Pillars of Faith by William Adams  

Pillars of Faith

Panzer Künst

Cyborg Head
Hand to Hand Cyborg:  Panzer Künst
    The cyborg body is stronger than the human body.  The cyborg body is faster than the human body.  The cyborg body is tougher than the human body.  The cyborg is constructed of Mega-damage capacity materials able to withstand great temperature extremes, the pressure of ocean depths, and weapons that would blast a human being to atoms.  To fully accept the cyborg body is to become one with the machine.  Tetsu-Ro, the Iron Man.  This ideal predates the use of cybernetics and achieves its ultimate expression in the martial arts form known as Panzer Künst, the Tank Thrust.  While this is not the only martial arts form practiced by cyborgs, it is the most developed form specifically designed for cyborgs.  Robots, humans, mega-damage beings and even juicers and crazies cannot learn Panzer Künst.  Most of it’s techniques rely on mechanical vibration and computer control dynamics.
Note:  When creating a cyborg character roll Physical Endurance and hit points as normal.  While the cyborg does lose all physical S.D.C., a partial conversion cyborg retains his full hit points and P.E. and a full conversion cyborg will have half his hit points and P.E. (round down).  This is important in determining the effects of some attacks that ignore armor and cyborg systems.  Full conversion cyborgs receive 1D4 hit points per level.
Basic and Special Moves:  Automatic Dodge, Back flip, Body Block/Tackle, Break fall, Cartwheel, Disarm, Maintain balance, Jump kick, Leap Attack, Roll with blow/fall/impact, Roundhouse Kick (+3D6 M.D.), Simultaneous attack, Entangle, Strike, Parry, Dodge and Pull punch are all available at first level.
Cyborg abilities:  Practitioners of Panzer Künst know the Resonate Harmonics ability of Vibrating Palm, the Machine Weapon ability Lightning Palm and the Iron Flesh ability Iron Ram at first level.   Additionally any two abilities from any category except Ghost in the Machine are also learned at this stage.  Of course the cyborg body must meet with the requirements of each ability.
Bonuses:  +10 hit points, +4 to M.E., +2 to bionic P.P., +22 to bionic Speed, +4 to Saves vs. all magic, +2 to Saves vs. Horror Factor and Insanity, Horror Factor 6 if cultivating a benign appearance, 9 if deliberately menacing.
   1    Four attacks per melee, +3 to roll with blow/fall/impact, +2 to strike, +2 to parry, +3 to dodge, +4 to initiative and +1D6 to M.D.
   2    +2 to pull punch, +2 to Body block/tackle, Paired Weapons.
   3    +1 to disarm, +1 to initiative, +1 to Saves vs. Horror Factor, +1 to Horror Factor, One additional Cyborg ability from the Resonate Harmonics, Machine Weapon, E.M.P. or Iron Flesh categories.
   4    One additional attack per melee, and +1D6 to M.D.
   5    Wheel Kick, Critical Strike on a roll of 18, 19 or 20.
   6    +1 to initiative, +2 to Body block/Tackle, One additional Cyborg ability from the Resonate Harmonics, Machine Weapon, E.M.P. or Iron Flesh categories.
   7    One additional attack per melee, +1 to Horror Factor.
   8    Death Blow on a roll of 18, 19 or 20, +2 to maintain balance.
   9    Backward sweep and Tripping leg hook, +2 to Saves vs. Horror Factor, One additional Cyborg ability from the Resonate Harmonics, Machine Weapon, E.M.P. or Iron Flesh categories..
   10    One additional attack per melee, +2 to maintain balance and roll with blow/fall/impact, +1D6 to M.D., +1 to Horror Factor.
   11    One additional Cyborg ability from the Ghost in the Machine, E.M.P. or Iron Flesh categories.
   12    Critical Strike on a successful Called Shot (Dice roll of 13 to 20 that hits).
   13    One additional attack per melee, +1 to strike, parry and dodge, +1 to Horror Factor
   14    +1 to Body block/Tackle, +2 to all Saving Throws, + 1D6 to M.D.
   15    One additional attack per melee, One additional Cyborg ability from the Machine Weapon, E.M.P. or Ghost in the Machine categories.

Cyborg Abilities

Resonate Harmonics
    Vibrating Palm
    Resonating Palm
    Piercing Hand
    Distant Resonance
Machine Weapon
    Lightning Palm
    Plasma Shield
    Phoenix Claw
    Inner Blast
    Languishing Blow
    Jagged Strike
    Tempest Edge
Iron Flesh
    Iron Shield
    Steel Skeleton
    Iron Temple
    Iron Ram
Ghost in the Machine
    Machine Awareness
    Warrior Ghost
    Union with the Machine
    Computer Essence
    Immortal Steel

Resonate Harmonics
    The abilities of resonate harmonics take advantage of the vibrations produced by the mechanical systems of the cyborg.  All Resonate Harmonics abilities require that the cyborg body possess the following systems:  Micro-tendril Capacitator Muscles, Amplified Hearing, Ultra-ear and a Sound filtration system.

Vibrating Palm
    The Vibrating Palm concentrates the vibrations into a Vibro-field, like those of Vibro-blades, around the striking surface.  This attack requires an energy source to maintain the high frequency of vibrations such as an Internal Energy Supply or the E-clip of a cyborg weapon.  The energy supply can maintain the vibrating palm indefinitely or one hour of continuous use per E-clip.  Adds 2D6 M.D. to the attack.

Resonating Palm
    The Resonating Palm focuses the vibrations into the opponents body affecting the brain and other internal organs by vibrating them until they combust.  Resonating palm requires a called shot and can affect cyborgs, mega-damage creatures and people inside Power Armor.  The attack does its normal amount of mega-damage as hit point damage directly to hit points.  Against mega-damage creatures the attack does double mega-damage and the disruption is such that the damage cannot be regenerated for 1D4 hours.

Piercing Hand
    Piercing Hand uses the vibrations of the cyborg to create weak spots in the opponent through micro-fractures and thermal stress.  The piercing hand has the same special requirements as vibrating palm.  This attack uses up two melee attacks and inflicts double damage, triple damage against mega-damage capacity armor and materials.

Distant Resonance
    Distant Resonance projects the vibrations into a blast of sonic force.  This attack requires that the cyborg have an Inaudible Frequency Transmitter (Rifts Sourcebook 1, pg.103).  The attack inflicts 4D6 damage directly to hit points against cyborgs and S.D.C. characters.  Against mega-damage creatures it inflicts 4D6 M.D. that cannot be regenerated for 1D4 hours.  Characters inside Robots and Power Armor receive full damage.  The attack is invisible and normally inaudible (Some mutant animals and those who have Ultra-ear can hear it but won’t see it) and is +3 to strike.  Range of the blast is 30 feet plus 3 feet per level.

Machine Weapon
    The abilities of machine weapon rely on the bionic weapon systems of the cyborg.  Usually forearm or palm mounted energy blasters.  In Japan palm blasters are the weapon of choice.  Only integral weapon systems meant for ranged combat are used in machine weapon abilities.

Lightning Palm
    Lightning Palm uses the weapon in concert with the martial abilities of the cyborg.  When attacking with lightning palm add the damage of the weapon to the damage of the unarmed attack of the cyborg.  The attack enjoys all the bonuses to strike of a hand to hand attack and does the damage of both.  The only limitation is that the limb that holds the weapon is the limb that strikes the blow.  For example you cannot combine a kick attack with a forearm weapon.

Plasma Shield
    Plasma Shield requires an energy weapon system, not necessarily plasma but it cannot be a machinegun or mini-missile launcher.  It is a defensive move and the cyborg rolls to parry as normal.  If successful the attack is parried with concentrated energy blasts.  If the attack was from a hand held weapon the weapon receives damage as if it had been hit by the cyborg’s weapon.  If the attack was from the unarmed blow of a creature then that creature receives damage as if it had been attacked.  Plasma Shield cannot parry energy beams or magic energy attacks but does reduce the damage of Rail guns and machineguns by as much damage as the energy weapon inflicts.  To parry ranged attacks is at -4 to parry.  For example,  if a rail gun burst that does 1D4X10 M.D. is parried and the cyborg has two plasma ejectors that on a dual blast do 1D4X10 M.D. then it is possible he could avoid all damage if he rolled higher than the attackers damage.

Phoenix Claw
    By passing the bionic weapon over the opponents vital areas while firing at full capacity it is possible to inflict grave amounts of damage.  While using the phoenix claw all attention is focused on causing damage and little effort is made for defense.  The attack does double the maximum damage of the weapon to any one location on the opponent’s body.  Against living creatures this can mean dismemberment and death.  But mostly this is used to incapacitate the sensor and other vital areas of giant robots and other cyborgs.  While using phoenix claw the cyborg is -4 to parry, dodge and roll with blow/fall/impact.

    E.M.P. stands for electromagnetic pulse and comes from the many magnetic and nuclear systems common in cyborgs.  To use E.M.P. abilities the cyborg must have either magnetic hydraulics or micro-tendril capacitator muscles (a bionic weapon rail gun can substitute), an electromagnetic psionic dampener and an internal energy supply.  E.M.P. abilities are designed to overcome the advanced shielding that protects most robot and computer systems, so fully environmental armor is no protection against these attacks.

Inner Blast
    This attack focuses the electromagnetic psionic dampener field into the body of a psychic traumatizing the psychic ability at its source.  On a successful attack no damage is done but the psychic loses all his psychic abilities and I.S.P. for 1D4 hours, even those abilities that are natural and use no I.S.P. (like the mind controlling bite of a vampire).  I.S.P. begins to return at the end of this period but must be regained in the normal manner.  Whether the attack is successful or not the cyborg cannot use the electromagnetic psionic dampener again for 1D4 minutes until it recharges.

Languishing Blow
    This attack is like inner blast but focuses instead on the paranormal energies of supernatural creatures.  All conditions are the same as for Inner Blast but on a successful hit the creature loses all magic abilities, natural abilities and P.P.E. for 1D4 hours (abilities such as regeneration and limited invulnerability are lost during this period as well as nightvision and other mundane abilities).  Practitioners of magic and magic using creatures cannot cast spells during this period even if using P.P.E. from an alternate source.  P.P.E. can only be recovered and channeled after the 1D4 hours are up.

Jagged Strike
    Jagged Strike is a direct assault on the electrochemical systems of the brain and the more electrical systems of cybernetics and computers.  No attack roll is needed the victim must roll a saving throw vs. Pain (14+) or is paralyzed and suffers 1D6 damage direct to hit points or M.D.C.  Only the crazy and juicer have bonuses against this attack (same as bonus vs. Mind Control).  This attack is equally effective against cyborgs, power armor, robots, supernatural creatures (vampires go into torpor) and normal humans.  After the attack the cyborg must shut down his internal energy supply for 1D4 minutes to cool the nuclear systems or he will suffer a meltdown.  During this period all internal weapons are inoperable and mega-damage from punches and kicks are reduced by half.

Tempest Edge
    This attack is the same as Jagged strike except that it affects an area up to 30 feet in radius.  This attack takes up all the melee attacks/actions of the cyborg and must be maintained the entire melee.  Everyone within range is affected so there is usually no time to evacuate allies and friends from the attack zone.  The cool off period for the nuclear system is 1D4X10 minutes and all other penalties apply.

Iron Flesh
    The abilities of Iron flesh stem from the disassociation of the cyborg from his body.  If he cannot feel the pain then it must not exist.  For practitioners of Iron Flesh the maxim ‘Pain is an illusion’ takes on new meaning when all sensation is actually a feedback induced illusion.  All cyborgs can use Iron Flesh abilities.

Iron Shield
    This is a combination of Parry and Roll with Blow.  Instead of defending against an attack the cyborg can elect to recieve the damage across the strong sturdy plates of his armor.  The cyborg recieves one quarter damage to his main body even from area effect attacks and called shots.  Each Iron Shield uses up one melee attack/action per attack deflected.

Steel Skeleton
    The cyborg, in anticipation of massive amounts of mega-damage that will literally vaporize him if it hits, elects to sacrifice some portion of his body to minimize the damage.  On a succesfull parry, the cyborg can escape damage from multiple missle launches, bursts of grenades and barrages of laser blasts, by putting his limbs in the path of the attack and detaching the armor at the last moment.  Each use of this ability reduces the M.D.C. of two hit locations (Head, arm, leg, hand, weapon or foot) by half.  This reveals the cybernetic structure in grisly fashion and adds a bonus of +2 to the cyborg’s Horror Factor.  Obviously this can only be done twice for each location before it is destroyed.  Alternately one location can be destroyed in a single blast.  The cyborg who practices steel skeleton suffers only the loss of automatic parry and dodge with the loss of a limb and can lose as many as three limbs, his lower abdomen, waist and groin, and still be able to fight effectivelly.  When all or most hit locations have been destroyed the cyborg can elect to sacrifice parts of his Main body such as the lower abdomen and waist/groin area.  This means that the cyborg can lose as much as two thirds of the M.D.C. of his main body without sacrificing combat ability.  Losing legs and feet however will reduce running speed comesurate with the loss.  Loss of a foot reduces Speed by 11, loss of a leg reduces Speed by one third.  Even if both legs are lost the cyborg can still move quite fast by walking on his hands. 
    The cyborg is so inured to the damage his body suffers that he can function even if reduced to minus one quarter his total M.D.C. (ie a cyborg with 280 M.D.C. could function if reduced down to a maximum of -70 M.D.C.).  After that the cyborg dies and there is no chance to save his bio-system.
    To use this ability the cyborg must modify his armor for easy detachment.  This costs 1000 credits per 10 M.D.C. of armor and adds 5 M.D.C. to hands/feet, 10 M.D.C. to arms/legs and head, plus 10% additional M.D.C. to the Main body.

Iron Temple
    This is an advanced form of Iron Shield where the cyborg learns to parry energy beams and magical energy attacks.  The parry is conducted as normal without penalty and the limb used to parry only suffers one M.D. point per successful parry.  Call Lightning can only be parried with a modified roll of 19 or higher.  Area effect and missle attacks cannot be parried.

Iron Ram
    Using his body as a mega-damage battering ram the cyborg can cause considerable amounts of damage considering the speed he can achieve and the mass he carries.  This Body block/Tackle uses up two attacks and causes twice as much damage as a power punch from the borg.  Also it will automatically knock the opponent to the ground unless he is twice as large and heavy as the cyborg (Remember to include cyborg armor in weight).  beyond that the chance drops to 70%, but only creatures or objects ten times larger or heavier than the cyborg cannot be knocked over by this attack.  If the opponent is the same size as the cyborg he loses an additional melee attack besides other penalties.

Ghost in the Machine
    These abilities are quasi-mystical insights obtained by cyborgs who truly become ‘One with the Machine’.  Their spirits or ghost as the Japanese call it is more receptive to the mechanical and computer aspects of their modified bodies.  They have achieved a sort of Zen state of awareness where they are part of the machine and the steel is an expression of their soul.

Machine Awareness
    State of the art sensory equipment goes into the making of the cyborg.  This ability enables the cyborg to interpret that input as if it where the natural senses of his body.  This ability requires Radar (Rifts Sourcebook pg. 103-104), multi-optics eye and amplified hearing.  In addition to the benefits outlined under each system the cyborg has the following: 
    Ability to Interpret Shapes of Objects: 50% +8% per level
    Estimate Distances and Direction: 60% +8% per level
    Estimate Speed and Exact Location: 40% +8% per level
    Simulated Sense of Touch: Bonus of +8% per level
    +4 to initiative, +3 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge, One additional attack per melee.
    Cannot be suprised and has an automatic dodge or parry on all attacks even those from behind or suprise.
    All these abilities extend to a range of one mile for Partial and Light Borgs or 50 miles for Full and Heavy Borgs.  There is no limit to the number of targets the subject is aware of but it takes one melee action/attack to focus on an invisible or intangible target.

Warrior Ghost
    The cyborg has developed an aura that he can project even from within his cybernetic encasement.  Base P.P.E. is 4D6 and can be seen by those with See Aura.  The cyborg does not have to project his aura but can do so if he desires.  The aura is unnerving and projects an inhuman confidence and poise.  Adds a bonus of +6 to the Horror Factor of the cyborg.  Those who fail to save vs. Horror Factor suffer the normal consequences and in addition have a -4 penalty to strike the cyborg the remainder of the fight.  The cyborg himself is immune to Fear and Horror Factor while projecting the Warrior Ghost.  This ability requires that the cyborg have an electromagnetic psionic dampener but he cannot use it while using this ability.

Union with the Machine
    The cyborg achieves total release from the concerns of the flesh and is free to develop his mental and spiritual self without hinderance from his cyborg body.  Base P.P.E. is 6D6 and base I.S.P. is M.E. plus 4D6 and 1d4 I.S.P. per level.  Considered a minor psionic with the powers Total Recall, Object Read, Mind Block and Telemechanics.  This ability requires that the cyborg have an electromagnetic psionic dampener but he cannot use it while using this ability.

Computer Essence
    The cyber soul is naturally drawn to the realm of cyberspace.  Here unfettered by a meat body the cyborg is truly in his element.  Bonuses:  +20% to all computer skills, +4 to strike, dodge and initiative in VR combat.  This ability requires that the cyborg have a VR interface and Internal VR Computer with one extra memory module that cannot be used to store programs or data.

Immortal Steel
    The steel endures long after the flesh.  The cyborg  becomes ever more attuned to his mega-damage body as time goes by.  Add 200 +5D6 years to life expectancy.  This ability requires that the cyborg have a Nanobot Repair Facility and an Independant Biosystem.