Real Name: Rebecca H. Josencraft
Nature: Architect
Allegiance: Project Utopia
Concept: Executive Assistant
Background: A small time girl from Everytown, Oklahoma. She now has the high pressure, thankless job of babysitting novas.
Roleplaying Notes:
Strength: 1, Dexterity: 3, Stamina: 2, Perception: 2, Intelligence: 3, Wits: 3, Appearance: 3, Manipulation: 3, Charisma: 4
Athletics: 1, Drive: 2,Martial Arts: 1, Investigation: 1, Academics: 3, Bureaucracy: 4, Computer: 2, Linguistics: 3, Biz: 1, Rapport: 3, Style: 1, Streetwise: 1, Subterfuge: 1, Command: 1, Etiquette: 3
Backing: 3, Contacts: 2, Influence: 1, Resources: 2
Willpower: 5, Initiative: 6
Health levels:
Bruised, Hurt, Injured, Wounded, Maimed, Crippled, Incapacitated, Dead