Level 1 2 3 4 5 |
Quantum Projection
Str: 1, Dex: 2, Sta: 1, Four Health Levels
Str: 2, Dex: 2, Sta: 2, Normal Health Levels
Str: 3, Dex: 2, Sta: 3, Add 4 'Hurt' Health Levels
Str: 4, Dex: 3, Sta: 4, Add 8 'Hurt' Health Levels
Str: 5, Dex: 4, Sta: 5, Add 12 'Hurt' Health Levels |
The Projection has one dot in a power per level of the Quantum Projection Power. These powers function the same as the subpowers of Bodymorph and once chosen cannot be changed. Examples of projections may include an Astral Projection type construct that has mostly Density Control (Decrease) and Flight. Other projections have displayed the EMP technique from Magnetic Mastery, Immolate and Force Field. Only level one and level two powers can be incorporated this way but dots can also be assigned to Mega Attributes, Enhancements and Body Modifications. Powers assigned dots in a Quantum Projection cannot have Extras.