Pillars of Faith by William Adams  

Pillars of Faith

Who's Who among the Dead of Memphis

The Heirarchy

    The Heirarchy in Memphis is laden with Wraiths who have Renegade and Heretic affilliations.  Not even the Iron Legion which is the most traditional of the Legions can be said to be free of Renegade influence.  As for Heretics, it's much easier to point out the few Wraiths who don't hold some religious belief than to go on counting all the Restless within the Heirarchy and Renegades.  For this reason, no matter what issue is brought up before the Agora, there will be those who oppose it or support it based on the wishes of their fellows outside the Heirarchy.
    As for territory, there isn't any area in Memphis that is closed to Heirarchy patrols.  However, since Memphis encompasses a very large area it's impossible to cover it all.  The Grim and Skeletal Legions mount regular patrols during the day and night.  Grim Patrols are small and efficient, most often two Wraiths mounted in a Relic car armed with Relic Firearms.  These will usually have enough Rhinefire Crystals to fire their weapons continuously and without regard to saving ammunition.  Skeletal patrols on the other hand usually consist of ten to twenty Wraiths on foot armed with Soul-steel weapons.  Sometimes they will be mounted on Relic buses or one or two Soulforged contraptions, but more often they have to hoof it to their destination.  The Iron Legion doesn't mount patrols as such even though they have the numbers to do so.  They prefer to send their members out to gather information individually.  In this way they don't send Renegades scattering from the heavily armed patrols and can get close enough to gain some useful information.  They serve the purpose of detectives where the other two Legions act as beat and riot cops.
    The Emerald Legion sends out patrols of Reapers.  Since there is no area that is more likely to produce victims of accident than any other they have to spread themselves thin in order to get as many members as possible when they cross the Shroud.  That being said, the Reapers of the Emerald Legion still prefer to hang around the rail yards, rail depots and airports in anticipation of some big accident that has yet to come.  The Silent Legion concentrates their efforts around the University of Memphis, the University of Tennessee and Rhodes College.  Suicides are more common in the vast suburbs but the area is too great for the Silent Reapers to patrol effectively.  The Pauper and Penitent Legions tend to get their members from the efforts of other Legions.  The Penitent in particular benefits from the Skeletal Legion's blanket coverage of the areas many hospitals.  The Paupers get any cast-offs the other Legions are willing to throw their way.
    The Doomed on the other hand mount regular patrols of five Wraiths mounted on Relic Horses or Stygian Steeds.  They are usually armed with Dark Steel weapons and Artifacts of varying degrees of power.  A single patrol appearing out of nowhere is usually enough to convince Wraiths contemplating trouble that it's not worth the hassle.  Four or five of these patrols usually show up wherever a Nihil is about to open and manage to hold off the Spectres pouring forth until the other Legions can dispatch reinforcements.  The heavy presence of the Fated in Memphis means that many potential problems are dealt with before they get out of hand.

The Skeletal Legion

    The Yellow Fever epidemic of 1878 forever shaped the composition of the Memphis Necropolis.  The epidemic killed so many that a Necropolis was formed at the site of the city of Memphis even as the decimation led to the dissolution of the city in the Skinlands.  Ever after the city of Memphis has been host to many lesser epidemics that take a few victims every so often.  In recent years a number of hospitals have opened in and around Memphis, which have served to attract terminal patients from less developed sections of the state.  Most of these hospitals are Methodists hospitals and dark rumors abound of a connection with the Skeletal Legion in Memphis which is also predominantly Methodist and Heretics.
    The Legion however, is drawn from all walks of life in Memphis.  This gives the Skeletal Legion a varied face and a Monolithic bureaucracy with which to greet Wraiths to the underworld.  At well over 50,000 Wraiths the Skeletal Legion of Memphis is simply too large for the ancient models of bureaucracy to manage.  As such the newer members of the Legion have taken to storing records on public computers at the Memphis University Library.  The limited access computers are perfect for this purpose and the major concern comes from system managers who sometimes notice the large blocks of unreadable data.  Whenever somebody starts to complain or tries to delete the protected files the department usually recieves a grant of refurbished hard drives to hook up to the server.
    In most matters of policy the Skeletal Legion is usually the one footing the bill.  The majority of the Military in Memphis is drawn from the Skeletal, as is most of the bureaucracy for the Citadel and the Necropolis at large.  In past generations before the empancipation of the Thralls, the Skeletal in Memphis was also the one that sent more slaves up to Stygia than the other Legions.

Christopher H. Balch
    1836-1878.  One of ten policemen to die during the 1878 epidemic, Balch was also the son of the first town constable of Memphis.  Up until 20 years ago he was just a Marshall in the Skeletal Legion.  But E.H. Crump noticed him and engineered his rise to power.  Though generally a racist and a proponent of the 'don't ask, don't tell' philosophy, he has gradually been turned around by The King's talk of peace and harmony.  Now he walks a thin rope between loyalty to Crump and love of The King.
    Balch's frequent shows of solidarity with Crump have earned him the hatred of the Renegades of Memphis, a hatred he returns in kind.  However he is on good terms with those Heretics who aren't directly aligned with the Renegade factions.  Mostly white Methodists and Baptists whom he views as kindred spirits.  His own faith has slowly eroded under the weight of his ambition to increase his Legion's numbers.
    The personal rivalry between Sgt Brinkley of the Grim Legion and Balch has put the two Legions at odds in almost every matter of policy.  Only those items which are of personal interest to The King gain the support of both the Grim and Skeletal Legions.
    Nature:  Traditionalist
    Demeanor:  Conniver
    Life:  Cop
    Death:  Disease
    Regret:  Life cut short
    Cohort:  Anacreon of the Skeletal Legion in Memphis
    Physical:  Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
    Social:  Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
    Mental:  Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
    Talents:  Alertness 2, Awareness 3, Brawl 2, Expression 4, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 4
    Skills:  Drive 1, Etiquette 2, Firearms 2, Leadership 1
    Knowledges:  Bureaucracy 3, Enigmas 2, Investigation 3, Law 4, Occult 2, Politics 3
    Backgrounds:  Allies 3, Artifact 2 (Anacreon's Mask:  Dark Secrets, Castigate ), Artifact 1 (Stygian Chains of Office), Contacts 4, Eidolon 1, Haunt 1 (Abandoned police precint), Memoriam 2, Notoriety 1, Relic 3 (Compact Car), Status 5 (Anacreon of the Skeletal Legion in Memphis)
    Passions:  Secure His Own Position (Safety) 3, Repay Every Debt in Kind (Fairness) 4, Increase the Numbers of his Legion (Greed) 4
    Fetters:  Abandoned Police Precint 3, Elmwood Cemetery 1, Antique Car 4
    Arcanoi:  Castigate 5, Embody 2, Moliate 3
    Corpus:  9
    Pathos:  7
    Willpower:  6
Shadow:  The Parent
    Angst:  3
    Dark Passions:  Undercut the Renegades (Insecurity) 4, Repay Every Transgression in Kind (Revenge) 2
    Thorns:  Bad Luck, Pact of Doom
    Image:  A thin man with slicked back hair and a constant sheen of sweat, Balch looks like he could drop dead at any moment if he were alive.
    Roleplaying Notes:  Balch tries to remain in the background as much as possible.  He prefers to have others court him for his vote so that when his influence is felt people will think it's their own idea.  He also feels somewhat cheated that he didn't die in the line of duty.

Dr. Emmet
    The Psychiatrist responsible for the ambitious Stariway to Heaven project was a Methodist practitioner in life.  In addition to his remarkable practice with Wraiths and his experiments with Trancendence and Harrowings he is known for sheltering Heretic Wraiths and giving them places within the Heirarchy.
    As head of the Stairway to Heaven project he has a great deal of influence in Memphis.  Not the least of which comes from the fact that he knows the secrets of those who pass through the stairway.  His most famous patient is of course The King himself.  Presley has gone through the Stairway twice since the project started.  But even though he managed to go through without any negative effects he hasn't gone through since Hellmont arrived.  Hellmont mistrusts the whole project on general principal and Dr. Emmet in particular.  Dr. Emmet still has a great deal of influence and retains The King's ear.  He uses this influence to gain even more freedom to pursue his theories and research.
    Nature:  Analyst
    Demeanor:  Director
    Life:  Psychiatrist
    Death:  Disease
    Regret:  Unfulfilled Promise
    Cohort:  Regent of the Skeletal Legion
    Physical:  Strength 1, Dexterity 1, Stamina 2
    Social:  Charisma 2, Manipulation 5, Appearance 2
    Mental:  Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 1
    Talents:  Awareness 4, Empathy 2, Expression 4, Intimidation 2
    Skills:  Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Meditation 1
    Knowledges:  Bureaucracy 2, Labyrinthe Lore 2, Law 1, Medicine (Psychiatry) 5, Politics 3
    Backgrounds:  Allies 3, Artifact , Contacts 1, Relic 1 (Pen and Notepad), Status 3
    Passions:  Gain Respect (Pride) 3, Help Others (Joy) 4
    Fetters:  Office 3 (In Shelby)
    Arcanoi:  Castigate 5, Phantasm 4
    Corpus:  9
    Pathos:  8
    Willpower:  8
Shadow:  The Parent
    Angst:  3
    Dark Passions:  Belittle Others (Vanity) 2, Control Others (Contempt) 4
    Thorns:  Freudian Slip, Shadow Manipulation 2
    Image:  A rail thin man with a balding cap of hair that leaves his rather large ears uncovered.  He retains the scars of a Destructive Harrowing he suffered before coming to Graceland.
    Roleplaying Notes:  Meticulous.  Dr. Emmet performs his duties with a solid determination that is at odds with his quite demeanor.  He affects to be the patient and understanding listener while in reality he is always judging and analyzing.  Free from the restrictions of any government oversight he is free to implement his ideas and theories.

The Iron Legion

    Memphis is a great Citadel for the Iron Legion, though not as numerous as the Skeletal Legion, the Iron is the second in terms of numbers.  It is also among the most powerful.  Many politicians join the ranks of the Iron Legion upon their deaths and Memphis has more than its fair share of politicians.  Also many Tennessee sons returned home to Memphis after war.  Having survived the wars that took so many of their friends overseas, they come back to die in relative obscurity.  Many with unfulfilled dreams of heroism and martyrdom.  The Civil War and the Vietnam Wars produced the most veterans of this type.  The Iron Legion is also at the forefront of stifling progress and change.  Some wish to return to the practice of Slavery and Thralldom.  Others simply wish to have others do the labor that gives so many in the Memphis Necropolis the high standard of living that they enjoy today.

Edward Hull Crump
    1876-1954.  The most powerfull political figure from Tennessee's past has spent the past five decades solidifying his hold in the Shadowlands.  Crump's death in 1954 thrust him into Necropolis politics in the aftermath of the Fifth Great Maelstorm.  Even though the Anacreon of the Iron was understandably wary of Crump and resolved to keep him in menial jobs in the Citadel, Crump the ever astute politician, managed to rise fast in the wake of the Civil Rights movement.  His strong arm tactics and knowledge of where all the bodies were buried in the Skinlands made him hard to keep down.  Parlaying his Notoriety in the Skinlands Crump appealed to many older Wraiths who were reluctant to give in to Renegades and Civil Rights proponents.  In just three years from his death he rose to Anacreon of the Iron Legion.  For the last forty years his hold as Anacreon of the Iron Legion was virtually uncontested.  In a relatively short time he also managed to elevate Wraiths beholden to him in the Emerald, Grim and Skeletal Legions.  He holds a position of "First Among Equals" in the Old Boys Club.  But like everyone else in the Memphis Necropolis he has to defer to The King.  After all, The King is not only the most powerful and influential Wraith in Memphis, he's also the base for the new economy.  Still, despite this, he manages to oversee most of the day to day operations of the Necropolis.  Anything he can convince The King that is of little importance and best handled by the bureaucrats who know the job best.
    Crump is the major obstacle to racial harmony and Civil Liberty reform in the Necropolis.  The united front that the Skeletal and Iron Legions often present in council is sometimes enough to resist change.  Other times Crump himself has to resort to backroom deals and blackmail to keep the Status Quo.
    Nature:  Bureaucrat
    Demeanor:  Conniver
    Life:  Politician
    Death:  Old Age
    Regret:  Legacy
    Cohort:  Anacreon of the Iron Legion in Memphis
    Physical:  Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
    Social:  Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3
    Mental:  Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
    Talents:  Alertness 2, Awareness 4, Diplomacy 3, Expression 4,
Interrogation 3, Intimidation 5, Intrigue 5, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 5
    Skills:  Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Firearms 2, Gambling 3, Leadership 4
    Knowledges:  Bureaucracy 5, Enigmas 3, Heirarchy Lore 3, Investigation 3,
Law 4, Linguistics 2, Memphis Area Knowledge 5, Occult 2, Politics 5, Spectre Lore 2
    Backgrounds:  Allies 5, Artifact 2 (Anacreon's Mask:  Befuddlement, Pandemonium ), Artifact 1 (Stygian Chains of Office), Contacts 5, Haunt 3 (Victorian Cottage), Legacy 2, Memoriam 4, Notoriety 3, Status 5
    Passions:  Control the Politics of Memphis (Possessiveness) 5, Supress Renegades and Heretics (Fear) 2, Manipulate Rivals (Arrogance) 4
    Fetters:  Elmwood Cemetery 1, Capitol Building 4, Democratic Convention Hall 3
    Arcanoi:  Castigate 5, Embody 1, Fatalism 2, Lifeweb 4, Usury 3
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  8
    Willpower:  9
Shadow:  The Director
    Angst:  5
    Dark Passions:  Lose Political Control (Despair) 4, Betray Himself to Rivals (Doubt) 4
    Thorns:  Spectre Prestige 5, Dark Allies 3, Infamy 2
    Image:  Having died in his 70's Crump is a thin and distinguished looking gentleman, but used to a sedentary life behind the desk.  He wears relic clothing that is generic enough to not appear too dated and manages a smile with the best of them at even the worst of times.
    Roleplaying Notes:  Crump is the draconian politician played to the hilt.  He can manage to manipulate even his worst enemies into believeing that he has their best interests at heart and that even his most brutal and represive proposals are well intentioned and used only as a last resort.  A Democrat in life, economic issues are always his major concern.  For this reason he will not contemplate any course of action that harms The King in any way.  He will however pursue any course of action that will keep him and his 'Old Boys Network' in power.  If that means supporting distasteful practices such as slavery, then so be it.  After all, the other alternative is to have Wastrel Wraiths choking up the system and bringing everyone down with them into Oblivion.

General James Winchester
    1786-1852.  The former Anacreon of the Iron Legion in Memphis before the arrival of E.H. Crump, Gen. Winchester has been enjoying his retirement in Elmwood.  Recent events however have drawn him back into the politics of the Memphis Necropolis.  Being stripped of his Thralls has made his Shadow suddenly much more active.  He now spends his time insinuating himself into the power structure of the Graceland Haunt to help his former rival return to political dominance.  Unfortunately for Crump, no one can be near The King for long and remain unaffected.  His loyalties are shifting ever so slightly to the charismatic Anacreon.
    Nature:  Traditionalist
    Demeanor:  Leader
    Life:  Soldier
    Death:  Old Age
    Regret:  Missed Chances
    Cohort:  Overlord of the Iron Legion in Memphis
    Physical:  Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
    Social:  Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
    Mental:  Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
    Talents:  Alertness 2, Awareness 3, Brawl 4, Expression 3, Intimidation 3
    Skills:  Crafts 2, Etiquette 4, Firearms 5
    Knowledges:  Bureaucracy 2, Enigmas 1, Law 2, Politics 2
    Backgrounds:  Allies 3, Artifact 3 (Darksteel cavalry sword), Artifact 1 (Chains of office), Memoriam 2, Status 4
    Passions:  Protect Priviledges of Slave-ownership (Stubborness) 3, Protect Memphis (Pride) 4, Bring down Renegades (Hate) 2
    Fetters:  Bluff at the juncture of Mississippi and Wolf Rivers 3, Grave 2
    Arcanoi:  Argos 2, Castigate 3, Embody 4, Lifeweb 3, Moliate 3, Usury 3
    Corpus:  9
    Pathos:  8
    Willpower:  7
Shadow:  The Parent
    Angst:  6
    Dark Passions:  Own Slaves (Greed) 3, Destroy Memphis (Self Pity) 3, Destroy Rivals (Jealousy) 2
    Thorns:  Shadow Strength 3, Tainted Relic 3 (Cavalry Sword), Trick of the Light
    Image:  A distinguished southern gentleman the General wears his relic uniform with pride.  Not very tall nor very athletic he is still a bit taller than the average Tennessee man and thinner too.  Slightly above average for a man of his age best describes Gen. Winchester.
    Roleplaying Notes:  Gen. Winchester doesn't, in his mind, see the difference between slavery and servitude.  He believes that the one practice is no more evil than having servants to do your chores.  In his opinion some people just aren't capable of arranging their own affairs in a way that benefits society as a whole.  His attitude when discussing slavery can best be described as petulant.  He just can't see why anyone would disagree with him.  Since he's never confrontational about the issue however, it makes him the best suited to lobby for Thrall practices in the liberal Necropolis of Memphis.  On other issues of politics he's much more tractable and even pleasant to talk with.

The Grim Legion

    The deadly crime rate of Memphis, which was once in 1930 the Death Capital of the U.S. has been steadily dropping.  With just over 100 deaths from violence every year since 1995, the Grim Legion is losing most of its numbers to the other three main Legions.  This suits the new Memphis just fine.
    The Grim functions much as a police force in the Shadowlands of Memphis.  The upper echelon of the Grim are almost all former cops.  Soldiers who died in Memphis usually belong to other Legions, while Tennessee soldiers who died elswhere are few and mostly remain where they died.  The rank and file are generally the victims of violent crime.  Which generally means that the lower in rank a Grim Legionnaire, the more likely he or she is to employ brutality over restraint.  Thankfully, calmer heads are in charge, and times are heading in a new direction.
    Even so white and black members of the Grim Legion tend to congregate in their own Circles.  Some of the younger black wraiths of the Grim resent the mostly white leadership of the Heirarchy and are known to hover between Legion affiliation and Renegade status.  The situation is left to simmer since the majority of murder victims are from black on black violence.  This situation denies them a clear target for their resentment.

Sgt. J.C. Brinkley
    1875-1919.  Shot while investigating a supposed Chicken robbery, Brinkley never got over the indignity of his death.  Of all the things to be killed over, a chicken shouldn't be one of them.  The Anacreon of the Grim Legion is a humorless man.  He's developed something of a rivalry with Christopher Balch.  At least Brinkley died in the line of duty.  Balch died at home with yellow fever.  Still he also owes certain favors to Crump, even though he doesn't owe his appointment as Anacreon.  So most of the time they keep their animosity in check.  Only sometimes, just to be contrary and to show his independence, Brinkley will vote with the Paupers against the Iron and Skeletal Legions.
    Nature:  Curmudgeon
    Demeanor:  Critic
    Life:  Cop
    Death:  Violence
    Regret:  Wasted Death
    Cohort:  Anacreon of the Grim Legion
    Physical:  Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
    Social:  Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 1
    Mental:  Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 2
    Talents:  Brawl 5, Dodge 2, Intimidation 4, Streetwise 2
    Skills:  Drive 1, Firearms 3, Leadership 3, Melee 4, Repair 2
    Knowledges:  Bureaucracy 2, Enigmas 1, Investigation 3, Law 2, Politics 3
    Backgrounds:  Allies 5, Artifact 3 (Darksteel Armor; AR 3, Pen -1), Artifact 2 (Anacreon's Mask:  Intimation Basic Ability, Self Intimation), Contacts 4, Relic 2 (Handgun)
    Passions:  Bury Himself in Work (Affirmation) 5, Protect Cops (Outrage) 3
    Fetters:  Black Maggie Pub 4, (He killed his other Fetter, the man who shot him.)
    Arcanoi:  Moliate 4, Outrage 5, Pandemonium 2
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  6
    Willpower:  9
Shadow:  The Perfectionist
    Angst:  4
    Dark Passions:  Belittle Self (Disgust) 4, Betray Cops (Envy) 3
    Thorns:  Shadow Strength 2, Bad Luck, Shadow Familiar (Black Rooster)
    Image:  Stout, beyond that not much needs be said about Brinkley's appearance.  If you've ever seen a bulldog then you get the general idea.  Brinkley wears full regalia only when dealing with the other Anacreons in council.  Otherwise he wears the uniform he died in.
    Roleplaying Notes:  Brinkley is a bitter man who doesn't like to spend time with people unless it's about business.  Which is sad because he was a very outgoing person in life.  He would spend hours drinking and singing at his favorite pub, the Black Maggie.  He had friends all over Memphis and even a mistress.  When he died though he did a complete turn about.  He doesn't joke, he doesn't sing and Rarely engages in a conversation that doesn't involve work or politics.

Sheriff A. Williams
Sheriff A. Williams     1937-1969.  Sherrif Williams died in the line of duty during a routine traffic stop.  Not much information is known about how he died or why the person he stopped decided to attack.
    The emancipation of Thralls in Memphis has highlighted the problem of Wastrel Wraiths.  For this reason a special office has been created to deal with the problem.  Williams is the first Sheriff of the Necropolis and along with his Circle of Deputies, it is his duty to see to it that those Wraiths who don't have the strength to or desire to fight Oblivion don't end up as Spectre bait.  Most Wastrel Wraiths are taken to Graceland where they are either assigned jobs or they are given training.  It's the Sheriffs job to round them up.
    The big question of course is the status of Drones.  These Wraiths have no drive and cannot be taught anything.  Sherrif Williams hasn't been able to come up with a satisfactory answer and neither has anyone else.  So for the time being Drones are left alone.
    Nature:  Caregiver
    Demeanor:  Bravo
    Life:  Cop
    Death:  Violence
    Regret:  Revenge
    Cohort:  Marshall of the Grim Legion
    Physical:  Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
    Social:  Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
    Mental:  Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
    Talents:  Alertness 4, Awareness 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 4, Empathy 3,
Expression 2, Interrogation 3, Intimidation 3, Search 2, Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 3
    Skills:  Drive 4, Etiquette 2, Fast Draw 4, Firearms 5, Leadership 3, Lock Picking 1, Meditation 1, Melee 1, Repair 2, Stealth 3
    Knowledges:  Bureaucracy 2, Computer 1, Enigmas 2, Investigation 3, Law 4, Medicine 2, Occult 2 Politics 3, Science 1
    Backgrounds:  Allies 3, Memoriam 3, Relic 2 (Bullets), Relic 3 (Gunbelt & Gun), Relic 4 (Squad Car), Status 4 (Heirarchy)
    Passions:  Get Revenge on Murderer (Anger) 4, Protect Family (Love) 3, Carry Out Duty (Loyalty) 4, Ease Loved Ones Pain (Grief) 3
    Fetters:  Daughter (Cheryl) 3, Wedding Ring 2, Shotgun 4
    Arcanoi:  Argos 3, Flux 2, Inhabit 3, Moliate 4, Outrage 3, Usury 2
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  8
    Willpower:  8
Shadow:  The Bully
    Angst:  4
    Dark Passions:  Get Revenge (Rage) 5, Hurt Loved Ones (Pain) 3
    Thorns:  Shadow Strength 3, Shadow Call
    Image:  A tall man in his thirties, the Sheriff exudes a calm that seems more arrogance than cool.  He still wears the police uniform he carried in life.
    Roleplaying Notes:  As soon as you can, change the Sheriff's name so that his last name is a variation of your own first name and his first initial is the first letter of your last name.  This will immediately make your players suspiscious, especially if you make it a point never to give out his full first name.  Other than that, just play him like Clint Eastwood and paranoia is sure to follow.
    As the Sherrif of the Necropolis he will be in constant contact with your players.  If they seem to be loitering or they don't have a job then Sherrif Williams could take them for Wastrel Wraiths.  This gives him the perfect opportunity to hassle the players.  Another thing that Sheriff Williams does is use Flux to maintain the supply of ammunition for the Century under his command.  This could give the players a handle on the Sheriff since this is technically a violation of the Dictum Mortuum, especially since knowledge of Flux is outlawed.

Marcus "Remittance"
    Though not a very dedicated Bounty Hunter, Marcus had made a decent living.  Mostly on low key assigments.  Deadbeat husbands, overdue parking tickets, that sort of thing.  He just happened to catch up to a bounty at the wrong moment.  Now he serves as Reaper for the Grim Legion.  When he's not doing that he serves as a Bounty Hunter for his fellow Grim Legionnaires.  He finds the Wraiths of murderers and delivers them to the Advocates.
    Nature:  Fanatic
    Demeanor:  Bravo
    Life:  Bounty Hunter
    Death:  Violence
    Regret:  Revenge
    Cohort:  Centurion of the Grim Legion
    Physical:  Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
    Social:  Charisma 1, Manipluation 4, Appearance 1
    Mental:  Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 1
    Talents:  Alertness 2, Awareness 1, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Intimidation 2
    Skills:  Firearms 3, Leadership 2, Repair 1, Stealth 2
    Knowledges:  Enigmas 1, Investigation 1, Law 2, Linguistics 1, Occult 1
    Backgrounds:  Allies (Barghests) 2, Artifact (Stygian Chains) 1, Artifact (Soulfire Lamp) 2, Contacts 2, Eidolon 4, Status 2
    Passions:  Get the one who got away (Pride) 3, Deny Liberty to those don't deserve it (Anger) 2, Hurt the Bastard who Killed Me (Pain) 5
    Fetters:  Killer 4, Memphis Police Station 3, Shotgun 2
    Arcanoi:  Argos 2, Moliate 3, Outrage 1, Puppetry 1, Usury 1
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  5
    Willpower:  6
Shadow:  The Abuser
    Angst:  3
    Dark Passions:  Enslave Others (Envy) 3, Alienate Everyone (Despair) 2, Fail (Shame) 2
    Thorns:  Death's Sigil (Howling Dogs), Shadow Strength 3, Shadowed Face
    Image:  A lean Wraith with his face hidden by a hood.  Marcus is usually accompanied by his two Barghest at all times.
    Roleplaying Notes:  If for some reason the players get on the wrong side of the Heirarchy they can expect a visit from Marcus.  He will usually let his Barghests track down his prey, but if they prove elusive or have set up defenses he cannot cross then he will Skinride a mortal who appears to be going in the right direction to show up in the middle of the target's haunt.

The Emerald Legion

    The Emerald Legion of Memphis is the fourth largest Legion in size.  Memphis isn't known for great disasters with floods of dead.  Memphis has a very responsive Fire Brigade and is protected from flooding by Wolf Bluff.  Memphis has never suffered an earthquake, and most train accidents are with freight and usually involve less than ten people.  Still the Emerald Legion is just behind the Grim Legion in numbers and looks to soon overtake them.  While the number of violent deaths in Memphis drops steadily each year, the population still keeps rising.  And that means, among other things, that more people die by accident each year.

    d. 1811.  The ghost of Mary is one of the most famous residents of Memphis.  Even The King knew her before he died and had claimed to see her at the Orpheum Theatre.  The original theater is now in the Shadowlands thanks to Mary.  She used Outrage to set it afire so that she could play with the props and trap doors of the theater in the Shadowlands.  Several Wraiths had the theater as their Fetter and suffered Harrowings due to her actions.  But as with much of her violations of the Dictum Mortuum she escaped any real punishment for her crime.
    She uses her childlike appearance of innocence to get away with things that other Wraiths would be sent to the Forges for.  Not only is she an unrepentant violator of the Dictum Mortuum she is also a practical joker who loves to embarass the other Anacreons.  Especially E.H. Crump.  However she does it in such an obvious manner that no one can hold her accountable.  If she were doing these things out of malice then she would at least attempt to hide her complicity, right?  Instead she goes out of her way to let everyone know it was her that placed the Relic thumbtack on the chair by staring at the person about to be seated before he gets pricked and then laughing uproriously afterwards.  If she is reprimanded for her actions she gets petulant and claims not to know why she's being singled out so unfairly.
    Of course those who fall for her act fail to realize how shrewd she really is.  She may have died a child but she is now almost a century old.  She's had many years to perfect her act.  She became Anacreon of the Emerald by playing on the sympathies of her subjects and her opponents.  She is astute enough to realize that many of her Overlords and Regents are beholden to E.H. Crump and holds a special enmity to him.  She works to break his hold on her Legion at every opportunity and set others against him.
    Of all the Anacreons in Memphis she seems to be the least affected by The King.  In fact she can usually get whatever she wants from him just by dimpling her cheeks.  If that doesn't work she pouts until he gives in.  Either way the Pauper Legion usually votes with the Emerald in matters of policy of which Mary has a vested interest.
    Nature:  Jester
    Demeanor:  Child
    Life:  Child
    Death:  Accident
    Regret:  Life cut Short
    Cohort:  Anacreon of the Emerald Legion
    Physical:  Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
    Social:  Charisma 5, Manipluation 5, Appearance 4
    Mental:  Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
    Talents:  Alertness 1, Awareness 5, Dodge 3, Empathy 2, Expression 3, Subterfuge 5
    Skills:  Crafts 3, Performance 5, Stealth 5
    Knowledges:  Bureaucracy 4, Enigmas 5, Investigation 3, Law 4, Linguistics 3 (English, Italian, French, Latin), Occult 4, Politics 5
    Backgrounds:  Allies 5, Artifact (Anacreaon's Mask:  Usury , Early Withdrawal) 2, Eidolon 5, Haunt (Orpheum Theater) 4, Memoriam 3, Notoriety 3, Status 5 (Anacreaon of the Emerald Legion in Memphis)
    Passions:  Annoy grown-ups (Impishness) 5, Make people laugh (Humor) 4, Not get punished (Excitement) 4
    Fetters:  Beale Street Corner 3
    Arcanoi:  Argos 3, Castigate 3, Embody 5, Fatalism 2, Outrage 4, Pandemonium 5
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  6
    Willpower:  6
Shadow:  The Comedian
    Angst:  4
    Dark Passions:  Get Caught (Frustration) 4, Spread Misery (Sadness) 3
    Thorns:  Devil's Dare
    Image:  A small child with blond hair and a Shirley Temple dress.  She usually has a smile but when she's not smiling she has a pout that is just as cute.
    Roleplaying Notes:  If you have a cute niece or cousin under the age of 10 then you know how hard it can be to stay mad at her.  Especially since she's not your child and you don't have to deal with her temper tantrums.

Edward Lennen
    d. January 6, 1880.  Edward and Peter were the first firefighters to die in the line of duty in Memphis.  Having died trying to help each other out of a burning building the men have maintained a strong bond after death.  They are two of Memphis' most experienced Doomslayers and Balefire fighters.  Pulling this double duty means that they don't have to work as Reapers or at any of the menial tasks around the Necropolis.
    Edward is an outgoing sort.  He died young, with a wife and a daughter he didn't know was coming until after he was dead.  He tries to make the most of his new existence.  Help those he can, and raise a toast to those he can't.
    Nature:  Jester
    Demeanor:  Architect
    Life:  Firefighter
    Death:  Accident
    Regret:  Love
    Cohort:  Regent of the Emerald Legion
    Physical:  Strength 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
    Social:  Charisma 3, Manipluation 1, Appearance 2
    Mental:  Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
    Talents:  Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 2, Empathy 2, Streetwise 1
    Skills:  Drive 4, Leadership 3, Melee 3, Repair 3, Stealth 3, Survival 2
    Knowledges:  Enigmas 3, Medicine 3, Occult 3, Spectre Lore 4
    Backgrounds:  Allies 2, Artifact 5 (Balefire Fire-engine), Eidolon 3, Memoriam 2, Notoriety 3, Relic 2 (Axe), Status 3
    Passions:  Save Lives (Accomplishment) 4, Help Young Kids (Hope) 3, Fight Fires (Excitement) 5
    Fetters:  Old Memphis Firehouse Museum 3, Antique Firetruck 4, Graceland 2
    Arcanoi:  Argos 2, Castigate 4, Inhabit 4, Moliate 3, Pandemonium 3
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  7
    Willpower:  8
Shadow:  The Perfectionist
    Angst:  3
    Dark Passions:  Get Recognition (Vanity) 4, Belittle Others (Envy) 3, Let Things Burn (Lust) 4
    Thorns:  Death's Sigil (Burning smell), Shadow Dexterity 3
    Image:  A strong and husky young man in an old style of firefighter's uniform.  He usually drives the Balefire Fire-engine and operates the pumps.  When his Shadow is in control he looks leaner, even thin.
    Roleplaying Notes:  Eddie, as his friends call him is a nice guy to have around.  He may appear to be the calm one of the pair, but he leaps into danger with wild abandon.

Peter Meath
    d. January 6, 1880.  Eddie and Pete are the most visible memebers of the Emerald Legion outside the Citadel.  In fact they have a certain celebrity that is also acknowledged by Renegades and Heretics.  They fight Spectres and Balefire.  Who wouldn't love these guys?  They save anyone they can and don't make any distinction for race, allegiance or social status.
    Peter takes full advantadge of his notoriety and always seeks to live it up on the other side of the Shroud.  He has very little to tie him to the living world except for his guilty little pleasures.  Peter likes to hang around Memphis University and fuel the rumors that the school is haunted.
    Nature:  Avant Garde
    Demeanor:  Bon Vivant
    Life:  Firefighter
    Death:  Accident
    Regret:  Missed Chances
    Cohort:  Regent of the Emerald Legion
    Physical:  Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
    Social:  Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
    Mental:  Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
    Talents:  Alertness 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 4, Subterfuge 3
    Skills:  Drive 4, Melee 5
    Knowledges:  Bureaucracy 2, Enigmas 2, Spectre Lore 3
    Backgrounds:  Allies 2, Artifact 5 (Balefire Fire Engine), Eidolon 2, Memoriam 2, Notoriety 4, Relic 3 (Fire Hose), Status 3
    Passions:  Enjoy Fame and Fortune (Lust) 5, Fight Fires (Excitement) 4, Fight Spectres (Reckless Abandonement) 3
    Fetters:  Beale Street 2, Memphis University 1, Brothel Near Train Station 4
    Arcanoi:  Argos 2, Castigate 3, Embody 2, Inhabit 4, Moliate 4, Outrage 3, Pandemonium 4
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  7
    Willpower:  7
Shadow:  The Freak
    Angst:  4
    Dark Passions:  Freak People Out (Alienation) 4, Stay at Home and Do Nothing (Lethargy) 3
    Thorns:  Trick of the Light, Devil's Dare
    Image:  A tall man with red hair and a passion about everything he does.  He wears a variety of Firefighter uniforms from the past century.
    Roleplaying Notes:  Pete has a lust for life that even death can't quell.  He fights hard and plays harder.

The Silent Legion

    Like in most Necropoli the Silent Legion in Memphis occupies the middle stratus between the larger Legions (Such as the Iron and Grim) and the smaller Legions (Such as the Penitent and Paupers).  This status of comforting anonymity is largely desired by the members of the Silent Legion who have no great desire to involve themselves in politics.

Robert Cunnings
    1810-1882.  Cunnings was a Leiutenant in the Confederate Army, but he survived the war and the yellow fever epidemics that followed.  In 1878 when he fled Memphis he moved to Boston.  But when he took his own life at the age of 72 his fetters drew him to Memphis.  After the war Cunnings had become a lawyer and practiced law as a public defender and prosecuter before finally settling into a comfortable position as a paid defense attorney and consultant.
    Being a professional debater and a man of law, Cunnings found it easy to advance in the Silent Legion.  He also developed a reputation for being an ambassador.  Using Lifeweb he would make an object a temporary fetter then have it mailed to wherever he needed to go.  Then using Argos he could be there instantly without having to traverse the Shadowlands to get there.  His contacts in Boston and New York gave him the power to rise to Anacreon of the Silent Legion and also to be more effective than his predecessor.
    Nature:  Critic
    Demeanor:  Mediator
    Life:  Soldier/Lawyer
    Death:  Suicide
    Regret:  Outlived his Comrades
    Cohort:  Anacreon of the Silent Legion in Memphis
    Physical:  Strength 2, Dexterity 1, Stamina 3
    Social:  Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
    Mental:  Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
    Talents:  Alertness 2, Empathy 4, Expression 5, Intimidation 3, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 5
    Skills:  Etiquette 3, Firearms 2, Leadership 4, Meditation 2, Melee 2, Performance 3
    Knowledges:  Bureaucracy 4, Enigmas 3, Investigation 5, Law 5, Linguistics 2 (French, Latin), Occult 2, Politics 4, Science 2
    Backgrounds:  Allies 4, Artifact 2 (Anacreons Mask; Ballad, Keening ), Artifact 1 (Stygian Steel Chains of Office), Contacts 5, Eidolon 2, Haunt 3 (Memphis Courthouse), Notoriety 2, Relic 4 (Library of Books of Law), Status 5 (Anacreon of the Silent Legion in Memphis)
    Passions:  Deliver Justice (Pride) 4, Serve his Legion (Loyalty) 3, Participate in Adventures (Excitement) 5
    Fetters:  Chicamauga Battlefield 3, Memphis Courthouse 5
    Arcanoi:  Argos 5, Castigate 2, Keening 3, Lifeweb 5, Moliate 2, Usury 3
    Corpus:  9
    Pathos:  5
    Willpower:  7
Shadow:  The Leech
    Angst:  4
    Dark Passions:  Betray Trust (Betrayal) 3, Stay Out of Danger (Cowardice) 5
    Thorns:  Bad Luck, Freudian Slip
    Image:  A stern man with an expanding gut, a short trimmed beard and mustache and thinning grey hair.  His eyes are completely black as he has used Argos to remain in contact with Wraiths in Death Valley, Boston and New York.
    Roleplaying Notes:  His worldly concerns don't intefere with his duties as much as the previous Anacreon's and those who meet him have a hard time thinking of him as a member of the Silent Legion.  His stern and focused manner seem so at odds with everyone else in his Legion.  The truth is that he represses his feelings and lets his doubts and regrets fester until he can't handle them anymore.  His explosions afterwards are the stuff of legend and he can snap at anyone.  Even The King has been the target of his temper, a fact that has given him a reputation for being inflexible.

Shannon Wilsey "Savannah"
    1970-1994.  One of adult entertainment's most celebrated, and most controversial stars, Shannon went from a life as a Rock n' Roll groupie to life as a porn star named Savannah.  In the early morning of July 11, 1994 she took her own life with a handgun.  She was distraught over events earlier that day which had led to her breaking her nose in a car crash in her white Corvette.  Though she was rushed to the hospital by police and friend/manager Pera, she died en-route.
    She had been distressed over money problems and worried that it would lead to the cancellation of live appearances for which she hadn't been paid yet.  It seemed to her that she wouldn't be able to continue her extravagant lifestyle and the generous gifts with which she regularly lavished her friends and sychophants.  Though she had many lovers in her lifetime only actor/comedian Pauly Shore attended her funeral.
    Shannon Wilsey passed over in California and many of her Fetters remain there in Universal City.  But the anarchy of the untameable regions of California's Shadowland meant that Shannon soon turned up as a Thrall in the Los Angeles Necropolis.  Her owner didn't think much of her intelligence or courage so relied mostly on threats and intimidation to keep her in line.  One day while Pauly Shore was attending an event in L.A. she took off and Skin Rode him.  For the next few years she never strayed far from the actor.  During this time he made two new movies and his career was really taking off, but then he visited Memphis and Shannon stayed behind in Graceland.  Caught up like so many other Wraiths in the hypnotic influence of The King.  Not so coincidently, Pauly Shore hasn't starred in a feature film since.
    Shannon is the model of what the reformist in Memphis are trying to do with Wastrel Wraiths.  She now holds a job in the Graceland Haunt, running errands and relaying messages.  And she has been able to push herself to the point where she is no longer as easily dominated by her Shadow.  She has a Relic Ferrari, a gift from The King, which she uses to carry messages and older Wraiths who never learned how to drive an internal combustion vehicle between the Haunts of the Necropolis.  She's generally considered non threatening by all factions and is allowed free passage throughout the Memphis Shadowlands.  Even so, when carrying messages she is usually accompanied by a Centurion, or at least someone who has experience battling Spectres.
    Nature:  Child
    Demeanor:  Bon Vivant
    Life:  Porn Star
    Death:  Suicide
    Regret:  Guilt
    Cohort:  Marshall of the Silent Legion
    Physical:  Strength 2, Deterity 3, Stamina 3
    Social:  Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4
    Mental:  Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
    Talents:  Athletics 1, Carousing 4, Empathy 2, Expression 1, Seduction 4, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 4
    Skills:  Dancing 3, Drive 1, Meditation 1, Performance 2, Singing 2, Style 3
    Knowledges:  Bureacracy 2, Occult 1
    Backgrounds:  Allies 2, Artifact 2 (Soulfire Crystal) Eidolon 1, Legacy 2, Memoriam 3, Relic 4 (White Ferrari), Status 2
    Passions:  Put the Past behind her (Guilt) 4, Help Pauly Shore's Career (Love) 2, Become Self Reliant (Pride) 4
    Fetters:  White Corvette 3, Pauly Shore 4, Howard Stern's Radio Booth 4
    Arcanoi:  Castigate 2, Keening 3, Phantasm 2, Puppetry 1
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  8
    Willpower:  5 (Was 3 before she left California.)
Shadow:  The Pusher
    Angst:  4
    Dark Passions:  Degrade Self at Every Opportunity (Shame) 5, Ruin Pauly Shore (Hate) 3
    Thorns:  Devil's Dare
    Image:  The first thing everyone notices about Shannon are her huge breasts.  If you can get past the glaringly obvious however, you will notice her perpetually sad eyes that somehow manage to not take away from her dazzling smile.
    Roleplaying Notes:  Shannon is probably one of the easiest NPC's to meet and interact with.  Since she is constantly moving around the Necropolis they can meet her anywhere.  And since she constantly needs protection the characters might be assigned to accompany her on her rounds to keep her safe from Renegades and Spectres.

The Penitent Legion

    The number of hospitals in Memphis also makes it a breeding ground for members of the Penitent Legion.  Though in much lesser numbers than the Skeletal Legion gains from the same source.  The big debate forwarded by the Penitent Legion to swell its ranks is that Drug Overdoses aren't accidents and that anyone who would rob themselves of their senses that way should be considered a victim of madness.  Certainly those who die of an overdose cannot be considered to be in their right minds at the time of death.  Early gains in this department gained the Penitent several undesireable Wraiths from the Emerald Legion and even the Silent Legion.  However they pushed the debate to include other 'Victims of Vice' such as smokers and people who died from Viagra.  Incidental Wraiths are not of too much importance to the larger Legions, but smokers as a whole are a hotly contested demographic for the Skeletal, Iron and Emerald Legions.  An average of over 3,000 to just under 4,000 deaths a year from smoking in the Metro Area alone makes this a very difficult argument to win for the Penitent.  Smoking produces anywhere from 15 to 60  Wraiths in any given year for the Memphis Necropolis alone.  Other Legions would have to be insane to simply hand over those that would fall to their Legion.  Such as those who would go to the Skeletal Legion because of disease complications brought on by smoking.  Or those who died from heart failure brought on by a lifetime of smoking and would otherwise go to the Iron Legion.  Or even those who died from smoke inhalation and smoldering bed fires that go to the Emerald Legion.

Dr. Joan Meredith
    1945-1992.  One of the Wraiths working on the Stairway to Heaven project, Dr. Meredith was a psychiatrist who died after retirement due to a nervous breakdown.  One day she simply walked off her balcony without realizing it falling 3 feet and breaking her neck.  If she had been at all aware of her surroundings she wouldn't have fallen or she could have caught herself with her hands.
    As a Psychiatrist Dr. Meredith is the only logical choice to head the Penitent Legion.  She is quite sane now.  Her condition wasn't lasting and she had been steadily getting better even before her death.  This makes her the one sane person in a Legion full of nuts.  She's also probably one of the few members of her Legion who doesn't have at least a passing knowledge of Pandemonium.
    Nature:  Director
    Demeanor:  Judge
    Life:  Psychiatrist
    Death:  Madness
    Regret:  Shame
    Cohort:  Anacreon of the Penitent Legion of Memphis
    Physical:  Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina 1
    Social:  Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3
    Mental:  Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
    Talents:  Awareness 5, Empathy 4, Expression 3, Intimidation 4, Subterfuge 5
    Skills:  Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Leadership 2, Meditation 2
    Knowledges:  Bureaucracy 3, Computer 1, Enigmas 1, Investigation 3, Law 1, Linguistics 1, Medicine (Psychiatry) 5, Occult 2, Politics 3, Science 2
    Backgrounds:  Artifact 2 (Anacreons Mask; Ballad, Keening ), Artifact 1 (Stygian Steel Chains of Office), Haunt 3
    Passions:  Help the Insane (Duty) 4, Support The King (Love) 5, Understand Death (Curiosity) 3
    Fetters:  Medical Offices in Hospital 3, House in Bartlett 2
    Arcanoi:  Castigate 4, Lifeweb 3, Phantasm 5
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  6
    Willpower:  6
Shadow:  The Parent
    Angst:  2
    Dark Passions:  Keep The King to Herself (Jealousy) 3, Retreat from the World (Insanity) 4
    Thorns:  Shadow Call, Trick of the Light
    Image:  A small woman with brown hair and brown eyes.  Virtually no one remembers any details about how she dresses or what she looks like.
    Roleplaying Notes:  She does very little to attract attention and prefers to listen rather than talk.  She is very shrewd though and Crump has recognized her intelligence and courts her for her political support.  Joan though, is absolutely in love with The King.  It doesn't show through her cool exterior but she adores him and would do anything he asks.  People think it's for political reasons that the Penitent Legion and the Legion of Paupers present such a unified front.

The Conductor
    d. 1888.  The enigmatic Wraith known as the Conductor is a regular visitor to the Memphis Necropolis.  He is responsible for the train that goes to Death Valley to exchange Rhinefire crystals for Relic silver.  Not much is known these days about the circumstances of his death.  It is suspected that the Heirarchy covered up who he was and how many people he killed when he died because of the Relic Steam Engine he brought with him across the Shroud.  The people who spread these rumors don't explain why they didn't simply take the Relic from him and then send him to the forges.  They point to his Chains of Office and note that they look like Thrall manacles with a Penitent badge stamped onto them.
    Nature:  Child
    Demeanor:  Monster
    Life:  Workaholic
    Death:  Madness
    Regret:  Crash
    Cohort:  Centurion of the Penitent Legion of Memphis
    Physical:  Strength 5, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
    Social:  Charisma 2, Manipluation 3, Appearance 1
    Mental:  Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
    Talents:  Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 2, Intimidation 4, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1
    Skills:  Crafts 1, Drive 2, Meditation 2, Melee 3, Repair 4, Stealth 3, Train Operation 4
    Knowledges:  Computer 1, Enigmas 3, Linguistics 2 (English, French, Dutch), Occult 2
    Backgrounds:  Artifact (Chains of Office) 1, Haunt (Rail Station) 1, Heirarchy Status 1, Notoriety 3, Relic (Steam Engine) 5
    Passions:  Arrive on Time (Pride) 3, Save People from Train Crashes (Mercy) 4, Seek Forgiveness (Redemption) 3
    Fetters:  Bed 3, Mississippi River 2, Rail Station Haunt 4
    Arcanoi:  Argos 4, Inhabit 4, Moliate 3
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  5
    Willpower:  9
Shadow:  The Monster
    Angst:  6
    Dark Passions:  Crash Trains (Sadism) 4, Miss Deadlines (Sloth) 2
    Thorns:  Death's Sigil (Hunchback), Shadow Strength 5
    Image:  The Conductor wears the uniform of a 19th century rail worker.  He also has a noticable hump.  Despite or maybe because of this deformity he is freakishly strong.  He is ugly, but this is obviously the result of Moliate use.
    Roleplaying Notes:  The Conductor doesn't speak much, and when he does he usually limits himself to a whisper.  He answers mostly to calls of 'Hey You' and no one outside a few Hierarchy bureaucracts know his real name.  When he has to introduce himself he gives his name as the Conductor.  Characters who run afoul of him will be taken aback by his immense strength which doubles when his Shadow is in control.

The Legion of Paupers

    In a departure from normal Necropli politics, the Legion of Paupers is the dominant force in Memphis.  This is of course due mostly to it's most famous member, The King.  The Legion of Paupers also enjoys popular support from the Renegade and Heretic population of Memphis.  This makes the Victims of Mystery a force of political power that reaches across traditional Legion and Faction boundries.
    While the Beggar Lord in Stygia would love to get his hands on The King and influence him directly, The King has been reluctant to make the trip to Stygia to meet the Deathlords.  The tithes of Rhinefire and Kingsilvers has only whetted the Beggar Lord's appetite for more.  He tries to maintain contact through couriers and Harbingers but Memphis doesn't have any Byways that lead directly to Stygia and travel across the Tempest is chancy at best and these are not the best of times.

Herb Vaughn
    1842-1886.  Herb Vaugn is the former Anacreon of the Legion of Paupers and one of the first to recognize the momentous occasion precipitated by Presley's death.  Aside from this rather notable claim to fame, Herb is known for having been the previous Anacreon of the Legion of Paupers in Memphis.  Herb recognized a good thing when he saw it and quickly abdicated his position to Elvis.  These days he remains a trusted friend and advisor to The King, though of course he realizes that the current political scene is way above his level.
    Nature:  Follower
    Demeanor:  Visionary
    Life:  Drifter
    Death:  Mystery
    Regret:  Didn't Accomplish Anything in Life
    Cohort:  Overlord of the Legion of Paupers in Memphis
    Physical:  Stength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
    Social:  Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
    Mental:  Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
    Talents:  Brawl 3, Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 2
    Skills:  Drive 2, Etiquette 1, Stealth 3
    Knowledges:  Bureaucracy 2, Occult 1, Politics 2
    Backgrounds:  Allies 5, Artifact 1 (Stygian Steel Chains of Office), Contacts 4, Haunt 4 (Chapel in the Woods)
    Passions:  Leave his Mark (Pride) 2, Make Something of Himself (Confidence) 4, Remain Unnoticed (Safety) 4
    Fetters:  Coffin 2, Graceland 3, Mysterious Coin 4
    Arcanoi:  Fatalism 2, Moliate 3, Usury 4
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  7
    Willpower:  6
Shadow:  The Child
    Angst:  4
    Dark Passions:  Avoid Confrontation (Fear) 2, Don't Make Waves (Desperation) 3
    Thorns:  Infamy 2, Shadow Stealth 4
    Image:  A slovenly sort, Herb looks like a middle aged couch potato.
    Roleplaying Notes:  Herb is probably going to be Anacreon again once The King is elevated to rule the Heirarchy.  If this happens he probably will be replaced in short order by a Wraith from Stygia who is more loyal to the Beggar Lord.

The Legion of Fate

    The Legion of Fate in Memphis has gone through a complete restructuring since 1977.  When Elvis died and no one in the Legion was there to witness the event it caused a major scandal within the Legion that forced the recall of all Legion members stationed in Memphis at the time.  There is no member of the Current Legion of Fate who is a native of Memphis and died before 1977.  Even so the Legion of Fate in Memphis is stubstantially larger than those in other Necropoli.  Not only are there the standard ranking members and the incidental Wraiths needed to fill out the Bureaucracy but also a full Company of Doomed Legionnaires.
    Because of this the Fated aren't the smallest Legion in Memphis.  There are actually more Doomed in the Necropolis than there are Paupers and Penitents.  This puts the Fated in an unusual position of not being reliant on the numbers of other Legions to enforce their politics.  Another effect of having so many displaced Wraiths is that they have trouble dealing on a social level with the natives of Memphis.  The resentment this engenders towards the Fated from the other Legions is evident though usually petty and spitefull.

    The current Anacreon of the Legion of Fate in Memphis is a Stygian Wraith who had to be brought in after the scandal in 1977.  She is rumored to be one of the Ladies of Fate by members of other Legions, but none will confirm or deny this.  She never goes out without her Anacreon's mask and Chains of Office.  Some rumors say that she is even one of the Seven Ladies of Fate from the island of Eurydice.  But even if true it would be extremely hard to prove.  Her silent presence at all councils is a subtle reminder of the power of the fated.  What her true goals are remain to be seen, but she holds many closed door meetings with the Anacreons of the other Legions, especially The King.
    Nature:  Bureaucrat
    Demeanor:  Director
    Life:  Oracle
    Death:  Fate
    Regret:  Unheeded Call
    Cohort:  Anacreon of the Legion of Fate in Memphis
    Physical:  Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
    Social:  Charisma 4, Manipluation 5, Appearance 5
    Mental:  Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 4
    Talents:  Alertness 3, Awareness 5, Subterfuge 4
    Skills:  meditation 5, Ride 3, Stealth 4
    Knowledges:  Bureaucracy 4, Enigmas 5, Occult 5, Politics 3
    Backgrounds:  Allies 4, Artifact 2 (Anacreons Mask:  Sculpt, Moliate ), Artifact 1 (Stygian Steel Chains of Office), Contacts 4, Eidolon 3, Haunt 3 (Victorian Cottage), Notoriety 3, Status 5 (Anacreon of the Legion of Fate in Memphis)
    Passions:  Remain Calm (Ennui) 3, Serve Fate (Duty) 4
    Fetters:  Elmwood Cemetery 1
    Arcanoi:  Castigate 3, Fatalism 5, Intimation 5, Lifeweb 5, Mnemosynis 4, Phantasm 5, Usury 5
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  10
    Willpower:  10
Shadow:  The Lover
    Angst:  5
    Dark Passions:  Consume Lovers (Lust) 3, Confuse Others (Spite) 2
    Thorns:  Shadow Appearance 3, Shadow Life
    Image:  A tall woman of undetermined nationality, she is very beautiful and graceful in her poise.  She is never seen without her mask but her shadow is under no such obligation when it gains control and uses her seductive wiles to tempt and destroy wraiths.
    Roleplaying Notes:  Eli is a very composed and reserved Wraith.  She is cool and calm in all her dealings.  Whether with upstart and uncivil Restless or raging Malfeans, she is not impressed by much.  Which made her fall before The King all the more devastating.  When she first arrived The King was sequestered by the Usurers and did not have much contact with the outside.  When Eli came to meet The King and cast her portents he did what he naturally does when confronted by a pretty woman.  Shower her with praise and attention.  Eli fell hard for The King and became one of his most ardent supporters.  Of course he moved on, after all he never meant to be more than friends.  It took Eli a lot longer to get over it though.  As a direct result her Shadow is stronger now than it has been in centuries.  She still witholds her pronouncements longer than she normally would if the matter is set forth by The King.
    Eli has to be maintained in the Shadowlands with the use of Lifeweb.  An observant Wraith might notice this and seek to exploit her condition.  Of course her mastery of Fatalism means that she will probably know of the attempt before it happens.  Another train of inquiry would be to find out how she could 'touch' an object from the Skinlands if the Shadowlands were barred to her due to extreme age and the destruction of her Fetters.  That secret alone would be worth risking several Harrowings.

The Smouldering Legion

    Not a real Legion in the normal sense of the word, the Smouldering are a notional Legion as described in The Book of Legions.  They compromise the victims of smoking and weed.  Members are usually distinguished by Deathmarks that include smoke coming from the nose or mouth.  They don't organize in any manner and though they come from different Legions, Renegade Groups or even Heretics, they do tend to socialize among themselves over Relic cigarrettes.

The Renegades

    In Memphis the Renegades have a unique relationship with the Heirarchy.  They are considered as a separate political entity and through The King they are afforded a voice in Necropolis politics.  Many Renegades have status within the Heretics and the Heirarchy and former hardline opposition has turned into cold armistice.  The Heirarchy in Memphis does not persecute Wraiths for their status as Renegades.  Instead they have a semi civil dialogue that gives the Renegades and Heretics at least the appearance of Influence in Necropolis politics.  The fact that they have the ear of The King and that he has considerable Influence means that the 'unaligned vote' as it is sarcastically reffered to usually puts its weight behind Pauper policy.  Not to overstate the importance of the Renegade factions but those that cooperate with the Heirarchy usually get what they want, even if only in the form of a small concesion.

Forrest's Cavalry

    This circle of Wraiths comprise the largest independant military unit in Memphis.  They are the last recourse a Wraith has when Heirarchy and Renegade factions refuse to listen.  For the right price, or the right cause, Forrest's Cavalry will take up the fight.

Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest
    d. 1865.  At 4:00 am on the morning of August 21, 1864, Maj. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest made a daring raid on Union-held Memphis, Tennessee.  But it was not an attempt to capture the city, occupied by 6,000 Federal troops.  The raid had three objectives: to capture three Union generals posted there; to release Southern prisoners from Irving Block Prison; and to cause the recall of Union forces from Northern Mississippi.  Striking northwestward for Memphis with 2,000 cavalry, Forrest lost about a quarter of his strength because of exhausted horses. Surprise was essential.  Taking advantage of a thick dawn fog and claiming to be a Union patrol returning with prisoners, the Confederates eliminated the sentries.  Galloping through the streets and exchanging shots with other Union troops, the raiders split to pursue separate missions.  One Union general was not at his quarters and another escaped to Fort Pickering dressed in his night-shirt.  The attack on Irving Block Prison also failed when Union troops stalled the main body at the State Female College.  After two hours, Forrest decided to withdraw, cutting telegraph wires, taking 500 prisoners and large quantities of supplies, including many horses.  Although Forrest failed in Memphis, his raid influenced Union forces to return there from northern Mississippi, and provide protection.
    The respected General died of pneumonia after catching a bullet during Grant's March by Union forces.  He is one of the oldest Wraiths in Memphis.  His track record over the past 150 years is impressive.  He has visited the Labyrinth, and fought overseas.  But his failure to turn back the Union tide will always bring him back to Memhis the site of his greatest victory.
    Nature:  Traditionalist
    Demeanor:  Cavalier
    Life:  Soldier
    Death:  Disease
    Regret:  Defeat
    Cohort:  Forrest's Cavalry
    Physical:  Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5
    Social:  Charisma 3, Manipluation 4, Appearance 3
    Mental:  Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
    Talents:  Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Empathy 3, Expression 4, Intimidation 5, Subterfuge 3
    Skills:  Crafts 2, Etiquette 3, Firearms 5, Leadership 5, Meditation 3, Melee 5, Performance 2, Ride 5, Stealth 3
    Knowledges:  Bureaucracy 2, Enigmas 4, Investigation 2, Law 3, Linguistics 2, Occult 5, Politics 3
    Backgrounds:  Allies 5, Contacts 4, Eidolon 4, Haunt (Wolf Bluff Park) 3, Legacy 2, Memoraim 4, Notoriety 3, Relic (Horse, Memoriam 3) 4, Relic (Repeating Rifle) 4, Relic (Revolver) 3, Relic (Sabre) 3, Renegade Status 5
    Passions:  Win Battles (Fury) 5
    Fetters:  Grave at Elmwwod 3, Wolf's Bluff 4
    Arcanoi:  Argos 4, Castigate 3, Embody 5, Lifeweb 2, Moliate 4, Pandemonium 5, Puppetry 3, Usury 3
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  9
    Willpower:  10
Shadow:  The Director
    Angst:  6
    Dark Passions:  Avoid Disease (Fear) 5
    Thorns:  Bad Luck, Death's Sigil
    Image:  A very strong and imposing figure, the general sits astride his war steed like some spectral avenger ready to smite with the righteuos fury of the Lord on all who stand before him.  Seriousely, he's armed to the teeth and huge.  He has red hair which he wears to his waist and a full beard with handlebar mustache.
    Roleplaying notes:  The General can be charming and polite, but usually he is curt and no-nonsense.  Characters who meet the General will find him distant and aloof at first.  But if they happen to be Civil War era ghosts or they join his Cavalry he can be vey open and jovial.

The Civil Rights Movement

    In decades past this Renegade circle went by many names and has had varying degrees of success in their stated mission of bringing down the Heirarchy.  These days they work closely with Graceland even though for reasons of pride they still maintain themselves apart from the Heirarchy.
    Almost all membership is composed of black Wraiths.  Surprisingly very few are victims of violence though.  The majority of those being displaced Restless from areas further south.  However, these very same Wraiths from elsewhere are the most militiant anti-Heirarchy Wraiths among the Renegades.  A few members of the Shattered Chain (Necropolis:  Atlanta) have made their way to Memphis.  They are militantly anti-Heirarchy and even The King is not spared their antagonism.

The Flying Elvis's

    Estimates from 2003 place the number of Elvis impersonators at 36,000 worldwide.  This Renegade group is composed of eight Elvis Impersonators who have come to Memphis to be closer to the object of their adoration.  Annual pilgrimages to Las Vegas and other cities where Elvis spent time during his life make this group one of the most cosmopolitan in the Underworld.  They have a special fondness for Hawaii despite the difficulty in reaching the island through the Shadowlands.
    Most members are people who died in the last thirty years.  They are mostly left alone and sometimes they entertain at Heirarchy functions.  Some members have been known to carry messages upon request.  And each one of them would do anything for The King if given the chance.

Eddie Ray
    d. 1984.  Eddie Ray is one of eight Wraiths who travel the Underworld as Elvis impersonators.  Eddie died doing his highwire act wearing an Elvis costume.  The Quick go on about the tragedy of his death but he died doing something he loved and it gave him the opportunity to meet the man he adores.
    Since then he has gone on to entertain the Restless, including The King himself.  He's always in Memphis in the months preceding and following Elvis Week.  In Febuary he takes time to visit Priscilla Presley and sing her love songs from The King in her dreams.  He makes regular trips to Hawaii to trade stories about Elvis with the local Wraiths.  He even got one of The King's Relic jumpsuits as a gift from The King.  His most prized possession he decorates it with all the Rhinefire Crystals he can lay his hands on.  It makes for a dazzling display.
    Nature:  Fanatic
    Demeanor:  Gallant
    Life:  Entertainer
    Death:  Accident
    Regret:  Never got to meet Elvis while alive
    Cohort:  Flying Elvis's
    Physical:  Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
    Social:  Charisma 3, Manipluation 2, Appearance 3
    Mental:  Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
    Talents:  Athletics 4, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 3
    Skills:  Acrobatics 4, Drive 2, Escapology 2, Gambling 2, Performance 3, Swimming 2
    Knowledges:  Elvis Presley Trivia 5, Memphis Knowledge 2
    Backgrounds:  Artifact (Rhinefire Jumpsuit:  Can store 60 Pathos) 3, Status (Renegade) 3
    Passions:  Please The King (Adoration) 5, Gain Fame (Pride) 4, Do impressive Stunts (Courage) 3
    Fetters:  Elvis' Grave at Graceland 5, Graceland Mansion 4, MGM Grand Las Vegas 3, Starlight Hotel Hawaii 2
    Arcanoi:  Argos 2, Phantasm 2
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  6
    Willpower:  7
Shadow:  The Comedian
    Angst:  2
    Dark Passions:  Make a Fool of Himself (Self Doubt) 3, Stumble (Fear) 2
    Thorns:  Devil's Dare
    Image:  Eddie Ray looks somwhat like Elvis in a general sense.  He wears a Relic jumpsuit given to him by The King at all times.  The jumpsuit shines from the many Rhinefire crystals embedded in it.  In the gloom of the Shadowlands he stands out like a beacon.  Except in the presence of other Elvis impersonators who like to dress up just as much.
    Roleplaying Notes:  Eddie is currently the leader of the Flying Elvis's mostly because he got regular gigs at Las Vegas before he died.  His act included songs, highwire and trapeez work.

Elvis Lee
    It sounds funny but Elvis Lee was named after Elvis by his Chinese parents from Hong Kong.  Elvis Lee is sort of a representative of the Jade Kingdom by default.  He's the most well known and respected Wraith of Asian descent in the Necropolis and he would rather be in Memphis than in Hong Kong where his only Fetter is the theater where he lost his virginity during a showing of Elvis movies to a girl who liked his Elvis impression.
    Elvis Lee made the regular pilgrimages to Graceland along with his parents until he graduated from college.  He immediately went to work and had to stop taking the annual overseas trips.  But he still dreamed of Elvis and having a music career of his own some day.  In the meantime he would hit Karaeoke bars dressed up as Elvis and do renditions of The King's famous songs.  He saved up money and accumulated vacation time in preparation for the 1997 tribute concert but he was struck by heart tremors that grounded him for a year before he died of heart failure.
    Once he was dead he made the arduous journey to Memphis.  How he did it is anyone's guess, he doesn't like to talk about it.  What can be deduced is that he got help from some Wraiths in the bureaucracy of the Jade Kingdom and that is why he also acts as their representative in Memphis.  The truth is that he is only the public representative of the Jade Kingdom.  He has to report to another Wraith who is the true representative of the Jade Kingdom.
    Nature:  Jester
    Demeanor:  Bon Vivant
    Life:  Accountant
    Death:  Disease
    Regret:  Unfulfilled Destiny
    Cohort:  Flying Elvis's
    Physical:  Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
    Social:  Charisma 3, Manipluation 3, Appearance 3
    Mental:  Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
    Talents:  Dodge 2, Subterfuge 1
    Skills:  Drive 3, Singing 2
    Knowledges:  Linguistics 3 (Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, English)
    Backgrounds:  Artifact (Rhinefire Jumpsuit:  Can store 40 Pathos) 3, Dark Kingdom Status (Representative of the Jade Kingdom) 3, Eidolon 2, Memoriam 2
    Fetters:  Graceland Mansion 2, Picture of Him and Elvis (In parent's home in China) 5, Theater in Hong Kong that showed Elvis Movies 3, The King's Grave at Graceland 4
    Arcanoi:  Argos 2, Keening 2, Moliate 1
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  7
    Willpower:  6
Shadow:  The Sophomore
    Angst:  3
    Dark Passions:  Betray Friends (Irresposibility) 3
    Thorns:  Trick of the Light
    Image:  A slight oriental man of average height, barely 30 years old.
    Roleplaying Notes:  Elvis Lee is an outgoing Wraith.  If he hadn't had The King and Karaeoke he might have been more withdrawn.

Raike Gaston
    1815-1846.  Raike was a dillettante in life and never did fit in with the Heirarchy model.  His biggest achievement in death is having been able to completely avoid getting involved in Underworld politics either for or against the Heirarchy.
    Nature:  Bon Vivant
    Demeanor:  Bon Vivant
    Life:  Dillettant
    Death:  Accident
    Regret:  Unfullfilled dreams
    Cohort:  Renegade
    Physical:  Strength 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
    Social:  Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
    Mental:  Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
    Talents:  Awareness 3, Brawl 2, Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 3
    Skills:  Ride 3, Stealth 2
    Knowledges:  Enigmas 1, Occult 2
    Backgrounds:  Haunt (Bellebois Mansion) 1, Memoriam 2, Notoriety 1
    Passions:  Avoid Work (Sloth) 5, Get Drunk (Longing) 3
    Fetters:  Bellebois Mansion 3
    Arcanoi:  Argos 3, Embody 2, Krlyos 5
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  7
    Willpower:  10
Shadow:  The Pusher
    Angst:  6
    Dark Passions:  Avoid Work (Irresposibility) 3, Get Drunk (Desperation) 2
    Thorns:  Devil's Dare, Freudian Slip
    Image:  A very tall man, Raike is famous as the longest boy in all of Memphis.  He looks young despite being over thirty and clearly emaciated.  His bluish skin comes from his Death Marks from being frozen to death and his intimacy with the Krlyos Acanos.
    Roleplaying Notes:  Raike is the ultimate Wastrel.  He avoids work like the plague and if he can make life easy for himself at the players expense then he's happy.

The Heretics

    Not many groups claim to be uniquely Heretic.  Baptist and Methodist Circles commonly share alliegance with either the Heirarchy or the Renegades.  Sometimes even both.  This environment makes Heretics of other faiths even more oppressed than in other areas of the American Shadowlands.

Joseph Milken "Ratface"
    When Joseph commited suicide in 1997 he thought he was escaping an oppresive situation.  He had no idea what awaited him on the other side of the Shroud.  Having committed Suicide by opening his veins, Joseph was met by Reapers of the Silent Legion on the other side.  He soon found out that the problems that had led to his suicide where nothing compared to an eternity of conformity in the stifling Heirarchy.  At the first opportunity he escaped his Reaper and joined a cult of Agnostics.
    Nature:  Child
    Demeanor:  Martyr
    Life:  Slacker
    Death:  Suicide
    Regret:  Unfinished Business
    Cohort:  Renegade
    Physical:  Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
    Social:  Charisma 1, Manipulation 3, Appearance 1
    Mental:  Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
    Talents:  Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 3
    Skills:  Drive 2
    Knowledges:  Computer 2, Science 1
    Backgrounds:  Haunt 2, memoriam 1, Relic (Computer) 4
    Passions:  Be the Best Hacker in the World (Hope) 3, Have the best Computer (Vanity) 4
    Fetters:  Computer Store 4, High School Locker 2
    Arcanoi:  Inhabit 2
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  4
    Willpower:  5
Shadow:  The Freak
    Angst:  5
    Dark Passions:  Ruin other people's computers (Envy) 4
    Thorns:  Pact of Doom, Shadowed Face
    Image:  His face looks like a rat's thank to his Shadow.
    Roleplaying Notes:  Joseph is typical of Heretics in Memphis who don't follow a major religion.  The Heirarchy marginalizes them.  They don't recieve protection from Spectres.  They don't get help with their Shadows.  They don't receive Pathos in the form of Rhinefire Crystals.  They are ignored because the Heirarchy can afford to let them fall by the wayside.

The Unlidded Eye

    With the fall of Stygia and the shifting focus of Politics in the Underworld it's no surprise that The Unlidded Eye has shown an interest in The King and Memphis.  Through a minority remain in Stygia, a most have made their way to Memphis.  With prescience of things to come, Hellmont moved the Unlidded Eye from Stygia to Memphis before the events in Ends of Empire.  Thus the Eye remains mostly intact after the disaster.  The tragedy of the New York Necropolis has made the Unlidded Eye redouble its efforts to strengthen the Heirarchy and crown a new Emperor.  Little by little the Unlidded Eye has concentrated their forces in Memphis in preparation for the eventual takeover.

Hellmont    The being known as Hellmont is an infrequent sight at the Elmwood Citadel and the Graceland Agoras.  He is undeniably ancient and appears to be able to come and go at will despite his age.  Hellmont was attracted to Memphis by the presence of The King and has elected to stay there after the fall of Stygia.  He recognizes in The King a powerful force that could possibly lead the Heirarchy back to political dominance in the Underworld.  With Stygia literally on shaky ground, Hellmont is now engaged in empire building and is backing what he believes is the only political entity capable of uniting the Shadowlands.
    He also oversees the protection of The King's Fetters.  The most important of which is Lisa Marie Presley.  She is never without a guard of at least two members of the Unlidded Eye who are equally capable of destroying a Wraith as attacking anything that threatens her in the Skinlands.  Dictum Mortuum be damned.
    Nature:  Traditionalist
    Demeanor:  Monster
    Life:  Soldier
    Death:  Disease
    Regret:  Not Dying in Battle
    Cohort:  The Unlidded Eye
    Physical:  Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
    Social:  Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
    Mental:  Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 5
    Talents:  Alertness 5, Athletics 4, Awareness 5, Brawl 5, Dodge 5, Expression 2, Intimidation 5, Subterfuge 4
    Skills:  Archery 5, Crafts 3, Drive 2, Etiquette 4, Firearms 2, Leadership 4, Meditation 5, Melee 5, Ride 4, Stealth 3
    Knowledges:  Bureacracy 4, Enigmas 4, Investigation 3, Law 3, Linguistics 5 (English, Spanish, Latin, Italian, Greek, German), Occult 5, Politics 3
    Backgrounds:  Allies 5, Artifact 5 (Bonesword; Wounds are Aggravated and cannot be healed by supernatural means.  They heal at the same rate as Lethal Wounds heal for a mortal.), Artifact 5 (Darksteel Armor; AR 6*, Pen -3), Artifact 5 (Hellhorse), Artifact 3 (Rhinefire Crystals; Sufficient forhis needs.) Contacts 4, Status 5 (High Overlord of the Unlidded Eye)
    Passions:  Remain Calm (Courage) 5, Terrorize Enemies (Fear) 5
    Fetters:  True Gaunt
    Arcanoi:  Argos 5, Arostosis 4, Castigate 4, Embody 3, Fascinate 5, Inhabit 4, Intimation 3, Moliate 5, Outrage 5, Pandemonium 5, Puppetry 4, Usury 4
    Disciplines**:  Celerity 1, Fortitude 2, Obfuscate 1, Potence 2
    Corpus:  12
    Pathos:  5
    Willpower:  10
Shadow:  The Perfectionist
    Angst:  5
    Dark Passions:  Fight (Rage) 4, Terrorize Others (Fear) 4
    Thorns:  Shadow Strength 2, Shadow Stamina 3, Tainted Relic (Spear) 3
    Image:  Seven feet tall with dark draconic wings sprouting from his armored hide.  His face is hidden by a helm that reveals only the glowing embers of his eyes and glimpses of his skeletal face.
    Roleplaying Notes:  As an example of how ruthlessly efficient Hellmont can be, tell your players the following rumor.  For several decades the facts regarding Elvis' death had been obscured by the Anacreons of Memphis.  As an Enfant Elvis was kept apart from lower ranking Legionnaires while he learned to turn the immense tide of Pathos coming across the shroud into something usefull.  At this time a Circle of Paupers haunting the outskirts of Memphis began to trot out a Thrall they claimed was the 'real' Elvis.  For decades afterwards they managed to elude Necropoli patrols and Heirarchy hit squads all the while implanting the doubt that the 'Elvis' in the mansion at Graceland was in fact a Malfean using The King's name to take over the Necropolis.  The King and the other Anacreaons tried buying the Thrall and did everything they could to squash the rumors.  The Paupers were especially mortified by the situation and had a vested interest in seeing the Circle disbanded and it's members severely punished for the embarrasment they had caused The King.  Then the unthinkable happened and Stygia fell.  Hellmont arrived in Memphis after a brief stay in New York.  Once he decided that the person of Elvis Presley was to be the seed around which the Empire would rise again, he captured the Paupers involved in the farce.  Rendering them down to plasma he had them fashioned into jumpsuits which he then gave as a gift to The King his third day at the Necropolis.  After this no one has ever tried to abuse the good name of The King again.
*  If you are dividing Bashing and Lethal Damage into separate categories to stay up to date with 3rd edition Vampire then the Armor Rating is Lethal 6/Bashing 8.  The dice pool penalty remains -3.
**  These Disciplines were learned while Risen and cannot be used on this side of the Shroud.  He retains the memory of them however and under special conditions they may become available again.  For example if he were to make a deal with Vampires of the True Black Hand (Tal'mahe'Ra) he could gain access to Vampire blood and be able to use his Disciplines.  Or if a Mage were to clone his body from the bone fragments he has kept, he might rise again.

    A Greek woman of Spartan origin, Teressa is one of the Legionnaires responsible for Lisa Marie Presley's safety.  She takes this task very seriously and aggressively engages any Supernatural creature that even contemplates crossing paths with The King's daughter.  She does this by being aware at all times of Lisa Marie's itinerary and changing it so that she doesn't enter areas claimed by Supernatural forces.  If Lisa Marie is scheduled to make a public appearance Teressa will have the area scouted beforehand and set up a perimeter.  If anything that Lifesight or Deathsight can detect as being anything other than purely human comes within the area she and her minions will attack ruthlessly and without regard for witnesses.  Of course the most common form of attack is to Obliviate (Outrage ) the target.  This usually leaves no evidence behind other than a few ashes or dust.
    Nature:  Leader
    Demeanor:  Critic
    Life:  Houswife
    Death:  Violence
    Regret:  Unfullfilled Promise
    Cohort:  The Unlidded Eye
    Physical:  Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
    Social:  Charisma 3, Manipluation 4, Appearance 3
    Mental:  Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
    Talents:  Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Brawl 2, Dodge 4, Expression 2, Intimidation 5, Subterfuge 4
    Skills:  Archery 5, Crafts 3, Etiquette 4, Leadership 5, Meditation 3, Melee 4, Performance 2, Repair 4, Ride 3, Stealth 5
    Knowledges:  Bureaucracy 2, Enigmas 4, Law 3, Linguistics 4 (Italian, Greek, Latin, English, German), occult 5, Politics 3
    Backgrounds:  Allies 4, Artifact (Dark Steel Armor: AR 4, -1 Dex) 4, Artifact (Dark Steel Dagger: Str+1 Aggravated damage) 3, Artifact (Hellhorse) 5, Artifact (Summoner's Vise: Inflicts one Health level of damage on Summoners trying to influence her for each success they gain on their Summoning or Binding roll.) 5, Contacts 4, Eidolon 3, Heirarchy Status (Regent Equitas of the Unlidded Eye) 4
    Passions:  Be Fair and Honest (Loyalty) 4, Nurture the Growth of Others (Love) 3, Prove herself in Competition (Pride) 5
    Fetters:  Spartan Valley in Greece 2
    Arcanoi:  Argos 4, Embody 5, Fatalism 4, Intimation 4, Moliate 5, Outrage 5, Pandemonium 4, Puppetry 3, Usury 4
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  10
    Willpower:  10
Shadow:  The Perfectionist
    Angst:  6
    Dark Passions:  Humiliate Men (Vanity) 5, Lie and Cheat (Deception) 2
    Thorns:  Shadow Appearance 3, Tainted Relic (Whip) 2
    Image:  A small Greek woman with a well muscled body that is just short of masculine.  The fingers of her left hand are usually Moliated into a long bow with tendons for a bowstring and bone for a bow.  She doesn't bother with relic arrows instead creating them from the fingers of her right hand and launching them at her enemies.
    Roleplaying Notes:  She does not smile at all.  She doesn't laugh and anytime she sees a man do something she will try to do it better.  It's best simply to stay out of her way.  She has accrued all that Angst for a very good reason.

Other Dark Kingdoms

The Ivory Kingdom

    The Ivory Kingdom can't operate openly in Memphis.  In the early days of the Civil Rights Movement a large number of African American Wraiths decided to return to the lands of their ancestors.  Some were going to stay among the dead of their forebears, but others had announced their intention to merely visit their spiritual homeland before returning to the fight for freedom.  Time passed and the Wraiths who stayed behind began to grow worried.  Wraiths stopped making the journey to Africa and many tried to contact the ones who had gone over.  All attempts to use Lifeweb to trace the presence of the missing Wraiths proved in vain.  The Representative of the Ivory Kingdom explained that the Underworld of Africa was different and that the Stygian Arcanoi could not be used to contact Wraiths in the Dark Continent.  As for the Wraiths who had announced that they would return, the Representative claimed that they had all decided to stay in Africa as it was a black paradise.
    These explanaitions roused the suspicion of every black Wraith in the Necropolis.  The majority of Wraiths who had gone to Africa were Renegades but even the Hierarchy Wraiths had lost compatriots to the Dark Kingdom.  The conclusion they drew was that every single Wraith who had travelled to the Dark Continent had been soulforged.  Not unreasonable considering that no method to contact them had fuctioned and that many had left their Fetters and Passions behind.
    In another unique turn of Memphis politics, Wraiths from the Heirarchy and the Heretics joined the Renegade Wraiths in assaulting the embassy of the Dark Kingdom of Ivory.  The Wraiths of the Dark Kingdom were captured and taken to the soulforges where under torture they confessed to sending Wraiths to be proccesed into raw materials.  The value of this confession is questionable, but it led to E.H. Crump making the easiest compromise with the Renegades he has ever had to make.  No Wraith from the Dark Kingdom of Ivory is welcome in Memphis and any who are discovered are considered spies or slave traders and sent to the soulforges.

The Jade Kingdom

    In Memphis everyone knows Elvis Lee and everyone assumes he is the representative of the Jade Kingdom.  They couldn't be more wrong.  Elvis Lee is just the public face of the Jade Kingdom in Memphis.  The true representative is a Jade Censor who takes advantage of the distance from Memphis to the Yellow Springs to enforce his will on the newly dead.

Ruku Kumon
    d. 1887  The true representative of the Jade Kingdom passes himself off as a merchant who comes to Memphis along byways to trade and incidently ferry Wraiths back to the Jade Kingdom.  Along the way he registers them and takes their relics.  Those who don't comply get thrown off the ship.
    Nature:  Curmudgeon
    Demeanor:  Traditionalist
    Life:  Bureaucrat
    Death:  Poison
    Regret:  Frustrated Ambition
    Cohort:  Censor for the Jade Kingdom
    Physical:  Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
    Social:  Charisma 2, Manipluation 2, Appearance 2
    Mental:  Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 2
    Talents:  Alertness 4, Brawl 2, Intimidation 5, Streetwise 2
    Skills:  Etiquette 3, Leadership 3, Melee 3, Stealth 2
    Knowledges:  Bureaucracy 4, Investigation 2, Law 2, Linguistics 2, Politics 3
    Backgrounds:  Allies 2, Contacts 3, Living Family 3, Magisterial Office 4, Wealth 5, Wraith Family 4
    Passions:  Serve Emperor (Faith) 2, Serve Family (Love) 3, Hoard Wealth (Greed) 5
    Fetters:  Grandson 2, Family Estate 5, Jade Elephant 1
    Arcanoi:  Lifeweb 5, Way of the Artisan 5, Way of the Farmer 4, Way of the Merchant 4, Way of the Soul 3
    Corpus:  8
    Pathos:  9
    Willpower:  7
Shadow:  P'o
    Angst:  6
    Dark Passions:  Betray Emperor (Fear) 4, Destroy Family (Dissapointment) 2
    Thorns:  Shadow Manipulation 2, Spectre Prestige 5
    Image:  A rail thin Chinese man who dresses in full three piece suits with gold chain watches and round rimmed spectacles.  When attending court he dresses in full ancient regalia.
    Roleplaying Notes:  A very grim man, the Censor of the Jade Kingdom allows Elvis Lee to dircet Asian Wraiths to his "transport" business.  When he has suficient Wraiths to justify sailing the sunless sea, he takes them to the Jade Kingdom.  Along the way he takes most of their Relics in "tax" and once they arrive he sends them straight to hell.

The Obsidian Kingdom

    The area around Memphis isn't of great importance to the Seven Nations, but the liberal attitude has seen a few Native Americans come to Memphis.  There is no official or unofficial policy for handling of Obsidian Wraiths but they are generally left alone unless they come across a militant circle of Heretics.  There is however one Wraith who represents the Dark Kingdom of Obsidian.  David Talltree was a friend of Elvis in life.  He did a few comercials and acted in a few movies, one of which starred The King.  Memphis doesn't see many restless from the Seven Nations, but those that are passing through or happen to die close by in the tri-state area, are given safe haven and guidance by David.

David Talltree
    d. 1984  Born David Renton, the man who would later become the representative of the Dark Kingdom of Obsidian was a Baptist for most of his life.  It wasn't until he went to Hollywood and began to exploit his Native American heritage to get film work that he began to learn about the past of his people.  Taking a correspondence course out of Colorado he became a registered shaman.  Though it isn't clear if he is a shaman of the tribe of his grandmother, a Cheyenne, or if the certification is totally bogus.
    When he died in a car crash at the age of 49 he drifted around the underworld for a while before he ended up in Mexico.  He would have been soulforged if priests from the Dark Kingdom of Obsidian hadn't pulled him into their fold.  After that he was sent to the United States to round up other ghosts of the Seven Nations in order to send them back to the Flayed Lands.  One of his Fetters, a guitar signed by Elvis Presley, ended up in Graceland after his death.  Like many Wraiths he followed his Fetters.
    In Memphis David Talltree enjoys some prestige and the personal protection of The King.  Even though his position is unofficial and he is considered to be a part of the Emerald Legion, all new arrivals who are Native Americans are directed to his haunt soon after they are processed.  It is generally assumed that he directs them to some Native American only Necropolis in the Shadowlands of the American Northwest.  In reality he leads them to the New Sun where the Flayed Wraiths take them in hand and introduce them into the resistance movement.
    Nature:  Gallant
    Demeanor:  Traditionalist
    Life:  Actor
    Death:  Accident
    Regret:  Failure
    Cohort:  Shaman of the Dark Kingdom of Obsidian
    Physical:  Strength 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
    Social:  Charisma 3, Manipluation 3, Appearance 2
    Mental:  Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
    Talents:  Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Brawl 3, Dodge 1, Intimidation 3
    Skills:  Archery 1, Crafts 2, Firearms 4, Ride 3
    Knowledges:  Enigmas 2, Occult 3
    Backgrounds:  Eidolon 2, Haunt 2, Relic (Repeating Rifle) 3, Rhinefire Crystals 4
    Passions:  Be a Star (Ambition) 5, Prove Heritage (Pride) 4
    Fetters:  Horse Ranch in Colorado 2, Signed Guitar 3
    Arcanoi:  Embody 2, Flayed Jaguar 1, Smoking Mirror 1
    Corpus:  10
    Pathos:  3
    Willpower:  8
Shadow:  The Bully
    Angst:  4
    Dark Passions:  Deny Heritage (Shame) 4, Get Drunk (Hate) 2
    Thorns:  Death's Sigil (Eagle Eyes) 1, Shadow Strength 3, Shadow Familiar (Raven)
    Image:  A short Native American man who is more than half caucasian.  He wears cowboy boots with heels and platforms to make himself taller.
    Roleplaying Notes:  David is the closest thing to a real Indian in these parts.  There weren't any massacres nearby.  The natives sold their land for a reasonable price.  And he isn't even really all that Indian to begin with.  Most of what he does know about Native American beliefs is what he learned from South American Aztecas who convinced him to join their cause.  He doesn't even know much about their practices and beliefs and the ways they conflict with the beliefs of his own ancestors.

The Others

    Memphis isn't a city that sees much truck in supernatural forces.  Apart from a few Nosferatu who stay here occasionally on their way to somewhere else, there are practically no Vampires in Memphis.  Mages of the Traditions don't actively avoid Memphis, but they might as well for all the attention they give the city.  The Technocracy has no vested interest in Memphis.  They concentrate their efforts in cities like New York and Los Angeles.  Changelings?  Why on earth would any Changeling decide to be born in the boredom capital of North America?  There aren't any Freeholds, Nodes, Caerns or any other places of power in Memphis.  Without any strategic territory to fight over the warriors of the Final Battle leave Memphis to the Restless Dead.


    Memphis has large tracts of forest coming right up to city limits and a large number of parks that provide safe refuge to Garou travelling through the area.  Vampires have never had much interest in Memphis.  As a result the few Glass Walkers and Fianna who have settled here have found their Influence in local politics virtually unopposed.
    Wrestling in Memphis is a decidely brutal affair thanks to the number of Kinfolk who participate on a regular basis and visiting Garou who get into the business for some extra cash.  Whenever a wrestler from out of state comes by the locals like to 'smarten him up' by making him bleed profusely.  Also whenever some other supernatural creature decides to get into the ring with the 'weak' humans, the werewolves almost always manage to find out about it and substitute one of their own for the match.  They also like to wait in the parking lot and jump the invader.  If the creature is mostly harmless they just give him a severe beating that would kill a human and leave him at the border with Shelby.  If it's a Fomor or a Vampire however they go out of their way to torture and destroy it.
    Bone Gnawers are also a major faction in Memphis, but they tend to stay out of politics and wrestling.  Strangely enough they have ties to local firefighters.  They often have their shelters saved by firemen and end up owing them favors which can take the form of a protection charm or some more physical aid.  If anyone threatens a fireman in Memphis he should make sure to do it in neighborhoods where there aren't any dogs.

Jerry "the King" Lawler
    A wrestler since the 70's, Lawler is best known for his feud with actor/comedian Andy Kaufman.  The fictional confrontation appeared so real that it got Kaufman banned from the Letterman Show.
    Lawler is an avid Elvis fan and takes his wrestler name from The King.  Lawler is also aware that the ghost of Elvis haunts Memphis and does whatever he thinks would help the restless spirit.  Since he isn't really knowledgable when it comes to ghosts this doesn't mean much.  He does whatever he can to make people remember Elvis when he can though.  His own ring attire and persona are testaments to this.  However his biggest coup on behalf of The King is when he suggested to fellow wrestler Dwayne Johnson that he sing Elvis songs as part of his ring performance.  People instantly recognized 'Smackdown Hotel' as a tribute to 'Heartbreak Hotel'.
    Lawler is Fianna kinfolk and displays an odd artistic talent for sketching and cartoons.  He isn't actually 'in the know' where it concerns Garou, he just knows that some are family and that family comes first.  He books Garou to wrestle when they need extra cash and whenever someone is pointed out to him as a potential problem he also arranges for that someone to face a Garou in his/her/its next match.
    Nature:  Gallant
    Demeanor:  Hedonist
    Life:  Wrestler and Commentator
    Cohort:  Fianna Kinfolk
    Physical:  Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
    Social:  Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
    Mental:  Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
    Talents:  Alertness 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 2, Intimidation 2, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 3
    Skills:  Drive 3, Melee 2, Stealth 2
    Knowledges:  Law 1, Linguistics 2 (English, Japanese, Spanish), Occult 1
    Backgrounds:  Allies 3, Contacts 4, Fame 3, Resources 4
    Willpower:  7
    Image:  He wears a crown and wrestling tights fashioned to look like a royal attire when he's working.  Otherwise he dresses for the ocassion.  Suits or sweats best sum up his choice of attire.  And he only wears suits when forced to.
    Roleplaying Notes:  Lawler always sports a smile that makes you think of a ten year old who is about to do something he knows he shouldn't do.  He's over the top and always loud.  His favorite expression is 'puppies' which he like to work into the conversation at least once or twice and which he likes to say in the loudest tone of voice possible.  Of course he's referring to sweater puppies, more commonly known as breasts.

K-Kwik (Ron Killings)
    K-Kwik is a massive black man who can perform aerial moves with an ease and speed that borders on the supernatural.  In his human form!  A Glass Walker, K-Kwik wrestled extensively for Lawler in his Memphis Championship Wrestling promotion as K-Krush.  He held the heavyweight title for Memphis before being asked to work at the WWF.  After a brief stint with Titan sports he was dismissed for missing too many show dates.  Extensive travel with the WWF meant more opportunities to fight Pentex and the Wyrm, but his wrestling career suffered for it.  After being fired he returned to Memphis to work at the Independant venues.  Lawler still does most of his booking but he won't refuse an outside booking.
    Part of K-Kwik's ring performance is rapping.  He comes out to his own entrance music and raps while dancing to get the crowd started.  Afterwards he goes into full wrestling mode.  He can take an opponent from every angle and can perform acrobatic and aerial moves that you wouldn't expect from such a big man.  In fact Lawler uses K-Kwik as a 'Hooker' to use the wrestling terminology.  A 'Hooker' is someone who can cripple an opponent in the ring while making it appear to be an accident.  Although sometimes there is no doubt it wasn't an accident, K-Kwik is good at making it so that the people watching don't know what's going on.  Ripping up knees and breaking ankles are standard Hooker methods, but being a Garou, K-Kwik can get a lot nastier.
    Nature:  Thrillseeker
    Demeanor:  Gallant
    Life:  Wrestler
    Cohort:  Homid Glasswalker
    Rank:  2
    Physical:  Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
    Social:  Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4
    Mental:  Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
    Talents:  Alertness 3, Brawl 5, Dodge 5, Intimidation 4, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2
    Skills:  Drive 2, Melee 4, Stealth 3
    Knowledges:  Enigmas 3, Garou Lore 2, Occult 4
    Backgrounds:  Allies 2, Contacts 3, Fame 2, Fetish 2 (Armor of Gaia Necklace), Resources 2
    Gifts:  Razor Claws, Spirit of the Fray
    Willpower:  6
    Image:  A 6' 3" ebony giant with jaw length hair braided with small colored beads.  K-Kwik has a chiselled physique of which he is very proud and can move with a catlike grace that could get him confused for a Bastet by those who judge on appearances.  He wears loose vests or colorful shirts unbuttoned all the way down.  He tends to over accesorize with jewelry, beads and bandanas.
    Roleplaying Notes:  Ron is always rapping and rhyming, even when he's not working a crowd he's got to be a 'player'.  He works the ladies with his unconventional street charm and good looks.  Most women can easily see that they're being played but don't seem to mind, which just encourages him more.  When he's fighting an opponent in the ring it's all fun and games, however if he's fighting for real, in or out of the ring, then he gets nasty.  He always insults and belittles opponents who he sees as a threat.  Whenever possible use the Taunt maneuver in combat either as an opening move or when being grappled.

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All Images are Copyright © 2002 William Adams and cannot be reproduced without permission.
Some Characters are inspired by the TV show Buffy The Vampire Slayer and their use here does not represent a challenge to any pre-existing copyrights or trademarks.
Warning: This comic may include adult situations and suggestive dialogue not suited for minors.

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