Specialists Wizards of the Conjuration School dedicate their lives to the study and contact of creatures from other planes of existence. Elemental Summoners further specialize in contact with creatures from the Inner Planes, sometimes referred to as the Elemental Planes. The Planes of Air, Earth, Fire and Water are the cornerstones of the Summoner's power. The power to create gale force winds, to raise up earthen embankments, to raze fields with walls of flame or flood valleys is a terrible and overwhelming power. However there are more than just these four Elemental planes and Summoners have called upon Negative and Positive Elementals as well.
Though most people know these as Darkness and Light Elementals they are servants of the Summoners who conjured them and do not favor either good or evil. It is the nature of humans to ascribe human qualities to inhuman entities. In any case it is the Summoner who decides how the Elemental will act. Occasionally other Elements are summoned, but their limited scope and inability to do critical damage to an Elemental from one of the six greater Elemental planes, seriously limits their use.
An Elemental Summoner inscribes a Circle of Power on a flat surface and uses this circle to summon a specific Elemental creature that will become his or her guardian, companion and servant. This Elemental starts out small and weak but over time becomes strong and powerful. Unlike spells that summon creatures for a time and then must be sent back, this Conjuration remains as long as the Circle of Power is active. The Summoner can even Empower the Elemental with the circle to make it stronger, larger and more powerful. However the Summoner can only have one circle active at any one time though he can switch between several circles to develop many Elementals in order to have the right Elemental when the situation calls for it. Without this limitation the Summoner could fill the world with Elementals obedient to his will.
The Elementals summoned in this manner carry much of the elemental material of their home plane with them, but to remain on the Prime Material plane for extended amounts of time they undergo a process of naturalization, that infuses them with elements of the material plane. This process creates a bond between Summoner and Elemental that replaces the bond between the Elemental and it's home plane. This bond gives the Summoner an increased health and vigor represented by a higher hit die for hit points at each level than most other Arcane Spellcasters, better Saving Throws, Base Attack and a resistance to Elemental Attacks. It also creates an empathy between Summoner and Elemental which is not quite telepathy in which the Elemental will sometimes mirror the Summoner's personality and attitudes. This bond also means that the Elemental is not a pure representative of it's Element and in most cases has a body that is just as solid or weak as a living creature. The Elemental needs sustenance while on the Prime Material Plane according to it's nature. Air Elementals need air, Earth Elementals need earth, Fire Elementals need fire, Water Elementals need water, Positive Elementals need light and Negative Elementals need darkness. The amount of sustenance the Elemental requires is proportional to its size. The quantity is generally a volume equal to a quarter its size each day. Light and darkness consumed by Positive and Negative Elementals respectively becomes shadowy even in the absence of a light source. But the darkness or light returns rapidly. Usually no more than a few minutes. Other Elementals completely consume their food and unless its from a renewable source they must procure more to sustain themselves.
The Summoner protects and strengthens the Elemental while it is weak and then can use it to gain power and mastery over nations. Summoners also keep a variety of Elementals for various tasks, some smaller for companionship, other for unique skills they have learned and other because they can fashion fantastic creations composed of raw elemental material. Whatever the relationship between Summoner and Elemental the arrangement provides the Summoner with the limitless power of an elemental creature that he can use to further his own goals.
In combat the Elemental will certainly use it's own attacks to best advantage. Usually this means attacking with it's most damaging attack or rushing straight at the enemy where the Elemental can cause the most damage. It is not that Elementals are reckless, but they do not fear death since their destruction on battle is usually only a temporary setback for them. For this reason though most Summoners seek to direct their Elementals as close as possible to avoid either excessive damage to the surrounding landscape or reckless abandonment by the Elemental which could lead to it's destruction. Which is why many Elemental Summoner's will wear heavy armor plating to be as well protected from physical attacks that might be directed at them while they stand alarmingly close to the battle so as to be able to shout their orders to their Elemental. Some Summoners even go so far as to ride their Elementals into battle. They usually cannot cast spells to great effect, (at least not compared to the massive amounts of damage that an Elemental can deal) so there is no real incentive to wear lighter armor. And all Elemental Summoners are at least resistant to Elemental attacks so that they do not mind being caught in the area effect of a Fireball or Lightning Bolt. But if the Elemental cannot hear the Summoner it is likely to go off on it's own initiative, possibly falling into a trap or pursuing a weaker enemy while a greater threat keeps itself apart from the battle. Magical means of commanding the Elemental are a betrayal of trust at best and counterproductive besides. An Elemental will usually have a better Initiative than it's Summoner and having to delay it's action until the Summoner commands it will make it less effective in combat.
Hit Die: d8
To qualify to become an Elemental Summoner, the character must fulfill all the following criteria:
Base Attack Bonus: +2.
Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 6 Ranks, Knowledge (The Planes) 8 Ranks, Spellcraft 6 Ranks
Feats: Skill Focus (Knowledge/The Planes), Toughness.
Special: Specialist Wizard of the School of Conjuration, Summon Monster III spell. (Must have learned this spell and have inscribed it in his spellbook.)
Class Skills
The Elemental Summoner's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (All skills taken individually; Int), Knowledge (Arcana; Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Train Elemental (Cha).
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Features
Armor and Weapon Proficiency: The Elemental Summoner gains proficiency in Heavy Armor. Disdaining lighter armors, the Elemental Summoner will sometimes carry the heaviest and best made armor he can support. Otherwise the Elemental Summoner will forgo armor of any kind in order to cast spells without chance of Arcane failure. However sometimes an Elemental Summoner begins his career so early that his meager skill in spellcasting is insufficient to help him in the face of the raw elemental power of the beasts he must face.
This Armor Proficiency can be used as a Prerequisite wherever Heavy Armor Proficiency is required as a Prerequisite. However if Light and Medium Armor Proficiencies are also listed as a Prerequisite then the Elemental Summoner does not cover those requirements.
Spellcaster: The Elemental Summoner is a former Arcane Spellcaster and will sometimes make an effort to continue study of spellcasting. Whenever the Elemental Summoner gains an Elemental Training Feat he can instead choose to acquire one spellcaster level that is added to his Arcane Wizard levels for the purposes of determining Spells available each day and caster level.
Elemental Resistance: The Elemental Summoner gains a +4 Competence Bonus to Saves vs. all attacks, spells and special abilities that cause Elemental Damage. The Elemental Summoner also ignores the first 10 points of Elemental Damage he receives in a round. The Elemental Summoner can survive the native conditions of the Inner Planes for one hour.
Conjuration: The heart of the Elemental Summoner's skill is the ability to call upon Elemental creatures from the Inner planes to fight and toil on their behalf. These creatures are each individually summoned through a Circle of Power that is a permanent fixture of the Summoner's sanctum. A Summoner can only have one such circle active even though he can construct as many copies as he desires. However he is linked in power to the active circle and cannot use another unless that circle is allowed to fall inactive. While a Summoner can only summon one elemental creature at a time, most will develop a variety of elemental servants of different types and varying degrees of power. At the moment of conjuring the Summoner decides the Type, Elemental Subtype and initial Skills and Feats of the Elemental. After an Elemental is summoned it remains until the Summoner dispels it himself which can be done with a Free action or until it is destroyed by magic or combat damage.
It takes one hour per category to summon an Elemental. A Minor Conjuration would take one hour to perform the ritual, while a Supreme Conjuration would take six hours. If the Elemental is destroyed in combat or is dispelled by it's creator it can be resummoned without having to sacrifice experience and using material components equal to a mere ten percent of the original summoning or empowering cost. A Minor Conjuration would cost 100 gp to resummon while a Supreme Conjuration would cost 2,500 gp. An inactive Elemental must be resummoned before it can be Empowered. The Elemental is resummoned with full hit points and free of any ailments that might have affected it before, such as blindness, negative levels or ability score loss. While inactive an Elemental forms part of the Elemental material of it's home plane. So an Elemental Summoner who travels to the Inner Planes can only interact there with an active Elemental. An inactive Elemental can be summoned to an Inner Plane, but only from an adjacent plane. This means that the Summoner cannot take an Elemental into the Plane of it's opposing Element.
Minor Conjuration: The first step along the path to power is to summon a Tiny Elemental, though most Summoners rarely keep them at that stage for long. At this time the Summoner decides what Creature Type and what Elemental Subtype the creature has. The cheapest type of Conjuration to perform the material components cost only 1,000 gp. To summon the Elemental the Summoner must sacrifice 100 xp. A Minor Conjuration has 1d4 hit points per Hit die. A minor Conjuration is Tiny, about one to two feet tall. It's small size gives it a bonus of +2 to attack rolls and defense. A Minor Conjuration needs half as much experience to rise in level as a regular Elemental.
Lesser Conjuration: Once the summoner is powerful enough he will want to increase the power of his summoned creature. Once the Elemental has risen at least one level of experience it can be resummoned as a more powerful Conjuration. In addition to the Circle of Power originally used to summon the Elemental it requires material components with a value of 2,000 gp. To empower the Elemental the Summoner must sacrifice 500 xp. A Lesser Conjuration has 1d6 hit points per Hit die. The Conjuration grows in size, up to four feet tall. It's small size gives it a bonus of +1 to attack rolls and defense. A Lesser Conjuration only needs 80 percent of the experience a medium Elemental to rise in level.
Conjuration: After the Elemental rises in level again the Summoner can seek to increase it's power once more. Once the Elemental has risen at least one level of experience it can be resummoned as a more powerful Conjuration. In addition to the Circle of Power originally used to summon the Elemental it requires material components with a value of 5,000 gp. To empower the Elemental the Summoner must sacrifice 3,000 xp. A Conjuration has 1d8 hit points per Hit die. The Conjuration grows in size, up to eight feet tall. It's medium size gives it no bonus or penalty in combat. A Conjuration advances normally.
High Conjuration: After the Elemental rises in level again the Summoner can seek to increase it's power once more. Once the Elemental has risen at least one level of experience it can be resummoned as a more powerful Conjuration. In addition to the Circle of Power originally used to summon the Elemental it requires material components with a value of 20,000 gp. To empower the Elemental the Summoner must sacrifice 5,000 xp. A High Conjuration has 1d10 hit points per Hit die and gains two bonus hit dice with a corresponding +1 bonus to Base Attack. The High Conjuration grows in size, up to sixteen feet tall. It's large size gives it a penalty of -1 to attack rolls and defense. A High Conjuration requires 50% more experience to rise in level than normal.
Major Conjuration: After the Elemental rises in level again the Summoner can seek to increase it's power once more. Once the Elemental has risen at least one level of experience it can be resummoned as a more powerful Conjuration. In addition to the Circle of Power originally used to summon the Elemental it requires material components with a value of 50,000 gp. To empower the Elemental the Summoner must sacrifice 15,000 xp. A Major Conjuration has 1d12 hit points per Hit die and gains four bonus hit dice with a corresponding +3 bonus to Base Attack. The Major Conjuration grows in size, up to thirty-two feet tall. It's huge size gives it a penalty of -2 to attack rolls and defense. A High Conjuration requires twice as much experience to rise in level than normal.
Supreme Conjuration: After the Elemental rises in level again the Summoner can seek to increase it's power once more. Once the Elemental has risen at least one level of experience it can be resummoned as a more powerful Conjuration. In addition to the Circle of Power originally used to summon the Elemental it requires material components with a value of 100,000 gp. To empower the Elemental the Summoner must sacrifice 25,000 xp. A Supreme Conjuration has 2d8 hit points per Hit die and gains eight bonus hit dice with a corresponding +6 bonus to Base Attack. The Supreme Conjuration grows in size, up to sixty-four feet tall. It's gargantuan size gives it a penalty of -4 to attack rolls and defense. A Supreme Conjuration requires five times as much experience to rise in level than normal.
Elemental Training Feat: While each Elemental is a powerful creature of magic a Summoner will try his best to teach each Elemental a set of skills that will set it apart from other Elementals and hopefully give it an edge over other Elementals in combat. To teach an Elemental a skill or an Elemental Feat the Summoner must first have the skill of Feat himself. Though the Summoner cannot use them himself he does learn the techniques necessary to teach the Elemental Feats when he selects them. When the Summoner has selected the Elemental Feat and is ready to teach it he can begin. The teaching process takes one month to complete, minus one week for every point of Intelligence bonus. Add one week to this training time for each point of negative Intelligence penalty. The Summoner then makes a Train Elemental (Cha) Skill check. The difficulty varies with the skill and the Summoner must add the Intelligence bonus of the Elemental to his roll whether it is negative or positive. If successful the Elemental learns the skill or the Summoner must add a week to the training time and roll again. The Train Elemental Skill is used in place of the Handle Animal Skill in all situations where the Summoner checks to effectively train and care for the Elemental.
Elemental Immunity: The Elemental Summoner is Immune to all damage from Elemental attacks. The Elemental Summoner can also survive on any of the Inner Planes for an indefinite amount of time. The Summoner can eat any Elemental Material and receive nourishment as if eating or drinking food and water of equal volume. The Summoner can breathe Vacuum, drink Earth and eat Air. This ability extends to the Prime Material Plane and the Elemental Summoner will not die from starvation, thirst or asphyxiation no matter what the local conditions.
Table 1: The Elemental Summoner
Class | Base | Fort | Ref | Will |
Level | Att. | Save | Save | Save | Special |
1 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | Elemental Resistance, Minor Conjuration |
2 | +1 | +3 | +2 | +2 | Lesser Conjuration |
3 | +2 | +3 | +2 | +2 | Elemental Training Feat |
4 | +3 | +4 | +2 | +2 | Standard Conjuration |
5 | +3 | +4 | +3 | +3 | 2nd Elemental Training Feat |
6 | +4 | +5 | +3 | +3 | Elemental Immunity, High Conjuration |
7 | +5 | +5 | +4 | +4 | 3rd Elemental Training Feat |
8 | +6/+1 | +6 | +4 | +4 | Major Conjuration |
9 | +6/+1 | +6 | +4 | +4 | 4th Elemental Training Feat |
10 | +7/+2 | +7 | +5 | +5 | Supreme Conjuration |
The Elemental Summoner calls upon a variety of creatures and most choose to specialize in one type of creature, but the vast array of options ensures that no two Summoners will face each other with the exact same two creatures. Elemental creatures come in a bewildering array of sizes and shapes. The ability of an Elemental to ignore damage of it's own Elemental type also insure that Summoners will try their best to individualize them so that if they find themselves facing an Elemental of the same type they will still be able to fight effectively.
Creature Types
The Elemental creatures that the Summoner calls upon come in three basic body types that are used to describe the vast array of different creatures. Each type has a different set of advantages and learns a different set of skills. The Summoner can decide upon the appearance of the specific Elemental but this has no effect on the abilities of the Elemental unless specific Feats are taken to represent these changes from the base form of the Elemental.
Animal: Any Elemental that has the basic shape of an animal of any kind, size or shape can be considered an Animal Type Conjuration. Possessed of natural weaponry and large size Animal Type Elementals are excellent workers and fighters. Animal Type Elementals can carry and lift twice as much weight as other Elementals. Reduce Intelligence by two and raise Strength by one.
The Class Skills (and relevant ability for each Skill) of an Animal Type are Balance (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Wilderness Lore (Wis)
Beast: Neither quadruped, nor humanoid the Beast Creature Type encompasses all other Creature Types that cannot be classified as either Animal or Humanoid. This includes those that possess qualities of both Animal and Humanoid Types. Because Beast Types can be most anything the Summoner can imagine they have access to a large variety of skills and Feats. Reduce Charisma by two and raise Constitution by one.
The Class Skills (and relevant ability for each Skill) of a Beast Type are; Choose six Skills from the following list and these are the Beast's Class Skills: Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str)
Humanoid: The Humanoid shape gives the Elemental many advantages. Among them the ability to learn human speech and use tools meant for human use. Attributes remain unchanged.
The Class Skills (and relevant ability for each Skill) of a Humanoid Type are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Speak Language (NA)*, Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Wilderness Lore (Wis)
Skill Points at 1st level: (2 + Int modifier) X 4.
Skill Points at each additional level: 2 + Int modifier.
*All Elementals understand the language of their summoner, however the Humanoid Type Elemental can learn to use human speech to communicate.
Background Feats
These Feats are available only to Elementals of certain types. Furthermore they are meant to be taken when the Elemental is first summoned. However it is possible to take one of these Feats upon Empowerment at a new level by delaying the selection of a new Feat. In addition to the Feat the Elemental gains for first level it can also select one Feat from the following list. If it chooses the Elemental can also choose two Feats from this list by using it's 1st level Feat.
The Elemental has arms that enable it to grasp objects.
Prerequisite: Beast Type Elemental
Benefit: The Elemental can use Feats reserved for Humanoid Type Elementals that require the use of hands.
Armor Plates
The Elemental has natural armor.
Benefit: The Elemental gains a +2 Natural Armor bonus in addition to any other bonuses to Natural Armor it may have.
The Elemental has coils that it can use to crush its foes.
Prerequisites: Animal or Beast Type
Benefit: The Elemental gains a constriction attack that does triple its base damage to creatures its own size or smaller.
The Elemental gets along well with other creatures.
Prerequisites: Animal or Humanoid Type
Benefit: The Elemental does not suffer penalty to attitude checks for being alien in appearance. Also the Elemental gains the Sense Motive (Wis) Skill as a Class Skill.
Normal: Initial attitudes to monsters by NPC's are usually Unfriendly or Hostile.
Extra Arms
The Elemental has three to four arms.
Prerequisites: Humanoid Type or Arms Feat
Benefit: The Elemental has extra limbs with which to attack, hold objects or perform tasks.
Special: The Elemental is eligible for the Multidexterity and Multiweapon Fighting Feats. This Feat can be taken more than once. Each time it is taken provides one or two extra arms.
Extra Legs
The Elemental gains two more hind appendages.
Benefit: The Elemental gains +10 to it's Base Speed. Add one to the Running multiplier of the Elemental.
Special: By gaining this Feat a Humanoid Elemental can later take the Ride Feat. This Feat can be gained more than once. Each time its effects stack.
The Elemental has fins along it's body or tail if it has a tail.
Benefit: The Elemental uses it's Base Ground Speed as it's Swim Speed and gains a Ground Speed of 10. The Elemental also gains a +10 competence bonus to Swim checks.
Special: Water Elementals retain their Ground and Swimming speeds and instead gain a bonus of +10 to their Swimming Speed. Fire Elementals with this Feat can learn the Swim Skill as a Class Skill. Bonuses to land Speed such as the +10 for the Ride Feat become bonuses to Swim Speed.
The Elemental has wings that permit it to fly.
Benefit: Animal Type Elementals have a Base Flying Speed of 60 feet and Good Maneuverability. Beast and Humanoid Elementals have a Base Flying Speed of 50 and Average Maneuverability.
Multiple Attacks
The Elemental has multiple appendages which can be used to attack multiple opponents.
Prerequisites: Natural Attacks
Benefit: The Elemental gains two extra attacks that do damage equal to its Base Damage die.
Special: Without the Multi-attack Feat these attacks are at -5 to the attack roll.
Natural Attacks
The Elemental has claws, hooves, tusks, horns or fangs that permit it to do more damage with its unarmed attacks. Most Animal Type Elementals have Natural Attacks.
Benefit: Add one Base damage die to the Elementals damage per attack. Minor Conjurations do 1d4 damage per attack, Lesser Conjurations do 2d4 damage and so on up to Supreme Conjurations which do 4d6 damage per attack.
The Elemental is shaped for comfort and control.
Prerequisites: Animal or Beast Type, four or more legs
Benefit: The Elemental can be ridden by it's Summoner or by anyone the Summoner designates. Add 10 to the base land speed of the Elemental.
The Elemental can catch the odor of it's foes.
Prerequisites: Animal Type
Benefit: The Elemental gains the Scent ability from the Monster Manual (pg. 10)
Special: The Elemental can use this ability in place of the Track Feat.
The Elemental has a tail it can use in combat.
Benefit: The tail can be used to attack or trip opponents facing the rear of the Elemental. The tail does the base damage die of the Elemental.
The Elemental has tentacles that sprout from it's body.
Benefit: The Elemental has a base of 2 tentacles but it can trade each limb for one tentacle gaining up to 6 tentacles. The Elemental can attack with it's tentacles either to slam or grab. Damage is equal to the base damage of the Elemental without modifier for Strength.
Special: This Feat can be gained Multiple times. Each time it provides 2 more tentacles.
The Elemental can knock opponents to the ground.
Prerequisites: Four or more legs
Benefit: The Elemental can attempt an overrun attack on an opponent. If the opponent is knocked down the Elemental can make a single attack on the opponent using the damage of it's secondary attack.
Elemental Subtypes
There are six basic Elemental Subtypes, like Type Modifiers described in the Monster Manual these subtypes provide resistances and weaknesses to certain elemental attacks. In addition they provide certain other benefits and have access to Elemental specific Feats.
All Elementals share some basic qualities. They are immune to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. Also they are not subject to critical hits.
One quality shared by all Elementals is the ability to see through their own Element as easily as a living creature sees through air. They are not oblivious to their Element and can easily tell where a certain quantity is located. This ability to sense their Element and see through it allows an Elemental to tell if it's coming upon a different Element when travelling through its Element. Air Elementals can easily pick out a bird that has flown into a cloud. Earth Elementals can tell where deposits of minerals are in the ground. Fire Elementals have no trouble navigating through burning buildings and Water Elementals can see objects on the Ocean floor where no light penetrates even though they cannot see in a darkened room. Postive Elementals see through light, while Negative Elementals see through darkness. A Positive Elemental is never blinded by intense light and a Negative Elemental is never blinded by total darkness. Shadowed conditions affect both types of Elemental though Negative Elementals are more affected by tenous shadows than by dark shadows.
Air: An Air Elemental is immune to Air damage. It takes double damage from Earth attacks unless a saving throw for half damage is allowed, in which case it takes half damage on a success and double damage on a failure.
Air Elementals have a base Movement rate of 100 feet.
An Air Elemental gains the Fly Feat for free.
The Base Characteristics of an Air Elemental are: Strength 10, Dexterity 17, Constitution 10, Intelligence 4, Wisdom 11, Charisma 11. Each time the Elemental is Empowered it gains 2 Strength, 3 Dexterity, 2 Constitution and 2 Intelligence. This is in addition to the Ability Bonus Increases it acquires for level.
Air Elementals have a Natural Armor Bonus of +4. This increases by +1 for every Category after Minor.
Air Elementals also gain a +1 Competence Bonus against foes that are airborne.
Fire: A Fire Elemental is immune to Fire damage. It takes double damage from Water attacks unless a saving throw for half damage is allowed, in which case it takes half damage on a success and double damage on a failure.
Fire Elementals have a base Movement rate of 50 feet.
A Fire Elemental gains the Burn Feat for free. Fire Elementals cannot learn the Swim skill.
The Base Characteristics of a Fire Elemental are: Strength 12, Dexterity 13, Constitution 10, Intelligence 6, Wisdom 11, Charisma 11. Each time the Elemental is Empowered it gains 2 Strength, 3 Dexterity, 2 Constitution and 2 Intelligence. This is in addition to the Ability Bonus Increases it acquires for level.
Fire Elementals have a Natural Armor Bonus of +4. This increases by +1 for every Category after Minor.
Fire Elementals also gain a +1 Competence Bonus against foes that are engulfed in flame.
Earth: An Earth Elemental is immune to Earth damage. It takes double damage from Air attacks unless a saving throw for half damage is allowed, in which case it takes half damage on a success and double damage on a failure.
Earth Elementals have a base Movement rate of 20 feet.
An Earth Elemental Gains the Push Feat for free.
The Base Characteristics of an Earth Elemental are: Strength 17, Dexterity 8, Constitution 13, Intelligence 4, Wisdom 11, Charisma 11. Each time the Elemental is Empowered it gains 4 Strength, 1 Dexterity, 3 Constitution and 1 Intelligence. This is in addition to the Ability Bonus Increases it acquires for level.
Earth Elementals have a Natural Armor Bonus of +6. This increases by +1 for every Category after Minor.
Earth Elementals also gain a +1 Competence Bonus against foes touching the ground.
Water: A Water Elemental is immune to Water damage. It takes double damage from Fire attacks unless a saving throw for half damage is allowed, in which case it takes half damage on a success and double damage on a failure.
Water Elementals have a base Movement rate of 20 feet and a Swimming Speed equal to ten times their Dexterity score.
A Water Elemental gains the Slip Feat for free.
The Base Characteristics of a Water Elemental are: Strength 14, Dexterity 10, Constitution 13, Intelligence 4, Wisdom 11, Charisma 11. Each time the Elemental is Empowered it gains 2 Strength, 2 Dexterity, 3 Constitution and 2 Intelligence. This is in addition to the Ability Bonus Increases it acquires for level.
Water Elementals have a Natural Armor Bonus of +5. This increases by +1 for every Category after Minor.
Water Elementals also gain a +1 Competence Bonus against foes in the water.
Positive: A Positive Elemental is immune to Positive damage. It takes double damage from Negative attacks unless a saving throw for half damage is allowed, in which case it takes half damage on a success and double damage on a failure.
Positive Elementals have a base Movement rate of 50 feet.
A Positive Elemental gains the Cure Feat for free.
The Base Characteristics of a Positive Elemental are: Strength 12, Dexterity 13, Constitution 10, Intelligence 6, Wisdom 9, Charisma 13. Each time the Elemental is Empowered it gains 2 Strength, 3 Dexterity, 2 Constitution and 2 Intelligence. This is in addition to the Ability Bonus Increases it acquires for level.
Positive Elementals have a Natural Armor Bonus of +4. This increases by +1 for every Category after Minor.
Positive Elementals also gain a +1 Competence Bonus against foes that are in the light.
Negative: A Negative Elemental is immune to Negative damage. It takes double damage from Positive attacks unless a saving throw for half damage is allowed, in which case it takes half damage on a success and double damage on a failure. Negative Elementals take damage from healing spells such as Cure Light Wounds but are healed damage from Inflict Spells. Negative Elementals are the only ones affected in this way.
Negative Elementals have a base Movement rate of 20 feet.
A Negative Elemental gains the Harm Feat for free.
The Base Characteristics of a Negative Elemental are: Strength 13, Dexterity 10, Constitution 14, Intelligence 4, Wisdom 13, Charisma 9. Each time the Elemental is Empowered it gains 2 Strength, 2 Dexterity, 3 Constitution and 2 Intelligence. This is in addition to the Ability Bonus Increases it acquires for level.
Negative Elementals have a Natural Armor Bonus of +4. This increases by +1 for every Category after Minor.
Negative Elementals also gain a +1 Competence Bonus against foes in darkness but not against foes in areas that are merely shadowed.
Elemental Feats
Whenever an Elemental rises to a level where it could learn an Elemental Feat it chooses one from among the following Feats. Also, bonus Feats gained through advancement must be chosen from this list or from the Elemental Training Feats.
The Elemental hardens it's outer surface.
Prerequisites: Earth Elemental, Spikes
Benefit: The Elemental lowers it's Dexterity by 4 and raises it's Natural Armor Bonus by 4. The Elemental also Reduces its Movement Rate by half. The Elemental can use this ability at will. This is a Full round action.
Special: If the Elemental is wearing any external armor this armor is destroyed as the Elemental hardens and expands it's entire body.
The Elemental can cause continuous damage and ignite fragile objects.
Prerequisites: Fire or Positive Elemental
Benefit: The Elemental is surrounded by a corona that adds 1d6 elemental fire damage to it's natural attacks.
As a Standard Action the Elemental can touch an opponent or object and inflict 1d6 Elemental damage that continues doing 1d4 damage each following round for as many rounds as the result of the 1d6 roll for initial damage. For example: The Elemental rolls 5 damage on the initial attack. On each of the five subsequent rounds the target takes 1d4 damage.
The touch of the Elemental can heal the wounds of other creatures.
Prerequisites: Positive or Water Elemental
Benefit: The touch of the Elemental cures 1d8 + 1 hp per level of damage. This is a full round action. This requires a Touch Attack on an unwilling target.
Cure Disease
The touch of the Elemental can cure the diseases of other creatures.
Prerequisites: Positive Elemental, Cure
Benefit: The touch of the Elemental cures a diseased creature. This is a full round action. This requires a Touch Attack on an unwilling target.
Elemental Blast
The Elemental discharges a blast of the appropriate element.
Prerequisites: Elemental Missile, Elemental Projection, Appropriate Elemental Subtype.
Air: Hurricane
Fire: Firestorm
Earth: Earthquake
Water: Flash Flood
Benefit: An Elemental Blast Attack covers an area of 30 feet radius plus 5 feet per level of the Elemental centered on the Elemental. This Attack does 1d8 damage per level of the Elemental of the appropriate type plus the Intelligence modifier of the Elemental per die, (An 8th level Elemental with Intelligence 16 would do 8d8+24 hp damage with this attack.) to any creature within this area.
The Elemental can cover an area in utter darkness.
Prerequisites: Negative Elemental
Benefit: As a Free Action the Elemental can cover an area equal to 20 ft. + 5 ft. per level in darkness. Creatures that cannot see in total darkness are blinded within this area.
Special: Negative Elementals do not need light to see, though they can be blinded by bright light.
Elemental Missile
The Elemental discharges a projectile of the appropriate element.
Prerequisites: Appropriate Elemental Subtype.
Air: Gust
Fire: Fire Arrow
Earth: Boulder
Water: Spit
Benefit: An Elemental Missile causes 1d4 hp of damage per three levels of the Elemental to one target. This attack has a Range Increment of 60 feet. The Elemental rolls a Ranged Attack modified by Dexterity and any other situational modifiers that might apply to the ranged attack including cover and concealment. If the attack hits it does damage plus the Intelligence modifier of the Elemental per die. (An 8th level Elemental with Intelligence 12 would do 2d4+2 hp damage with this attack.)
Elemental Projection
The Elemental discharges a stream of the appropriate element.
Prerequisites: Elemental Missile, Appropriate Elemental Subtype.
Air: Tornado
Fire: Gout
Earth: Eruption
Water: Stream
Benefit: An Elemental Projection Attack that extends a base of 30 feet from the Elemental. This attack extends a further five feet for each level of the Elemental. This attack covers an area of five feet in front of the elemental up to the maximum extension of the attack. This Attack does 1d6 damage per two levels of the Elemental of the appropriate type plus the Intelligence modifier of the Elemental per die, (An 8th level Elemental with Intelligence 14 would do 4d6+8 hp damage with this attack.) to any creature within this area.
Energy Drain
The Elemental can drain the energy from a creature.
Prerequisites: Negative Elemental, Harm, Leech, Wither
Benefit: The Elemental can inflict 1 Negative level for every three levels of the Elemental. This is a Touch Attack as a Standard Action and the Elemental can do it once per round. The target can resist the drain by rolling a saving throw with a difficulty equal to (10 + 1/2 the Elemental's level + Int Modifier). If the save is successful the creature cannot be drained and is immune to all further Energy Drain attacks for that encounter. Negative levels return at a rate of one per day.
The Elemental can wrap it's opponents in a column of Fire.
Prerequisites: Fire Elemental
Benefit: Depending on its size the Elemental can form itself into a column of increasingly destructive power. Creatures smaller than the Elemental must make a Reflex save or be drawn into the column taking damage each round. A creature caught in the column can attempt to free itself but must succeed at a Reflex save with a difficulty equal to the Save DC of the column plus the Dexterity Modifier of the Elemental.
Fire Elemental | | Column |
Size | Save DC | Damage | Height |
Tiny | 11 | 1d4 | 10-20 ft. |
Small | 13 | 1d6 | 10-30 ft. |
Medium | 16 | 2d6 | 10-40 ft. |
Large | 22 | 2d8 | 10-50 ft. |
Huge | 25 | 3d6 | 10-60 ft. |
Gargantuan | 27 | 4d6 | 10-70 ft. |
The Elemental can transform into a Column once every ten minutes and can remain in column form for one minute per two levels.
The Elemental can transform itself into a sinkhole.
Prerequisites: Earth Elemental
Benefit: Depending on its size the Elemental can form itself into a sinkhole of increasingly destructive power. Creatures smaller than the Elemental must make a Reflex save or fall into the sinkhole taking damage each round. A creature caught in the sinkhole can attempt to free themselves but must succeed at a Climb Check with a difficulty equal to the Save DC of the sinkhole plus the Strength Modifier of the Elemental.
Earth Elemental | | Sinkhole |
Size | Save DC | Damage | Depth |
Tiny | 13 | 1d4 | 10-20 ft. |
Small | 16 | 1d6 | 10-30 ft. |
Medium | 19 | 2d6 | 10-40 ft. |
Large | 25 | 2d8 | 10-50 ft. |
Huge | 27 | 3d6 | 10-60 ft. |
Gargantuan | 29 | 4d6 | 10-70 ft. |
The Elemental can transform into a Sinkhole once every ten minutes and can remain in sinkhole form for one minute per two levels.
Calling upon it's link to the Elemental Plane of it's origin the Elemental can grow up to twice it's own size.
Prerequisites: Air, Earth, Fire or Water Elemental
Benefit: The Elemental gains a bonus of +8 to Strength, a bonus of +4 to Constitution, a bonus of +2 to Natural Armor and a penalty of -2 to Dexterity. The Elemental also gains one base damage die to it's damage per attack.
This is a Full Round action that the Elemental can perform once every ten minutes and maintain for one minute per two levels.
Special: The Elemental uses the AC/Attack modifier of it's new size.
The Elemental can Fly.
Prerequisites: Air, Fire or Positive Elemental
Benefit: The Elemental has a Flying speed equal to ten times its Dexterity Score and Perfect Maneuverability.
The touch of the Elemental can cause grievous injury.
Prerequisites: Fire or Negative Elemental
Benefit: The touch of the Elemental causes 1d8 + 1 hp per level damage as a standard action. This requires a Touch Attack.
The touch of the Elemental restores vigor to the target.
Prerequisite: Positive Elemental, Cure
Benefit: With it's touch the Elemental can restore Ability Scores that have been lost to attack, disease or age. The Elemental can restore 1 point per three levels, plus it's Charisma modifier. The Elemental can use this Ability once on a person or creature each time it suffers loss of an Ability score. This ability cannot be used again on a person until he suffers further ability loss.
Special: This Ability can restore damage from disease and poison, but does not cure the disease or poison. Also though a person can regain Ability score losses due to age it does not restore the creature to it's previous age. The creature will still die at the end of it's allotted time.
Improved Initiative
The Elemental can react more quickly than normal in a fight.
Prerequisites: Air, Fire or Positive Elemental
Benefit: The Elemental gets a +4 bonus initiative checks.
Inflict Disease
The Elemental can inflict a virulent disease in it's victim with it's touch.
Prerequisites: Negative Elemental, Harm
Benefit: The Elemental can inflict a withering disease that weakens it's victim day by day. This is a Touch Attack that takes a full round action. The Difficulty check for resisting the disease is 10 + half the Elemental's level + it's Intelligence modifier. The disease takes one day to incubate and then causes 1d6 Constitution damage. During the incubation period the victim is at -1 to attack and damage rolls. It lasts a number of days equal to (1 + Int modifier) of the Elemental. If this is 0 or less the disease is too weak to cause damage but still causes a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls for one day during the normal incubation period. If this is 1 or more the disease causes damage on each day until it runs it's course or is cured.
Special: This disease can only be cured by magic. Uses of the Herbalism or Heal Skills do not affect it.
The Elemental can weaken it's foes
Prerequisites: Negative Elemental, Harm, Wither
Benefit: The Elemental can inflict Ability Score Loss on an opponent with a Touch Attack. The target loses 1d4 points of the targeted ability for each attack. These points return at the rate of one per day of bed rest. The victim can avoid this damage with a successful Fortitude save with a DC of 10 + Elemental's level + Charisma Modifier.
Special: A creature drained to 0 Constitution dies. All other ability score losses leave the creature in a helpless state upon reaching 0.
The Elemental can fill an area with radiance.
Prerequisites: Fire or Positive Elemental
Benefit: As a Free Action the Elemental can illuminate an area equal to 20 ft. + 5 ft. per level. Within this area Undead suffer a -2 Circumstance penalty to Attack and Saving Throw rolls.
The Elemental can push it's opponent back through sheer force.
Prerequisites: Earth Elemental
Benefit: The Elemental does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity when performing a Bull Rush Maneuver. Also the Elemental gains a +2 Synergy bonus to Break Checks.
Special: The Elemental can dig through earth and stone at a speed of 20 ft. It doesn't leave a tunnel behind it and the material gets pushed around. If the Elemental wishes to provide a tunnel or other earthen construction it can move one 5x5x5 cube of earth each round.
The Elemental can put out fires and stop sources of continuous damage.
Prerequisites: Air, Earth, Water or Negative Elemental
Benefit: With a Move Equivalent action the Elemental can extinguish light sources, put out fires that do not exceed an area equal to twice the height of the Elemental and wash out acids, poisons or other elements which cause damage over a number of rounds.
The Elemental can cause a creature to regrow lost or crippled appendages.
Prerequisites: Positive Elemental, Cure
Benefit: As a full round action the Elemental can restore the use of damaged or missing limbs and appendages by touch.
The Elemental can restore Negative Levels with its touch.
Prerequisites: Positive Elemental, Cure, Heal, Regenerate
Benefit: The Elemental can restore 1 Negative level for every three levels of the Elemental. Once it has restored a creature it cannot do so again until the creature suffers more negative levels.
The Elemental can bring Prime Material creatures back to life.
Prerequisites: Positive Elemental, Cure, Cure Disease, Heal, Regenerate, Restore
Benefit: As a Full round action the Elemental can touch a creature that has not been dead for more than 5 minutes per level of the Elemental and bring it to 0 hit points. The Creature can then be stabilized or healed.
The Elemental can kill with a touch.
Prerequisites: Negative Elemental, Energy Drain, Harm, Inflict Disease, Leech, Wither
Benefit: With a Touch Attack the Elemental can slay a living being. This Attack takes a full round action and can be resisted with a Will save equal to 15 plus the Elemental's Int modifier.
The Elemental can move through it's own element.
Prerequisites: Earth, Water or Negative Elemental.
Benefit: Earth Elementals Burrow through the ground at a Base Speed of 50 feet. Water Elementals move through water at a Base Speed of 90 feet. Negative Elementals move through shadow at a Base Speed of 50. The Elemental is considered Incorporeal while travelling in this manner. An Earth Elemental can choose to leave a tunnel behind it.
The Elemental produces thorny projections along it's body.
Prerequisites: Earth Elemental
Benefit: The Elemental's natural attacks gain an extra 1d6 in damage.
The Elemental can transform itself into a whirlpool.
Prerequisites: Water Elemental
Benefit: Depending on its size the Elemental can form itself into a whirlpool of increasingly destructive power. Creatures smaller than the Elemental must make a Reflex save or be drawn into the whirlpool taking damage each round. A creature caught in the whirlpool can attempt to free themselves but must succeed at a Swim Check with a difficulty equal to the Save DC of the whirlpool plus the Strength Modifier of the Elemental.
Water Elemental | | Vortex |
Size | Save DC | Damage | Depth |
Tiny | 13 | 1d4 | 10-20 ft. |
Small | 16 | 1d6 | 10-30 ft. |
Medium | 19 | 2d6 | 10-40 ft. |
Large | 25 | 2d8 | 10-50 ft. |
Huge | 27 | 3d6 | 10-60 ft. |
Gargantuan | 29 | 4d6 | 10-70 ft. |
The Elemental can transform into a Vortex once every ten minutes and can remain in whirlpool form for one minute per two levels.
The Elemental can transform itself into a whirlwind.
Prerequisites: Air Elemental
Benefit: Depending on its size the Elemental can form itself into a whirlwind of increasing destructive power. Creatures smaller than the Elemental must make a Reflex save or be drawn into the whirlwind taking damage each round. A creature caught in the whirlwind can attempt to free themselves but must succeed at a Strength Check with a difficulty equal to the Save DC of the whirlwind plus the Strength Modifier of the Elemental.
Air Elemental | | Whirlwind |
Size | Save DC | Damage | Height |
Tiny | 11 | 1d4 | 10-20 ft. |
Small | 13 | 1d6 | 10-30 ft. |
Medium | 16 | 2d6 | 10-40 ft. |
Large | 22 | 2d8 | 10-50 ft. |
Huge | 25 | 3d6 | 10-60 ft. |
Gargantuan | 27 | 4d6 | 10-70 ft. |
The Elemental can transform into a Whirlwind once every ten minutes and can remain in whirlpool form for one minute per two levels.
The Elemental can cause appendages to wither.
Prerequisites: Negative Elemental, Harm
Benefit: As a Full Round Action the Elemental can cause limbs and appendages to wither, crippling it. This is a Touch Attack that requires a Full Round Action.
Elemental Advancement
To acquire new powers and grow an Elemental needs experience. However Elementals are prosaic creatures and do not gain experience from adventures and interacting with others. To gain experience an Elemental has to fight, work and train. Fights are straightforward. When fighting an Elemental gains experience based on the Challenge rating of the encounter. While working an Elemental gains experience based on the difficulty of the task. If the difficulty is 5 or less higher than the skill or ability check of the Elemental the Elemental gains experience as for an encounter with a Challenge Rating of half the CR of the Elemental. If the difficulty is 10 or less higher than the skill or ability check of the Elemental the Elemental gains experience as for an encounter with a Challenge Rating equal to the CR of the Elemental. If the difficulty is 15 or less higher than the skill or ability check of the Elemental the Elemental gains experience as for an encounter with a Challenge Rating one higher than the CR of the Elemental. If the difficulty is 20 or less higher than the skill or ability check of the Elemental the Elemental gains experience as for an encounter with a Challenge Rating equal to the CR of the Elemental plus two. With Training the Elemental can be encouraged to learn more, faster. After each encounter or task the Summoner can make a Train Elemental Skill Check, difficulty 17, to increase the amount of experience acquired by the Elemental. On a successful check the Elemental gains 10% more experience than normal.
When a Summoner Empowers an Elemental to raise it's category the Elemental retains its previous experience but does not go down in level. For example: A 3rd level minor Conjuration with 1,800 xp is empowered to become a Lesser Conjuration. It remains at level 3 even though it would need an additional 600 xp as a Lesser Conjuration to be considered level 3. It still needs 4,800 xp to achieve 4th level which is 1,800 more than it would have needed as a Minor Conjuration. Before an Elemental can be Empowered it must rise at least one level from the last time it was empowered. For example: If the Third level Lesser Conjuration in the previous example were to acquire 1,000 xp it could not be empowered yet because it is 800 xp short of 4th level. Once it had risen to level 4 as a Lesser Conjuration it could be empowered as a full Conjuration which is the basic type. Then it would have to rise to level 5 as a Conjuration before it could be made into a High Conjuration. When the type of Hit Die increases due to Empowerment the Elemental gains the difference for all the previous levels. This is usually 2 hit points per hit die. (Example: A third level Lesser Conjuration with 14 Constitution is Empowered to become a Conjuration. A Conjuration uses d8 for hit points while a Lesser Conjuration uses d6. Upon Empowerment the Elemental gains 6 hit points immediately.) Since this gain is retroactive it means that the longer the Summoner delays Empowering the Elemental, the more hit points it will gain with Empowerment. Elementals also gain Skill points retroactively upon Empowerment. An Elemental with Int 8 that gains Int 10 upon Empowerment gains 4 Skill points plus one per each additional level, immediately upon Empowering. But for the most part an Elemental will have the minimum Skill points for it's level due to low Intelligence and a slow rate of advancement.
Elementals can have Cross Class Skills unless these are forbidden, such as in the case of the Fire Elemental and Swim. They can also choose Feats from the General Category of Feats (pg. 77, Player's Handbook) but these take the place of their Feat Selections for level. Bonus Feats however can only be taken from the Elemental Feats list or the Elemental Training Feats list. Like a character Elementals gain Feats every third level and first, and an Ability increase every fourth level.
Table 2: Elemental Experience Chart
| Creature | Minor | Lesser | | High | Major | Supreme |
| Level | Conjuration | Conjuration | Conjuration | Conjuration | Conjuration | Conjuration |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 2 | 500 | 800 | 1,000 | 1,500 | 2,000 | 5,000 |
| 3 | 1,500 | 2,400 | 3,000 | 4,500 | 6,000 | 15,000 |
| 4 | 3,000 | 4,800 | 6,000 | 9,000 | 18,000 | 30,000 |
| 5 | 5,000 | 8,000 | 10,000 | 15,000 | 20,000 | 50,000 |
| 6 | 7,500 | 12,000 | 15,000 | 22,500 | 30,000 | 75,000 |
| 7 | 10,500 | 17,800 | 21,000 | 30,500 | 42,000 | 105,000 |
| 8 | 14,000 | 22,400 | 28,000 | 42,000 | 56,000 | 140,000 |
| 9 | 18,000 | 28,800 | 36,000 | 54,000 | 72,000 | 180,000 |
| 10 | 22,500 | 36,000 | 45,000 | 67,500 | 90,000 | 225,000 |
Table 2-2: Elemental Advancement Chart: Air/Fire
| Creature | Base | Fort | Ref | Will |
| Level | Att. | Save | Save | Save | Special |
| 1 | +0 | +0 | +2 | +0 | Bonus Feat, Elemental Subtype |
| 2 | +1 | +1 | +2 | +1 | Bonus Ability Increase |
| 3 | +2 | +1 | +3 | +1 |
| 4 | +3 | +1 | +3 | +1 | |
| 5 | +3 | +2 | +4 | +2 | Bonus Feat |
| 6 | +4 | +2 | +4 | +2 | |
| 7 | +5 | +2 | +5 | +2 | Bonus Ability Increase |
| 8 | +6/+1 | +3 | +5 | +3 | |
| 9 | +6/+1 | +3 | +6 | +3 |
| 10 | +7/+2 | +3 | +6 | +3 | Bonus Feat |
Table 2-3: Elemental Advancement Chart: Earth/Water
| Creature | Base | Fort | Ref | Will |
| Level | Att. | Save | Save | Save | Special |
| 1 | +0 | +2 | +0 | +0 | Bonus Feat, Elemental Subtype |
| 2 | +1 | +2 | +1 | +1 | Bonus Ability Increase |
| 3 | +2 | +3 | +1 | +1 |
| 4 | +3 | +3 | +1 | +1 |
| 5 | +3 | +4 | +2 | +2 | Bonus Feat |
| 6 | +4 | +4 | +2 | +2 |
| 7 | +5 | +5 | +2 | +2 | Bonus Ability Increase |
| 8 | +6/+1 | +5 | +3 | +3 |
| 9 | +6/+1 | +6 | +3 | +3 |
| 10 | +7/+2 | +6 | +3 | +3 | Bonus Feat |
Table 2-4: Elemental Advancement Chart: Positive/Negative
| Creature | Base | Fort | Ref | Will |
| Level | Att. | Save | Save | Save | Special |
| 1 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +2 | Bonus Feat, Elemental Subtype |
| 2 | +1 | +1 | +1 | +2 | Bonus Ability Increase |
| 3 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +3 |
| 4 | +3 | +1 | +1 | +3 |
| 5 | +3 | +2 | +2 | +4 | Bonus Feat |
| 6 | +4 | +2 | +2 | +4 |
| 7 | +5 | +2 | +2 | +5 | Bonus Ability Increase |
| 8 | +6/+1 | +3 | +3 | +5 |
| 9 | +6/+1 | +3 | +3 | +6 |
| 10 | +7/+2 | +3 | +3 | +6 | Bonus Feat |
Table 3: Base Damage by Category
| Category | Damage | Reach | Size |
| Minor Conjuration | 1d2 | 0 ft. | 1-2 ft. |
| Lesser Conjuration | 1d4 | 5 ft. | 2-4 ft. |
| Conjuration | 1d6 | 5 ft. | 4-8 ft. |
| High Conjuration | 1d8 | 10 ft. | 8-16 ft. |
| Major Conjuration | 1d10 | 15 ft. | 16-32 ft. |
| Supreme Conjuration | 2d6 | 20 ft. | 32-64 ft. |
Elemental Training Feats
These Feats are different from Elemental Feats in that the Elemental cannot learn many of them without the instruction of an Elemental Summoner. Any Feats on this list marked with an † can only be learned with the instruction of an Elemental Summoner. Feats marked with an * are changed from their description in the players handbook. Feats listed here that also appear on the General Feats list are because they have some Special effect when learned by Elementals or can only be learned with the instruction of an Elemental Summoner. Unmarked Feats are from the Monster Manual and are added to the General list of Feats which an Elemental can learn. These Feats take the place of a normal Feat selection for the Elemental.
Ambidexterity *
The Elemental can use it's off hand as adeptly as it's primary hand.
Prerequisites: Dex 15+, Hands
Benefit: The Elemental ignores all penalties for using it's off hand.
Normal: The off hand suffers a -4 penalty to attack rolls.
Special: An Elemental with Tentacles is not considered to have an off hand even if it's tentacles end in hands. It is equally dextrous with all it's tentacles but none of it's tentacles benefit from it's Strength bonus to attack rolls and damage.
Armor Proficiency (Heavy, Light and Medium) †
The Elemental is proficient with Heavy, Light or Medium Armor.
Benefit: Armor Check Penalties apply only to Skill marked as subject to Armor check penalty.
Normal: Armor Check penalty also applies to Attack rolls and all Skill checks involving movement.
Special: A Summoner who knows how to train an Elemental to wear Armor can get it to wear any Armor.
Note: The armor must be sized to the Elemental and for Gargantuan Elementals this usually means armor that weighs several tons. If the Elemental does not have a means of putting it on itself then some other agency must be employed. Such as winches and cranes for barding type armor on an Animal Type Elemental.
Blind-Fight †
The Elemental can learn to fight in a melee when it cannot directly sense it's opponent.
Benefit: You can reroll your miss chance percentile once per miss. Attackers do not gain a bonus for attacking the Elemental in melee. The bonus still applies to ranged combat though. Also the Elemental only suffers a 1/3rd penalty to speed instead of one half.
Normal: A blinded Elemental suffers all the penalties for invisible attackers.
Special: The Blind-Fight Feat is of no use against an opponent under a Blink spell.
Combat Support †
The Elemental is trained to interfere with attacks aimed at it's Summoner.
Benefit: The Summoner gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC while he is within the Threat range of the Elemental.
Normal: To perform an Aid Other action requires a Standard Action and a successful attack roll against a difficulty of 10.
Special: An Elemental with this Feat that performs an Aid Other action to defend it's Summoner bestows a +4 circumstance bonus to the Summoner's AC.
Craft Magic Item †
With this Feat the Elemental is of great help to it's Summoner in the creation of magical items.
Prerequisites: Sculpt Element, Int 12+
Benefit: Using this Feat the Elemental can fashion equivalent Masterwork Items suitable for enchanting by it's Summoner. This reduces Raw Material Costs by the amount used to purchase or fashion the item. When using an Item Creation Feat the Summoner can substitute any one special requirement with the elemental material produced by his Elemental.
Special: An Elemental with this Feat reduces the required level for the Summoner to craft an item by two levels, down to a minimum of one.
Dodge †
The Elemental can avoid an attack.
Benefit: As a full round action the Elemental can avoid the Area Effect Attacks of it's opponent. On a successful Reflex Save the Elemental can avoid all damage from attacks that allow a Reflex save for Half Damage.
Normal: Area Effect Attacks cannot be dodged.
Special: An Air Elemental needs open space to dodge, a Fire Elemental too, Earth Elementals need to be touching the ground while Water Elementals need to be in contact with a body of water. This Feat can be used as a prerequisite for Feats that require Dodge even if the Elemental doesn't have the necessary Dexterity.
Endurance *
By virtue of their nature, Elementals can never gain this Feat.
Normal: Elementals never tire nor do they sleep.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency †
The Elemental can use a weapon not listed in the Martial Weapons or Simple Weapons lists.
Prerequisites: Humanoid Type, Base Attack bonus of +1 or higher.
Normal: An Elemental that uses a weapon without being proficient with it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
Special: The Elemental can gain this Feat Multiple times. Each time it learns this Feat it applies to a new weapon.
Flyby Attack
The creature can attack on the wing.
Prerequisite: Flying Speed
Benefit: The Elemental does not have to halt it's movement to execute an attack.
Martial Weapon Proficiency †
The Elemental learns the use of a Martial Weapon.
Prerequisites: Humanoid Type, Simple Weapon Proficiency.
Benefit: The Elemental can attack with the weapon normally.
Normal: An Elemental that uses a weapon without being proficient with it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
Special: The Elemental can gain this Feat Multiple times. Each time it learns this Feat it applies to a new weapon.
The Elemental is adept at attacking with all of it's appendages.
Prerequisites: Natural weaponry, three or more appendages.
Benefit: The Elementals Secondary attacks suffer only a -2 penalty.
Normal: Without this Feat the Elemental's secondary attacks suffer a -5 penalty.
The Elemental is adept at using all its arms at once.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 15+, three or more arms
Benefit: The Elemental ignores all penalties for using it's off hand.
Normal: The off hand suffers a -4 penalty to attack rolls.
Special: This Feat replaces Ambidexterity for Elementals with more than two arms.
Multiweapon Fighting †
The Elemental can attack with each extra weapon at it's disposal.
Prerequisites: Three or more hands
Benefit: The Elemental reduces by 2 the penalties for fighting with multiple weapons.
Normal: The Elemental suffer a -6 penalty to attacks made with it's Primary hand and a -10 penalty to attacks made with it's remaining hands.
Special: This Feat replaces the Two-Weapon Fighting Feat for Elementals with more than two arms.
Ram †
The Elemental charges full tilt at it's opponent.
Prerequisites: Animal or Beast Type
Benefit: As a Full Round Action the Elemental can move up to twice it's normal Movement Rate and make an attack at the end of its movement. This attack does three times the base damage of the Elemental including modifiers for Strength. A Major Conjuration with Strength of 19 would do 3d10 +12 damage.
Sculpt Element †
The Elemental can fashion solid objects from the Elemental Material it is made of.
Prerequisites: Air, Earth, Fire or Water Elemental; Elemental Missile
Benefit: The Element in question can be sculpted like clay and it hardens to the consistency of rock. The Element conforms to the attributes of the Plane it was drawn from. Many fantastical creations can be made with the material. Castles of Air, ships of Earth, carriages of Fire, walls of Water. The only limitation is that the Elemental cannot fashion more volume than as much as what makes up own size each hour. A four foot tall Small Elemental would have a volume of about 8 cubic feet. It could make an eight foot wall 6 inches think and 10 feet long in 5 hours.
Shield Proficiency †
The Elemental can use any type of Shield.
Prerequisites: Humanoid Type or Arms Feat.
Benefit: The Elemental can use a Shield at standard proficiency.
Normal: An Elemental without proficiency in a shield suffers a penalty equal to the armor penalty of the shield to attack rolls and skill rolls while using the shield.
Simple Weapon Proficiency †
The Elemental knows how to use all Simple Weapons.
Prerequisites: Humanoid Type
Benefit: With training the Elemental is not limited to natural weaponry and Elemental attacks. It can now learn to use human weaponry. An Elemental with training in Simple Weaponry can use all Simple Weapons.
Spell Enhancement †
The Elemental can increase the potency of elemental spells cast by it's Summoner.
Benefit: The Summoner gains a competence bonus of +2 to his caster level when casting spells with the same Elemental Subtype as the Elemental with this Feat. The range of this ability is 5 ft. per Category of the Elemental.
Special: The Summoner also gains a +2 competence bonus to Spell Penetration when using a spell enhanced by his Elemental against a creature with the opposing Elemental Subtype.
Track *
The Elemental can follow a creature through terrain corresponding to it's Elemental type.
Prerequisites: Air, Earth, Fire or Water Elemental
Benefit: The Elemental can follow tracks through any environment which is at least 50% made up of it's Elemental Subtype. Air Elementals can track through Mountain tops and open plains. Earth Elementals can track through most terrain except when blocked by water, fire or ice. Fire Elementals can track through volcanoes and desert. And Water Elementals can track through bodies of water. The difficulty is 15, modified by the situational modifiers on page 86 of the Player's Guide.
Special: Elementals with the Scent Feat gain a +2 Synergy bonus to Wilderness Lore checks to track a creature.
Two-Weapon Fighting †
The Elemental can attack with each extra weapon at it's disposal.
Benefit: The Elemental reduces by 2 the penalties for fighting with multiple weapons.
Normal: The Elemental suffer a -6 penalty to attacks made with it's Primary hand and a -10 penalty to attacks made with it's off hand.
Special: The Ambidexterity Feat reduces the off hand penalty to -6.
Weapon Finesse †
The Elemental is more adept with a weapon or attack that requires Dexterity more than Strength. Either one of the natural attacks of the Elemental or a weapon that it can use easily in one hand or which is one size category smaller than the Elemental can be chosen for this Feat.
Prerequisites: Proficient with Weapon, Base Attack bonus of +1 or higher.
Benefit: The Elemental can apply it's Dexterity modifier to Attack rolls instead of it's Strength modifier.
Weapon Focus †
The Elemental is adept in the use of one weapon or attack.
Prerequisites: Proficiency in weapon or Natural Attacks.
Benefit: +1 to attack rolls with weapon or attack.
Special: The Elemental can gain this Feat multiple times. It's effects do not stack, each time it applies to a different weapon or attack.
Special Equipment and Magic Items
For the most part Elemental Summoners use the same equipment and magic items that other adventurer's use. Some though have been developed by Summoners for themselves and their Elementals. Others are products that are produced exclusively by Elementals. These products command high prices and are sought out by adventurers who must travel to the Inner Planes or who must deal with Elementals and Elemental attacks.
For determining the carrying capacity of the Elemental remember that Elementals of different sizes have their carrying capacity modified accordingly. Depending on the size category of the Elemental modify the carrying capacity as follows: Tiny (1/2), Small (3/4), Large (x2), Huge (x4), Gargantuan (x8). Also remember that Elementals do not tire and are not subject to fatigue. Elementals under a Heavy Load are not reduced to a Partial Action per round.
Air Armor: Any Light Armor can be made of Air and the armor made of Air has its Armor Bonus and Check Penalty reduced by one and adds two to the Maximum Dexterity bonus allowed. Padded Armor made of Air is useless. Reduce Arcane Failure chance by 10%. Weight is a quarter normal and the Armor can be made transparent so that a casual observer cannot see that armor is being worn. Armor made of Air commands prices double to triple normal among Arcane spellcasters and Rogues.
Air Pane: Construction material made of Air is transparent or smoky and provides fresh air in closed spaces. One 3 meter panel of Air provides enough air for a medium sized creature indefinitely and is one inch deep and six inches wide. Air Panes can be made to let creatures pass but not other elemental materials except for Earth which makes them useful for creating doors that look out onto a vacuum or under water but which can be used without letting all the air inside escape. Living creatures and most solids have at least some Earth in them and can pass through. Solid panes though can be broken by creatures and objects. An Air Pane has a Hardness of one, 12 hp and a break DC of 13. Buildings made mostly from Air can float on clouds. The clouds can be made permanent with blocks of Water along the bottom that keep condensation around them.
Caster Level: 6th level. Prerequisites: Air Elemental with the Sculpt Element Feat. Market Price: 50gp per 3 meter Air Pane.
Air Weapons: Weapons made of Air are light and exceedingly easy to use. Reduce the weight of the weapon by a factor of ten. Air weapons can be used by creatures two size categories smaller. However reduce damage by half if the weapon is bludgeoning and by 2 if the weapon is slashing or piercing. Add a +2 Competence bonus to attack rolls made with weapons of Air. Also thrown weapons and missile weapons made of Air double their range increment. Air weapons usually cost two to three times as much as normal.
Armor, Superheavy: Many Elementals require armor and equipment much larger than normal. Of course, Elementals that are so large can usually carry the extra weight with ease. Animal type Elementals can also carry loads that are double that of other Elementals and Earth Elementals generally have immense Strength. In addition to Huge and Gargantuan versions of armor that are used like barding by equine shaped Animal Type Elementals, Summoners have introduced the idea of Superheavy armors that are three to four times as thick as normal armor. These armors usually weigh several tons and reduce the tactical speed of the Elemental by half. The Running Speed of an Elemental using Superheavy Armor is x3. (Or x4 with the Run Feat.)
| Armor | Max Dex | Armor |
Superheavy Armor | Bonus | Bonus | Penalty | Cost |
Huge | +10 | +0 | -10 | 10,000 gp |
Gargantuan | +12 | +0 | -12 | 24,000 gp |
Most Elementals that use Superheavy Armor cannot place it themselves. It's immense size and weight has forced Summoners to come up with some very inventive ways of placing it on their charges. Pulleys and waterwheels with Hill Giants to fasten the armor are the usual procedure. One Summoner uses a cavern with cranes operated by hundreds of Goblins. Other Summoners make use of standard Elementals summoned by spell or magic items.
Earth Armor: Any Heavy Armor can be made of Earth and the armor made of Earth has a +1 Armor bonus added to it but it also has a -1 Armor Check penalty added to it and the Max Dexterity bonus is reduced by one to a minimum of 0. The Arcane Failure chance is doubled for Armor made of Earth. It is twice as heavy as normal and is usually used for Superheavy Armor. Earth Armor commands three to four times as much as normal armor.
Earth Brick: Stone made of the Elemental material of Earth is pretty much the same as stone found on the Prime Material Plane but tends to be easier to work with and harder to damage. Buildings made mostly from Earth are immune to the Earthquake spells and similar attacks. Earth Bricks also have their own gravity and when their thickness is more than half the height of a creature they can be used to effect local gravity so the creature can walk upon them as if on flat ground. A ceiling or roof that is 5 ft. thick could support creatures up to 10 ft. tall walking along them as if on a smooth surface. An Earth Brick is usually 6 inches by 12 inches by 4 inches. It has a hardness of 20 and 15 hp. It's Break DC is 35.
Caster Level: 6th level. Prerequisites: Earth Elemental with the Sculpt Element Feat. Market Price: 50gp per brick.
Earth Weapons: Weapons made of Earth are heavy and hard to use. Creatures cannot use Earth Weapons of a size category higher than their own. Weapons made of Earth cause +2 damage but suffer -2 penalty to attack rolls. Bludgeoning weapons made of Earth increase their damage die by one step. Missile weapons and thrown weapons made of Earth decrease their range increment by half. Earth weapons usually cost three to four times normal.
Elemental Silk: This is the name given to cloth fabricated from a weave of all four element's. There are also other varieties fashioned from one or two elements but Elemental Silk is made from weaves of Air, Earth, Fire and Water. Elemental Silk has several properties not the least of which is a higher resistance to damage than normal cloth. Elemental Silk has a Hardness of 1 and 5 hp per square meter. The Break DC for Elemental Silk is 20. Also Elemental Silk resists Elemental damage. Whenever a Spell or area effect that causes Elemental Energy damage strikes a person who is mostly covered in Elemental Silk that creature gains a damage reduction of 12. The Silk itself always survives Elemental Energy attacks.
Caster Level: 6th level. Prerequisites: Resist Elements, Four Elementals of each of the four Elements of Air, Earth, Fire and Water, each with the Sculpt Element Feat. Market Price: 250 gp per square meter.
Fire Armor: Any Light or Medium Armor can be made with Fire. It provides illumination to a 10 ft. radius and protects against cold. Creatures striking armor made of Fire draw sparks that cause 1 hit point of damage to one creature standing three feet from the point of impact. This is usually the creature inflicting the blow, but if the strike is at an angle it could be used to hit another creature in melee range. Fire Armor is uncomfortably hot to creatures not resistant to Fire. Creatures who can wear Fire Armor or who are willing to put up with the discomfort will pay twice market price or more for Fire Armor. Fire Armor weighs 3/4 normal.
Fire Weapons: A weapon made of Fire adds 1d6 Fire damage to its attacks. Fire weapons usually cost five to six times normal.
Fire Wood: A common sight in the home of a Summoner is bars of light that provide illumination and heat without burning their surroundings. A 3 meter length of Fire Wood is usually an inch deep and six inches wide. This can be used as light panels providing illumination for 20 ft. radius. The panel also provides warmth like a hot stove. Not enough to burn unless something is left touching it for more than a minute, but hot enough to cook with. For this reason Fire Wood is usually set within stone or iron. Buildings made mostly from Fire can be placed on magma and will keep the heat to a tolerable level (At least for the Elemental Summoner) inside the building. A length of Fire Wood has a Hardness of two, 20 hit points and a break DC of 23. Breaking a length of Fire Wood causes an explosion that does 1d6 hp of Fire damage over a 10 ft. radius.
Caster Level: 6th level. Prerequisites: Fire Elemental with the Sculpt Element Feat. Market Price: 50gp per 3 meter length of Fire Wood.
Manual of Elemental Training: This thick tome contains instructions on how to teach an Elemental one of the Elemental Training Feats listed in the previous section. Within the pages is enclosed a powerful magical effect. An Elemental Summoner who reads the book immediately learns the Elemental Training Feat just as if he had gained it through advancement. Elemental Summoner's sometimes trade these manuals or create them to give to their apprentices since they already know the Elemental Training Feat contained in the book. Characters of other classes who read this book learn the Elemental Training Feat but without a Conjuration to teach it is worthless knowledge to them unless they later become an Elemental Summoner.
Caster Level: 17th level; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, must know the Elemental Training Feat to be inscribed, wish or miracle; Market Price: 55,000 gp; Cost to Create: 2,500 gp + 10,200 XP.
Oversized Weapons: Humanoid Elementals that are larger than medium size need weapons scaled to their size. Size and weight are modified as follows: Large (x2), Huge (x4), Gargantuan (x8). Damage is increased by one step for each Size category the weapon is increased. (For example: 1d8 becomes 1d10, 1d10 becomes 2d6, 2d6 becomes 2d8 and so on.)
Summoner's Plate: This armor is the signature of the Summoner. While many Summoners will wear armors that provide Fortification and Invulnerability, this armor has been modified to provide protection against the Special conditions that apply to a fight involving Elementals. In such a fight the Summoner's biggest worry is often the incidental damage the Elemental will do to the surrounding landscape. In addition the Summoner will often wish to inure himself to any Elemental damage that he might suffer if he is not already immune to Elemental damage. Summoner's Plate is always the highest quality Full Plate the summoner can find or craft. Once finished the armor will be completely sealed against the outside with eyeholes of Air, joints of Water, plates of Earth and padding made of Fire. If the Summoner doesn't have the necessary Elementals with the Sculpt Element Feat, then he must procure them from another Summoner.
Summoner's Plate provides an Armor bonus of +8 and a Magical bonus of +4. The Maximum Dex bonus possible while wearing Summoner's Plate is +2, while the Armor Check Penalty is -5. It has an Arcane Spell failure of 30% and it weighs 36 lbs. The armor provides damage reduction of 5/+1, Elemental Resistance of 12 in addition to the Elemental Resistance of the Summoner and a reduction of 75% in the chance for Critical Hits on the wearer. In addition the armor provides complete protection against gas attacks, touch attacks that ignore armor and lack of air.
Caster Level: 15th level. Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Limited Wish, Resist Elements plus four Elementals of each of the four Elements of Air, Earth, Fire and Water, each with the Sculpt Element Feat. Market Price: 1,500,000 gp.
Summoner's Robe: This full dress of Elemental Silk is often worn by adventurers who seek to travel to the Inner Planes. This robe is actually a form fitting suit that covers the wearer completely and provides protection from the native conditions of the inner planes, including the Negative and Positive planes. The suit is very resilient and provides a +1 Armor Bonus and a +3 magic bonus, with no Armor Check Penalty or limit on Maximum Dexterity Bonus applicable to defense and an Arcane Failure of 0%. The user also receives damage reduction 10 against Elemental attacks. While wearing the suit the character never runs out of fresh air, never gets too hot or cold and doesn't get fatigued as easily.
Caster Level: 12th level. Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Avoid Planar Effects, Resist Elements plus four Elementals one each of the four Elements of Air, Earth, Fire and Water, each with the Sculpt Element Feat. Market Price: 52,000 gp.
Water Armor: Any Light or Medium Armor can be made of Water. Armor made of Water is cold and provides protection from extreme heat. Water Armor disperses blows as they land and reduce damage by one for every hit. Water Armor weighs half again as much as normal armor (50% more) and commands prices twice as much as for normal armor. Despite the added weight armor made of Armor does not interfere with Swimming. Do not factor the weight of the Armor into Swim check penalties or the Armor Check Penalty either.
Water Block: A block of Water can be murky and opaque or almost transparent. Water blocks are cold and tend to draw heat from an area. Water blocks can be used to cool an area and in conjunction with Fire Wood can be used to make temperature controlled areas that are suited to the comfort of the Summoner. Buildings made mostly from Water Blocks can be made to enclose a space underwater and will keep the water out. Doors of Air can be used to permit access to the outside without letting the water rush in. Water blocks have a Hardness of 5, 26 hit points and a break DC of 30.
Caster Level: 6th level. Prerequisites: Water Elemental with the Sculpt Element Feat. Market Price: 50gp per block.
Water Weapons: A weapon made of Water adds 1d6 Cold damage to its attacks. Water weapons usually cost five to six times normal.
Here are some Sample Elemental Summoner's and their Elementals to get an idea for the variety and types of Summoner's and Elementals that are possible.
Marteira Conai
A tall woman with green eyes Marteira rules a kingdom of thousands with her Elementals. She is often seen travelling across her kingdom atop her giant Air Elemental shaped like a horse. This Elemental can streak from one end of the kingdom to the other in minutes. Even with her robes and long blond hair streaming behind her she looks like a doll mounted on the 18 ft. tall charger.
At the beginning of her career Marteira had no ambition of becoming an Elemental Summoner, but a mysterious wizard from a far off world showed her the power of Elementals and she started on the path to become an Elemental Summoner. As master Armak's apprentice she learned more of the lore of the Inner Planes than she thought possible. Including the peculiar languages of the Elemental denizens. Marteira came away with a knowledge that put her earlier ambitions in perspective and a companion that would grow to become her unique path to power.
Marteira soon realized that she would have to dedicate herself to the study of the Inner Planes to the exclusion of more traditional Arcane pursuits.
Marteira Conai,: Human Wizard 8/Elemental Summoner 9; hp 116; Init +1 (Dex); Defense 17 (Dex + Summoner's Robe + Ring of Protection); Spd 30 ft.; Atk +10/+5 melee; SQ Summon Familiar, Conjuration Specialist (Prohibited schools: Enchantment, Illusion), Elemental Training Feats (Dodge, Ram, Sculpt Element, Simple Weapon Proficiency), Major Conjuration, Immune to Elemental damage; SV Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +12; SZ M; Alignment Lawful Neutral; Str 11, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 18
Skills: Alchemy +17, Bluff +10, Craft (Armor) +17, Craft (Weapons) +17, Concentration +18, Diplomacy +10, Knowledge (Arcana) +17, Knowledge (The Planes) +24, Spellcraft +17, Train Elemental +15
Feats: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Leadership, Mounted Combat, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Knowledge/The Planes), Still Spell, Toughness, Trample
Spells per day: 4+1/6+1/4+1/4+1/3+1
Spells known: Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance; (1) Alarm, Comprehend Languages, Endure Elements, Enlarge, Feather Fall, Grease, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Weapon, Mount, Obscuring Mist, Spider Climb, Summon Monster I, Tenser's Floating Disc, True Strike, Unseen Servant; (2) Fog Cloud, Resist Elements, See Invisibility, Summon Monster II, Summon Swarm, Web, Whispering Wind; (3) Dispel Magic, Flame Arrow, Lightning Bolt, Phantom Steed, Protection from Elements, Sepia Snake Sigil, Sleet Storm, Stinking Cloud, Summon Monster III, Water Breathing; (4) Evard's Black Tentacles, Leomund's Secure Shelter, Minor Creation, Solid Fog, Summon Monster IV, Wall of Fire
Possessions: Minor Circlet of Blasting, Potion of Intelligence, Potion of Nondetection, Quarterstaff +4 Defending, Ring of Protection +2, Scroll: Water Breathing x2, Summoner's Robe, Wand of Summon Monster II (30 charges)
Bit & Bridle, Saddle and Saddle bags made of Air.
The first Elemental Conjuration summoned by Marteira, Aruan is her most experienced Elemental and the being she trusts most in the universe. The horse shaped Elemental is pure white like a shining cloud with grey eyes and hooves. It's mane and tail stream for miles when it flies across the sky. Aruan is her most active Elemental, most of the others she keeps only for their ability to Sculpt Elements or to fight.
Aruan: Huge Elemental (Animal Type/Horse, Air Subtype) level 9; hp: 168; Init +14 (Dex and Improved Initiative); Spd 110 ft. (300 ft. flying); Atk +13/+8 melee (2d10+5 x2/Hooves; 6d10+15 Ram); Armor Class 26 (+8 Natural, -2 Size, +10 Dex); SQ Immune to Air attacks, double damage from Earth attacks, double carrying capacity, +1 to hit airborne opponents, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning, Immune to critical hits; SV: Fort +7, Ref +16, Will +4; Str 20, Dex 30, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12
Skills: Balance +12, Craft (Element) +3, Intimidate +3, Intuit Direction +3, Jump +7, Listen +4, Move Silently +12, Spot +3, Swim +6, Wilderness Lore +3
Feats: Fly, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Natural Attacks, Ram, Ride, Sculpt Element, Trample
To help her build her kingdom, Marteira needed an Elemental to attack her enemies and impose her will. Feraun has fought more than Aruan and is more experienced, but hasn't been Empowered to the highest level that Marteira can take him. He is smaller and more aggressive than the larger Elemental and is usually only active when Marteira expects a fight or wishes to intimidate a potential opponent. The four armed, red skinned humanoid looks like a demon of legend. It's molten eyes look like metal heated until it glows and it stands 15 and a half feet tall.
Feraun: Large Elemental (Humanoid Type, Fire Subtype) level 12; hp: 126 (14 HD +56); Init +10 (Dex and Improved Initiative); Spd 50 ft.; Atk +14/+8 melee (1d8+5 x4/arms; 4d4+12/Elemental Missile; 2d8/Engulf); Armor Class 22 (+7 Natural, -1 Size, +6 Dex); SQ Immune to Fire attacks, double damage from Water attacks, +1 to hit opponents engulfed in flame, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning, Immune to critical hits; SV Fort +8, Ref +13, Will +4; Str 20, Dex 22, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills: Craft (Element) +16, Hide +16, Intimidate +11, Listen +10, Move Silently +16, Speak Common (NA), Spot +10, Wilderness Lore +10
Feats: Burn, Dodge, Engulf, Extra Arms, Elemental Blast, Elemental Missile, Elemental Projection, Improved Initiative, Multidexterity, Sculpt Element
Possessions: Feraun wears a robe of Elemental Silk
One of the more recent additions to Marteira's stable of Elementals is Tarak. After gaining a fierce reputation with Feraun, Marteira set about winning the hearts of her people with an Elemental from the Positive Plane whose only purpose is to heal people and gain their trust. Tarak is often allowed to travel alone among the people and despite being an Elemental she is well received by the local population.
Tarak appears as a 7 foot humanoid with wings of female appearance. Her eyes and skin are silvery and her wings and hair are a luminescent white. She appears to be wearing an armor of a reflective metal with glowing golden insets, but it is actually quite flexible and weighs less than a pound.
Tarak: Medium Elemental (Humanoid Type, Positive Subtype) level 8; hp: 52 (8 HD +16); Init +4 (Dex); Spd 50 ft. (50 ft. flying); Atk +9/+4 melee (1d6+3 x2/arms); Armor Class 22 (+6 Natural, +4 Dex, +2 Armor); SQ Immune to Positive attacks, double damage from Negative attacks, +1 to hit opponents in light, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning, Immune to critical hits; SV: Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5; Str 16, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14
Skills: Balance +6, Diplomacy +6, Gather Information +6, Hide +7, Intimidate +5, Move Silently +7, Sense Motive +7, Speak Common (NA)
Feats: Cure, Cure Disease, Empathic, Flight, Heal, Regenerate, Restore
Possessions: Tarak often wears ornamental armor made of Air and Fire. It is mostly for show and provides only a +2 Armor bonus despite it's appearance. The Armor is equivalent to a Leather Armor and has no Armor Check Penalty.
A golden skinned man with dark penetrating eyes, Armak spends most of his time at the bottom of the ocean with his Elemental as his only companion. Being able to eat Vacuum and breath Earth he shuns the contact of normal humans surrounding himself with fantastical structures of elemental material in areas that are hostile to most living creatures.
The man known as Armak came to Marteira's world from the Inner Planes. Where his original home world was is not known. But after a short time as a wizard Armak soon set himself on the path to power as an Elemental Summoner. When he came to this world he encountered Marteira who was a Conjuration Specialist like himself and he soon taught her how to become an Elemental Summoner. He believed they shared the same passion for knowledge of the Inner Planes and the inhabitants of those planes, but soon she began to display concerns for temporal power as a ruler. With her power she soon came to rule a kingdom, but Armak felt betrayed and wanted nothing to do with her. He left and had his Elementals build for him an abode at the bottom of the ocean where he could study freely and not be bothered by humans.
His abode is shaped like several domes bubbling out of the sea floor and rests upon a volcanic ridge. The fumes inside the abode are sulfurous and poisonous to human life. Only vent crabs share his habitation aside from Elementals and Mephits.
Armak: Human Wizard 5/Elemental Summoner 13; hp 148; Init +1 (Dex); Defense 23 (Dex + Summoner's Plate) or 14 (Dex + Bracers); Spd 20 ft.; Atk +13/+8 melee; SQ Summon Familiar, Conjuration Specialist (Prohibited schools: Enchantment and Illusion), Elemental Training Feats (Armor Proficiency, Dodge, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Ram, Sculpt Element, Simple Weapon Proficiency), Supreme Conjuration, Immune to Elemental damage; SV Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +15; SZ M; Alignment Chaotic Neutral; Str 15, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 19, Wis 16, Cha 16
Skills: Alchemy +18, Craft (Armor) +18, Craft (Weapons) +18, Concentration +25, Knowledge (Arcana) +18, Knowledge (The Planes) +27, Spellcraft +18, Swim +9, Train Elemental +19
Feats: Alertness, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Iron Will, Mounted Combat, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Knowledge/The Planes), Toughness, Trample
Spells per day: 4+1/4+1/3+1/2+1
Spells known: Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance; (1) Alarm, Comprehend Languages, Endure Elements, Enlarge, Feather Fall, Grease, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Weapon, Mount, Obscuring Mist, Summon Monster I, Tenser's Floating Disc, True Strike, Unseen Servant; (2) Fog Cloud, Resist Elements, See Invisibility, Summon Monster II, Summon Swarm, Web, Whispering Wind; (3) Dispel Magic, Flame Arrow, Lightning Bolt, Phantom Steed, Sleet Storm, Stinking Cloud, Summon Monster III
Possessions: Bracers of Armor +3, Cubic Gate, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Potion of Speak with Animals, Scroll: Summon Monster III x3, Summoner's Plate
The fishermen call Drok the demon of the depths. They have only caught glimpses of it's immense bulk but it is enough for them to fear it's coming. As Armak's primary Elemental companion, Drok is the one responsible for Armak's abode at the ocean bottom. Drok also keeps unwanted visitors out. Armak keeps no treasures or items of great value, but adventurers powerful enough to travel to his abode sometimes run afoul of Drok and their valuables end up strewn across the ocean floor. Drok cleans these up by dumping them into the volcanic vents.
Drok: Gargantuan Elemental (Animal Type/Squid, Water Subtype) level 12; hp: 468 (26 HD +260); Init +5 (Dex); Spd 20 ft. (200 ft. swimming); Atk +23/+18/+13 melee (2d6 x8/Tentacles, 6d6+32/Constrict, 12d8+24/Elemental Blast, 4d4+8/Elemental Missile, 6d6+12/Elemental Projection, 4d6/Vortex); Armor Class 21 (+10 Natural, -4 Size, +5 Dex); SQ Immune to Water attacks, double damage from Fire attacks, double carrying capacity, +1 to hit opponents in Water, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning, Immune to critical hits; SV: Fort +17, Ref +9, Will +4; Str 26, Dex 20, Con 30, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills: Craft (Element) +10, Hide +12, Intimidate +8, Intuit Direction +7, Move Silently +13, Spot +7, Swim +16, Wilderness Lore +7
Feats: Constrict, Dodge, Elemental Blast, Elemental Missile, Elemental Projection, Sculpt Element, Slip, Tentacles x2, Vortex
Szbuk is the Elemental that Armak used to create the foundations of his abode. The gargantuan beast worm is well suited to physical labor and landscaping. With it's ability to move earth as if it were water Szbuk can clear a mountain in short order if Armak wanted it to. Armak rarely calls upon Szbuk except for when he must travel overland. Instead of flying with an Air or Fire Elemental, Armak prefers to travel within Szbuk's mouth through the earth. Szbuk isn't very fast, but then, Armak is more interested in avoiding heroes and adventurers who are sure that one of his Elementals means to harm the countryside or civilian population.
Szbuk: Gargantuan Elemental (Beast Type/Worm, Earth Subtype) level 7; hp: 252 (14 HD +140); Init +1 (Dex); Spd 20 ft. (50 ft. underground); Atk +25/+20/+15 melee (5d6+14/Slam, 13d6+52/Constrict); Armor Class 20 (+13 Natural, -4 Size, +1 Dex); SQ Immune to Earth attacks, double damage from Air attacks, double carrying capacity, +1 to hit opponents on the ground, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning, Immune to critical hits; SV: Fort +15, Ref +3, Will +2; Str 38, Dex 13, Con 30, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 9
Skills: Climb +19, Craft (Element) +5, Listen +5
Feats: Armor Plates, Constrict, Natural Attacks, Push, Sculpt Element, Slip, Spikes
This dark little imp looks like an undead Mephit. Armak summoned this Elemental recently for it to take care of the crabs that have began to infest his abode. It's diminutive size allows it to get at the crabs wherever they are, and it's powers to suck the life out of them, allows it to kill even the overgrown crabs.
Zma: Tiny Elemental (Humanoid Type/Imp, Negative Subtype) level 6; hp: 27 (6 HD +12); Init +1 (Dex); Spd 20 ft. (50 ft. flying); Atk +7 melee/+9 sickle (1d2+1 x2/arms, 1d8+6/Harm; 1d6+3/sickle); Armor Class 22 (+5 Natural, +2 Size, +1 Dex, +4 Armor); SQ Immune to Negative attacks, double damage from Positive attacks, +1 to hit opponents in darkness, Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning, Immune to critical hits; SV: Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +6; Str 13, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 9
Skills: Balance +3, Hide +4, Listen +3, Move Silently +12, Spot +3, Swim +2
Feats: Alertness, Armor Proficiency, Flight, Harm, Inflict Disease, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Wither
Possessions: +2 Sickle of Wounding, +1 Studded Leather of Silent Moves