Nova Name: Arashi
Real Name: Kaoru Himura
Eruption: Exposure
Nature: Caregiver
Allegiance: T2M - Middle East
Concept: Artist
Background: Kaoru is Battousai's little sister. She erupted during a fight between Battousai and Basara. Their father had thrown her out of the house for daring to suggest that he let Kenshin return before he had regained his honor. She has been sort of a hanger on ever since.
Roleplaying Notes:
Strength: 3, Dexterity: 5, Stamina: 4, Perception: 3, Intelligence: 4, Wits: 4, Appearance: 5, Manipulation: 2, Charisma: 5
Might: 1, Athletics: 3, Drive: 1, Martial Arts: 4, Melee: 3, Stealth: 3, Endurance: 4, Resistance: 4, Awareness: 1, Academics: 2, Computer: 1, Linguistics: 3, Arts: 3 (Printing), Style: 3, Subterfuge: 1, Etiquette: 4, Perform: 2
Dormancy: 4, Eufiber: 5, Mentor: 1, Node: 2, Resources: 4
Mega Attributes:
Mega Dexterity: 3 (Catfooted, Enhanced Movement)
Mega Stamina: 4 (Adaptability, Regenaration)
Mega Intelligence: 2 (Linguistic Genius)
Mega Wits: 3 (Artistic Genius)
Mega Appearance: 2 (Appearance Alteration)
Mega Charisma: 2 (Soothe)
Willpower: 6, Quantum: 5, Taint: 5, Quantum Pool: 30, Initiative: 16
Quantum Powers:
Bodymorph (Water): 4 (Extras: Full Power; Subpowers: Sizemorph (Grow) [Strength 5/Mega Strength 5, Stamina 5/Mega Stamina 5, +5 Bruised Health Levels], Cohesion Control, Transmit, Invulnerability to Fire; Bonuses: Breathe Water, Water Movement 2x Running Speed, Flexibility, Asphixiation)
Healing: 2 (Weakness: Dependant on Bodymorph, Strength: Can Cure Aggravated Damage as Lethal)
Intuition: 2
Water Mastery: 3 (Techniques: Imprison, Shield, Storm)
Psychic Shield: 2 (Extras: Emotional Shield)
Anima Banner - Waves cross skin, Blue Ocean Depth Eyes
Health levels:
Bruised x3 (+5 Bodymorphed), Hurt, Injured, Wounded, Maimed, Crippled, Incapacitated, Dead