Real Name: Perry Satullo
Eruption: Accident
Nature: Rebel
Alleigance: XWF
Concept: Wrestler
Born October 25, 1966 in Cleveland, Ohio Perry Satullo studied Judo Kwan and Kempo Karate from age 5 to 17 years old. He joined the US Army at age 17, served from 1984 to 1988, achieving Airborn Ranger Status. In 1988, he moved from Cleveland to Boston to study wrestling at Killer Kowalski's school. For the first year at Kowalski's, he lived in his car. Perry didn't make enough money to eat and pay rent, so he chose to eat. He slept in his car, and in the morning showered at the gym. Perry would hang out at the gym most of the day to stay out of the cold, Boston winter. A sleeping bag he had from his Army days kept him warm at night. It took Perry Satullo about a year to get a job that afforded him an apartment, but still allowed him the time to study wrestling. Many times during his first year he thought about quitting, but luckily for his fans he didn't. Since 1988 he had been getting his feet wet in the wrestling business within the New England Independant territories. In his first wreslting match he took the name Saturn which Killer Kowalski had given him because he couldn't remember how his name ended. He was also fortunate enough to gain experience working for three weeks in Japan for New Japan. From 1993 he began to get regular work but it wasn't until 1995 that he went to work for Paul Heyman's E.C.W. in the team of the Eliminators with John Kronus that he began to get recognition. He was recruited by W.C.W in 1997 and gained national exposure on Ted Turner's Thunder and Nitro. However by 1998 the business was seriously threatened by the emergence of Novas. W.C.W. went under due to financial loss even before the immensly popular WWF was bought out by B.B. Bartlett. Perry decided to return to school and pursue his Masters degree. With his degree in Criminolgy he could either become a cop or a criminal laywer. But to make ends meet and support his wife and son while he studied he kept wrestling in the bloody underground matches kept alive by the hardcore fans of brutal wrestling. It was during a scaffold match with a young kid who wasn't as experienced as he claimed to be that Saturn erupted. Perry, the scaffold and the kid stopped in midair as Saturn's Gravity Control exerted itself. A few bootleg atpes of the match exist and it's a hot collectors item as well as an avidly studied example of an eruption caught on tape. Getting back to the main event was a homecoming for Saturn and has catapulted him to a star status he thought only Rock Stars and Heads of State could achieve. His usual wrestling repetoire now includes a giant silver spinning ball surrounded by rings of blades that bear a striking resemblance to the tattoo on his back.
Many of Saturns moves involve him increasing his own gravity as much as he can then letting it go at the last moment. The stress of the sudden changes in gravity have caused him to become increasingly dense a power that he can activate at will and also to become resistant to artificial changes in gravity. His invulnerability has advanced to such a point that it includes all space/time distortions.
Roleplaying Notes:
When Saturn erupted he didn't develop flight, or armor or any other power that would have allowed only him to survive. He developed a power that saved both of them and prevented a half dozen overzealous fans from being caught under the scaffold. Saturn has a solid work ethic and realizes that sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the safety of your opponent in sports entertainment. People don't pay $55 dollars to see Saturn increase the gravity around his opponent until the poor sod can't stand under his own weight. They come to see the Rings of Saturn being applied with a six ton silvery metal ball surrounded by spinning blades in the middle of the air above the ring. Of course aerial acrobatics are much easier when you control gravity.