black snake. System: No roll is necessary but the Vampire must spend a Blood Point and the transformation takes three turns. Hearing rolls are made at +2 difficulty while difficulties for smell are reduced by -2.
••••• Heart of Darkness
The Vampire can take his heart or anothers heart out. System: No roll is necessary unless the Vampire is removing the heart of another. The victim must be restrained or willing during the operation. While removing another's heart all onlookers must roll courage, including the victim, difficulty Variable.
• Hag's Wrinkles
The Vampire can expand or contract his skin. System: This power requires the expenditure of one Blood Point. This power reduces the difficulty of all rolls to alter the Vampire's appearance by one.
•• Putrefaction
This power allows the Vampire to induce decomposition in an opponent. System: The Vampire must spend a number of Blood Points equal to the desired effect and roll Dexterity + Occult, difficulty of the target's Stamina + Fortitude. For each success up to the number of Blood Points spent the Target loses one point of Appearance. While afflicted with Putrefaction all the target's Physical and Social rolls suffer a +1 to their difficulty.
••• Ashes to Ashes
The Vampire can transform into a heavy powdery substance which is immune to fire and sunlight. The ash is unnaffected by winds and heavy rains but can be separated by force. While in this form the Vampire can take no action. System: The Vampire must spend two Blood points to reform. If part of the ash has been separated then an equivelant amount of the Vampire's body will be missing.
•••• Withering
The Vampire can mummify the limbs and head of a target by touch. System: Roll Manipulation + Medicine, difficulty of the target's Willpower. The Vampire must score as many successes as the target's Stamina. A whithered limb is unusable. A whithered head will put a Vampire in Torpor. The effects of this power on a Vampire last for one night, on a mortal they are permanent and usually fatal.
••••• Infection
The Vampire can Ôfeed' blood into any Aggravated wound his target might have. System: Roll to attack normally then roll WIllpower, difficulty of the target's Stamina +3 and spend one Blood Point.
• A taste for Blood
The Vampire can distinguish how much blood a Vampire or mortal has left, how recently a Vampire has fed and the approximate generation of a Vampire by touching his blood. System: Roll Perception + Occult, difficulty 7.
•• Blood Rage
By touch the Vampire can force another to use his blood whether he wants to or not. System: Roll Dexterity + Subterfuge, difficulty of the target's Willpower. Each success forces the victim to expend one blood point as the Vampire sees fit. The victim suffers a penalty of +1 to resist frenzies for the rest of the scene.
••• Blood of Potency
The Vampire can increase the potency of his blood thereby lowering his effective generation. System: Roll Manipulation + Survival, difficulty 8. Successes must be spent both to lower generation and to define the duration of the power in hours.
•••• Theft of Vitae
The Vampire can draw blood into himself from a distance. System: Roll Intelligence + Medicine, difficulty 6 for an object holding blood, or the Willpower of the target. One success per blood point, the target must be clearly visible within 50 feet and the source of the attack is obvious.
••••• Cauldron of Blood
The Vampire can cause the blood of his target to boil causing injury and the loss of the blood. System: Roll Willpower, difficulty of the number of blood points to be boiled +4. The victim also takes one health level of damage for each point boiled.
• Sense Anima
The Sanjiyan who follow the way of the Warrior have developed their inner eye to sense the energy of others. This allows them also to feel the intentions others. When any creature wishes the Sanjiyan harm he will sense the intentions like a physical presence. System: The Sanjiyan can sense the presence of others within his vicinity and with concentration can pinpoint their locations. A Vampire with Obfuscate can be sensed just as easily as one without unless he can hide his Aura. In this case there is no way for the Sanjiyan to detect him. The Sanjiyan can choose to dodge any attack directed at him no matter from what direction or circumstances. The Sanjiyan spends an action as normal to dodge the attack. The Sanjiyan can use the Anima sense in combat to attack foes he would not otherwise be able to see. For each success on a Perception + Empathy roll, difficulty 8, the Player can counter one die of penalty
•• Soft Touch
This precise blow can paralyze an opponent by interrupting the flow of energy through the victim's limbs. The Sanjiyan must strike his opponent with his bare hand. System: The Vampire must roll Wits + Martial Arts, difficulty 6, the number of successes determines how long the paralysis lasts. Each success reduces the opponents dice pool by one. The paralysis lasts for an amount of time described in the chart below.
1 Success A single turn.
2 Successes An entire scene.
3 Successes One night.
4 Successes A week.
5 Successes An entire month.
••• Burning Touch
The Sanjiyan can cause grievous injuries to his opponent with the touch of his hands. System: The Sanjiyan must spend Blood to cause Aggravated damage. Each Blood Point spent causes one Health Level of Aggravated damage. These wounds are especially debilitating and cause a two dice penalty to dice pools. The wounds can only be soaked with Fortitude and no amount of armor or additional protections can be used to soak them. If the attack roll fails the blood is lost burning off into the air within moments. The Sanjiyan can only put as many Blood Points into this attack as he can spend in a turn, but these may be split into different attacks. For example if the Sanjiyan can spend three Blood Points per turn he could elect to spend them all in one attack, two on one attack and one in another or one Blood Point on three attacks.
•••• Warrior Spirit
With extreme confidence and utmost calm the warrior faces his opponent and attempts to stare him down. During this time the two opponents can attack each other and cast taunts. Successfully injuring an opponent can break his concentration reducing his chances of winning the contest of wills. System: The Vampire and his victim enter a contest of wills. Both of them must roll WIllpower, the target of this test is the Willpower of the opponent and is rolled at the beginning of each turn. Modifiers for wounds are also added to the roll. This is an extended roll and the first one to acquire three successes more than his opponent wins. If the Sanjiyan warrior wins then his opponent has lost his nerve and cannot fight or act effectively. Melee actions are reduced to one per turn and all dice pools are reduced to two dice or less. In addition the victim cannot spend Willpower for the rest of the scene. If the Sanjiyan loses he has his Permanent WIllpower reduced by one and his Path/Humanity rating reduced by three. Furthermore this is such a traumatic blow to the confidence of the warrior that he will never be able to employ this power against the one who bested him ever again.
••••• True Strike
The True Strike is a terrible blow that almost always hits and when it does causes terrible damage. System: The Sanjiyan Warrior must spend three blood points to use this power. His next strike will hit before his opponents and all successes to hit are added to the damage total. If this power is used at the begining of the turn then the Warrior automatically gains the inititaive. If this power is used during the middle of combat it can be used to interrupt an opponents attack by striking when it is the opponents turn to strike. This strike cannot be dodged but the damage can be soaked and a successful parry adds to the soak roll. If the attack misses the Warrior loses his next action and is at -3 difficulty to be struck until his next action.
• Changeling
The Vampire can alter his own appearance. System: Roll Intelligence + Body Alteration, difficulty 7 to change features. The difficutly is 10 to increase one's own appearance. Roll Intelligence + disguise to appear like someone else. Each feature changed requires the expenditure of one blood point.
•• Fleshcraft
By touch the Vampire can alter the flesh of others or his own. System: Roll Dexterity + Body Alteration, difficulty 7 to change features. The difficutly is 10 to increase one's own appearance. Roll Intelligence + disguise to appear like someone else. Each feature changed requires the expenditure of one blood point.
••• Bonecraft
The Vampire can shape the bones of his victim. System: Roll Strength + Body Alteration, difficulty 7. Each success can be used to cause damage at on die of damage per success. Each feature changed requires the expenditure of one blood point.
•••• Horrid Form
The Vampire can transform into a towering monster with seven fingered hands, spiny protrusions along the spine and a horribly disfigured head. System: The Vampire must spend two Blood points and the transformation takes one turn. Strength, Dexterity and Stamina are increased by three, while social attributes are reduced to zero. Damage from hand to hand attacks is Str +1.
••••• Inner Essence
The Vampire can become blood. System: Each leg and the chest become two Blood points, while the head, abdomen and arms each become one Blood point. The Vampire can reform at any time as long as the blood has not been ingested and he is in contact with the blood. Otherwise the extremity must be regenerated at a cost equal to the amount of blood used in the conversion.
Kindred who possess Zephyr are rarely seen and never heard. This is the discipline of unnatural lightness that allows a vampire to pass without making his presence felt. At high levels this discipline allows the kindred to become as light as air and even fly.
• Balance of the Cat
The Vampire is a creature of preternatural grace and unnatural agility. The Vampire with the Balance of the Cat can put the greatest gymnast to shame with his grace and control when doing feats of dexterity and acrobatics. System: For every two levels of Zephyr rounded