Name: Jumpin' Jay Flash
 R.C.C.: Human
 O.C.C.: Hyperion Juicer
 Level: 7
 Alignment: Anarchist

    Balance: 98%
    Tightrope: 89%
    Climb Rope: 98%
    Back Flip: 98%
 Basic Electronics: 66%
 Climbing: 97%/87%
 Detect Ambush: 71%
    Balance: 91%
    Parallels: 89%
    Climb Rope: 93%
    Back Flip: 98%
 Hand to Hand Expert
 Land Navigation: 76%
 Language-Euro: 96%
 Language-Techno cant: 96%
 Literacy-Euro: 96%
 Parachuting: 81%
 Prowl: 86%
 Radio Basic: 91%
 SCUBA: 81%
 Surveillance: 66%
 Swimming: 81%
 Trap/Mine Detection: 61%
 Wilderness Survival: 76%
 W.P. Knife
 W.P. Energy Rifle
 W.P. Whips
 IQ 20  +6% to all Skills
 ME 20  +3 to saves vs. psychic attacks/insanity
 MA 15  No bonus
 PS 24  +9 to damage
 PP 30  +8 to strike, parry & dodge
 PE 30  +8 to save vs. magic/poison, +30% vs. Coma/Death
 PB 15  No bonus
 Spd 175  120mph (approximately)
 PPE 15

 Hit points: 65
 SDC: 225
 #Attacks  6
 Strike  +12
 Parry   +15
 Dodge   +16
 Roll   +13
 Pull   +2
 Initiative  +6 (+9)
 Critical Strike  18-20
 Paired Weapons

Special Abilities
 Super Endurance: Can carry and lift 4x normal. Carry 4,800 lbs., lift 5,600 (2.8 tons). Can remain active up to four days. Can last five times as long before feeling exhaustion. Needs only 4 hours of sleep. Must consume 4 times as much food as normal.
 Super Speed: Can leap 50 feet across and 25 feet high. Half that without a short run. Kicks inflict triple base damage.
 Super Reflexes and Reaction: +6 to initiative, +1 to strike, parry and dodge, +4 to roll with blow, +2 attacks per melee. Automatic dodge or parry on all attacks, even from behind or surprise.
 Saving throw bonuses: +4 to saves vs. Psionics and Mind Control. +9 to save vs. Poisons (half duration and effect).
 Enhanced Healing: Heals four times as fast. +20% to saves vs. Coma/Death. Impervious to Pain.

 Juicer Assassin Plate Armor: 45 MDC -5% Prowl
 MDC Bodysuit: 20 MDC
 Vibroblade Retractable leg spurs (2): 2D6 MD each
 Combat Grappling Line Ejectors (2): 2D6 +4 MD, 4,00 ft. Range, 8 ton load.
 Monofilament Whips (2): 5D6 +6 MD, Special! Critical Strikes will slice open most Mega Damage Armor. 100% minus 10% for every 30 MDC of the Armor. Sliced armor presents an opening that can be hit on a called shot to affect the person inside (-4 to hit). Critical failure does damage to user that cannot be dodged, parried or rolled with, on a natural roll of 1-4.
 Biocomp and internal IMRSS unit and chest unit.