Pillars of Faith

Ork Decker
Ork Decker
    “We’re here to talk biz, slag, so take your hand off me before I break it.  Just ‘cause I’m an Ork don’t think I’m willing to do anything for money.  That kind of mistake can leave you dead or singing soprano.
    “Now tell me about the run and make it quick.  You’ve already ruined my evening and I plan to add that to my expenses.”
Commentary:  The Ork Decker is a self made woman and has had to struggle for everything she has.  Don’t underestimate her just because she doesn’t carry a big gun like the other Orks.  She can hit you where it really hurts...  Your bank account.

  4 (8)*
      Computer B/R
      Computer Theory
      Electronics B/R
      Etiquette (Matrix)
      Etiquette (Street)
      Unarmed Combat

Initiative    4+1d6 (8+3D6)*
Dice Pools
    Combat    6
    Hacking    3
    Choose (2) contacts
    Smartlink II
    Fichetti Security 500 Smartgun w. concealable holster, 1 extra clip, and 30 rounds regular ammo.
    Enfield AS-7 w. Smartgun adaptor, 2 extra clips, and 50 rounds regular ammo.
    Table Top Computer w. 200 Mp and Printer
    Armor Jacket [5/3]
    Yamaha Rapier
Cyberdeck (Custom made with Hot Assist)
    MPCP    6
    Active Memory    1000 Mp
    Storage    3000 Mp
    Hardening    5
    I/O Speed    240 MePS
    Response    1
    Bod    4
    Evasion    4
    Masking    6
    Sensors    4
Programs    (855Mp total)
    Analyze    5 (75Mp)
    Evaluate    5 (50Mp)
    Armor    5 (75Mp)
    Read/Write    6 (72Mp)
    Attack(D)    4 (80Mp)
    Shield    4 (64Mp)
    Browse    6 (36Mp)
    Spoof    4 (48Mp)
    Cloak    5 (75Mp)
    Sleaze    6 (108Mp)
    Deception    6 (72Mp)
    Validate    5 (100Mp)
Starting cash:  39¥ + (3d6x1,000¥)
Notes:  The Ork Decker has natural Low-light vision.  *Applies only to initiative while in the Matrix.