Real Name: Amtar Al'Raashid
Eruption: Exposure and Revelation
Nature: Judge
Allegiance: Islamic Fundamentalist
Concept: Black Dervish
When Novas first started to appear Amtar Al'Raashid was among the first to denounce them as agents of Shaitan that must be destroyed. He travelled throughout Saudi Arabia spreading this message. His habit of dressing in nomadic gear for his long treks across the dessert earned him the nickname of DourMa Dariish (Black Dervish) from the city folk. While traveling through the rural villages he heard a story about a nova in Jordan calling himself Al'Allah. Al'Raashid took it upon himself to confront the blasphemer, with Gods blessing he had nothing to fear from.
At the border of Jordan and Saudi Arabia he found a village overflowing with refugees. However they had no lack for food and water. Confronting Al'Allah was easy since he walked among the people every day. However as Amtar stood there accusing Al'Allah of blasphemy and being an agent of shaitan, Al'Allah calmly answered his accusations with a parable.
"God gives a horse the blessing of great speed. This pleases the horse's master because now he can use the horse to gain great wealth by racing him against the horses of the other Caliphs. But the master is greedy and races the horse every day to amass his fortune. Since the horse never loses he bets all that he has on each race and becomes an extremely wealthy Caliph. When the horse finally collapses in exhaustion the Caliph who was its master is left penniless and destitute. Then he realizes that he has misused the gift that God gave him.
"So is it with the nova. The Jibbah in the nova's forehead is a blessing from God, but it is also a shaitan that can tempt him into becoming greedy and arrogant. And just like the foolish Caliph if he uses it selfishly and incautiously he will be betrayed by it."
Amtar took in the words of Al'Allah and weighed their value. He compared them to the words of the prophet and found them to be a reaffirmation of what had been foretold. He searched his heart and found that he had been quick to judge and that his judgement was a challenge to God. If God had sent these shaitans to earth then it must be the will of God that they exist and that their coming had been foretold in the Quran. And it follows then that God would not let these shaitans reign unchallenged over the people of God for God himself said that while he would set trials and tribulations for men they would never be more than they could bear. That a righteous man could overcome these shaitans with the blessing of God was only right. Therefore the righteous man would have to first overcome the shaitan within him. As he realized this he erupted. His shame caused him to erupt into a monster. His faith made him erupt into one of the most powerful Novas on the planet.
When he finished his transformation he looked at Al'Allah and asked him who he was. Surely no man could have received the word of God because Mohammad (the most excellent prophet) was the last prophet and no others were to be so blessed after him.
"I am known here as Ahmed Abdul Aziz, my name is Al Fadee and God spoke to me over two thousand years ago when the blessed prophets were spreading the word of God to all peoples."
Amtar knew then that he would learn from this man and that he would take Gods words and spread them to the people as a messenger also. Along with Ahmed Abdullah (Shaitan), DourMa Dariish is one of the leaders of the Islamic Fundamentalist movement. His beliefs are very right wing which sits very well with Shaitan. When Al'Allah left the earth in 2007 he named Shaitan as keeper of the shaitans. DourMa Dariish has remained his second in command and the religious leader of the movement. Shaitan's responsibilities have made him a great leader but even he is not immune to the shaitan within him, so it is up to Al'Rashiid to remind him that he is a servant of God and not a god himself. This is the basis of his faith, the Quran confirms the oneness of God and further addresses the nova phenomenon by proclaiming God as the creator of entities. Novas are allowed to perform supernatural miracles but do not share God's divinity. All that has happened in the Nova age is foretold in the Quran as well as the end of the Nova age. And Al'Rashiid will be present to make sure that the words of the most excellent prophet recorded in the Quran serve as guide for the novas under his command.
Roleplaying Notes:
Amtar is a very religious man who will defend his beliefs against any opposition. He sees his current state as a test set before him by God and uses his powers in moderation lest he give in to the temptation of the shaitan within him. He hides his face behind a scarf because his beauty is something of a shame to him. He sees it as a temptation that must be avoided and further proof of his own arrogance. Whenever he does take off his scarf it is to use his Face of Terror enhancement.
In battle the Black Dervish uses his power over sand to create a devastating sandstorm that blocks all senses. Depending on the opponent he will either attack with his sword technique or simply allow the sandstorm to wear them down. While he has no remorse in dealing with enemies of the faith and other Novas, he is much more lenient with baselines, and unless they actively prove to be agents of evil he will let them live.
One of his most useful tactics is to use his Bodymorph to convert all his companions into sand and then use his Transmit power to arrive with a full strike force at almost any destination. He can use his bodymorph to transform every person and object within 50 meters. By 2010 Amtar will be a Quantum 6 nova. By 2018 his Quantum will be 7. Unless he does something to reduce his Taint by then, his fanaticism will take control of him and he will begin killing Novas for even the slightest wrongdoing.
Mega Attributes:
Mega Strength: 3 (Shockwave)
Mega Dexterity: 4 (Catfooted, Rapid Strike)
Mega Stamina: 5 (Adaptability, Hardbody, Resiliency, Regeneration, Toughness)
Mega Perception: 4 (Blind Fighting, Hyper Enhanced Hearing, Ultraperipheral Perception)
Mega Wits: 4 (Enhanced Initiative, Quickness x3)
Mega Appearance: 3 (Appearance Alteration, Face of Terror)
Mega Abilities:
Mega Melee: 4 (Phoenix Blow, Spin, Thrust)
Mega Stealth: 4 (Cold Touch, Scentless, Silentfall)
*Density Decrease nonstandard effect: Physical and energy attacks do half damage whereas his own attacks do full damage. This replaces the no damage from Physical attacks whereas his own attacks do no damage in the power description of Density Decrease.