Nova Name: Matt Hardy
Real Name: Mathew Hardy
Eruption: Accident
Nature: Caregiver
Alleigance: NKL (Nova Kombat League)
Concept: Risk Taker
The history of Matt and Jeff Hardy is the history of two wrestling fans who made it big in the business they loved at the expense of their bodies. The brothers from Made their debut in the WWF as jobbers, losing scripted matches to much larger and more experienced wrestlers. However their high flying style got them the attention of the head office but it wasn't until they teamed up with notorious 'Freebird' Michael Hayes and suffered an attitude adjustment that their careers really took off. At the height of the WWF era the Hardy Boyz along with Edge and Christian were the premier tag teams in the division thanks mostly to their capacity to risk their necks with over the top high flying manuevers that put them at risk of serious injury at every turn. In one match a miscued manuever saw Matt fracture his left orbital, almost losing his eye. He recovered however and returned to the ring with a less risky style. Further such incidents were not to be repeated however with the advent of the Nova age and the formation of the XWF.
During their last matches with the WWF they were joined by Lita, a valet from Jerry 'the King' Lawler's Memphis territory who also had a perchant for top rope hurracanranas. Their brief alliance was ended when the WWF was sold and the trio had to go their separate ways. The Hardyz went to ECW where a small hardcore audience of loyal fans still kept the tradition of baseline wrestling alive. It's no suprise that the extreme environment of Extreme Championship Wrestling saw the greatest number of eruptions in such a statistically small group of people. The Hardyz erupted almost at the same time one night when performing at the Toronto Civic Center. In a dive from the second story balcony a loose electrical cable got in the way tumbling the brothers to the concrete floor instead of the wooden table that was their target. Matt and Jeff both managed to grab onto the cable but the high voltage wire set up for the Pay per View cameras snapped under their weight and electrocuted them both. The whole scene unfolded in less than a second. Matt Hardy erupted shooting straight up to the ceiling before falling back down unconscious. His brother Jeff erupted two hours later during surgery, almost a full minute after being declared dead due to injuries sustained during his fall as well as electric burns all over his body. Utopian scientists speculate that the extreme circumstances of their eruption indicates that under normal circumstances they would not be predisposed towards eruption. A fact that sheds further mystery upon the eruption phenomenon.
Soon after they erupted they joined the popular XWF where they enjoyed some initial stardom due to their suicidal style. However the XWF has no tag team division and in singles competition Jeff stole the show until one night when he fell into the 'Pit of Death©' in a match with Feral. He lost both legs and the brothers soon realized that they weren't made for the shootfight leagues. Matt kept plugging along in house shows against Mitoid jobbers while Jeff waited for his legs to grow back. During this time he was approached by Mick Foley and Kane, former WWF wrestlers who were also eager to get out of their XWF contracts. Along with Perry Saturn they formed the core of the new federation which would compete with the XWF.
Famed Nova engineer and architect Maelstorm presented the business proposal to Project Utopia for a nova wrestling federation in the vein of the great three of the late 90's. Matches would be scripted and the violence would be staged. The freedom of the format would allow them to present the drama of nova combat and rivalry closer to the public than their competition. With carefully managed 'spots' the fighting could be taken into the stands out among the people restoring the sense of immediacy that is the hallmark of wrestling and which had been lacking in the contained violence of the XWF shootfights. The NSI ate it up and Project Utopia agreed to banckroll the new federation which Maelstorm christened the Nova Kombat League.
The Hardyz embarked upon their new careers in the sports entertainment format they originally loved so much with a gusto hardly dampened by their character's on screen fued over nova valet, and Mega Social juggernaut, Rose. To heighten the drama they have even tracked down and invited into their camp the lovely Lita whom sources say both of them were dating at one time or another. Sources close at N! have even gone so far as to hint that they may have been involved at the same time giving some real heat to their on screen fued.
Roleplaying Notes:
Matt is the responsible one. The one who keeps an eye out for his younger brother and takes care of problems. That being said, he is also a hothead who with sufficient (and some would say insufficient) provocation can be just as reckless and suicidal as his brother Jeff. His signature move, the 'Twist of Fate' may not be as dangerous as his brother's 'Swanton Bomb' but he can deliver a physically demanding performance for far longer and with much more consistent results. And when he needs to he can go to the top of the arena and suicide dive bomb to the steel floor just like his brother. Also since his eruption he is seen as the stronger of the two brothers, mainly due to his use of the Lifter enhancement to throw dumpsters and larger opponents around.
Strength: 3, Dexterity: 5, Stamina: 5, Perception: 2, Intelligence: 2, Wits: 5, Appearance: 3, Manipulation: 1, Charisma: 3
Brawl: 3, Might: 3, Athletics: 4 (Wrestling), Drive: 1, Martial Arts: 3, Melee: 1, Stealth: 1, Endurance: 3, Resistance: 3, Awareness: 1, Investigation: 1, Academics: 1, Computer: 1, Engineering: 1, Intrusion: 1, Linguistics: 1, Arts: 2, Rapport: 1, Intimidation: 1, Style: 1, Streetwise: 1, Subterfuge: 1, Etiquette: 1, Perform: 2
Attunement: 2, Backing (Nova Kombat League): 2, Contacts (Wrestling): 2, Node: 2, Resources: 4
Mega Attributes:
Mega Strength: 2 (Lifter)
Mega Dexterity: 3 (Enhanced Movement)
Mega Stamina: 3 (Regeneration, Resiliency)
Mega Wits: 2 (Quickness)
Mega Abilities:
Mega Athletics: 3 (Proactive Dodge)
Willpower: 6, Quantum: 3, Taint: 2, Quantum Pool: 26, Initiative: 15
Quantum Powers:
Flight: 2
Force Field: 2
Hypermovement (Flight): 2
Quantum (Lightning) Bolt: 3
Health levels:
Bruised x2, Hurt, Injured, Wounded, Maimed, Crippled, Incapacitated, Dead