Real Name: Iman Amhed Abdullah
Alliegance: Muslim Fundamentalist
Nature: Bravo
Eruption: Accident
Concept: Mercenary
Background: Shaitan is the defacto leader of the muslim right wing Nova faction. As early as 1981 he was a freedom fighter in Afghanistan at the age of 13. Later he graduated up to Internantional Terrorism when Russia pulled out. But his roots remained in guerilla warfare and after a few years he became a mercenary. Amhed participated during the Pakistani troubles and in the border wars of Iraq. When on oct. 23rd of 2001 he was entrenched in a Jordanian hellhole fighting the Israeli backed Kurds, something happened. A wild shot from a rocket launcher flipped a tank over onto Amhed's trench. The usually fearless Amhed saw a tank coming down on him and erupted.
Amhed soon became a feared and acclaimed Nova Elite. Shaitan pursued his Elite career much as he had his mercenary endeavors, never signing a contract and fighting for pay on a mission by mission basis. However having chosen the name Shaitan he came to the attention of a Nova who believed himself the manifestation of God's will on earth. Shaitan was forcibly recruited into the Muslim conservative movement led by Al'Allah. The movement was characterized as a cult of personality. Al'Allah led by force of his power and the others followed because Al'Allah's madness was stronger than their combined powers. All that changed one day when a group of Team Tommorrow Novas came to liberate Victory Angel from Al'Allah. Shaitan, frustrated and angry at having been controlled by Al'Allah for close to seven years suddenly got a lot more powerfull. At that moment he manifested his current combat form which is a huge dragonlike monster 224 feet tall. He became immune to physical and mental harm and grew claws and fangs as his form warped to the monstrosity it is now.
The stress of manifesting the new powers and becoming so huge was too much however and Shaitan collapsed. Al'Allah left after he almost killed Victory Angel causing her to transform into War Angel. With Al'Allah gone Shaitan is his own master now but has begun to believe some if not all of Al'Allah's prophecies. Sometime in the future Shaitan will eventually go insane and believe that he is the devil. But for now he holds the muslim Novas together and provides them with a cause in keeping with their beliefs. Once he goes insane however he will be ostracized by the muslim Novas and leadership will pass to Abdul Masiq.
Roleplaying Notes: Amhed is seven feet tall and impressive even without his powers. When he uses his powers he becomes a monster that makes even other monsters tremble in fear. Shaitan has red skin and hair, his hair is spiked like a porcupine and his eyes reflect a golden glow like the eyes of a devil-goat. At full height he weighs about 10,000 tons and can lift 100,000 tons without using Lifter. Using Lifter he can gain a maximum of 102,400,000 tons. His face grows a maw that encloses a hammerlike jaw much like that of a moray eel. His long foot bones elongate to give him a bestial stance balanced by his blunt tail. His black claws are each 68 feet long and can rend mountain ranges. Nobody in his right mind would want to challenge him to a physical fight when he's angry.
In game notes: Once the players beat him by using Lifter to send him across two state lines. Another time they beat him by decreasing his density to the point where he couldn't make any attacks. A third confrontation was avoided by the use of Mega-Social attributes. In another encounter they entered his stomach with a truckload of Mox. He can be beat, but only if the players get creative.
Mega Attributes
Mega Strength: 4 (Crush, Lifter, Quantum Leap), (14 total with Exponential Growth, lift 100,000 tons, 70 Auto-successes on all Strength feats)
Mega Dexterity: 3 (Physical prodigy, Rapid Strike)
Mega Stamina: 5 (Adaptablility, Durability, Hardbody, Regeneration, Resiliency), (10 total with Exponential Growth, +10 Bruised Health levels, +5 Wounded Health Levels)
Mega Per: 3 (Blindfighting, Bloodhound)
Mega Wits: 4 (Enhanced Initiative x3, Quickness)
Quantum Powers
Armor: 5 (Mastery I, Impervious, Superheavy Armor Extras)
Body Modifications (+9 Bruised Levels/+8 Maimed Levels, Tail, Maw: Str+3, Spines)
Claws: 3
Growth: 5 (Mastery I, Unlimited Gain Extra x2)
Invulnerability Physical attacks: 4 (Broad Category Extra)
Invulnerability Energy attacks: 2 (Broad Category Extra)
Invulnerability Mental attacks and Manipulation: 3 (Broad Category Extra)
Invulnerability to Quantum Disruption/stealing attacks: 4
Invulnerability to Density Manipulation attacks: 2
When in full battle form he uses the Superheavy Armor Extra, Claws, Tail and Maw. Otherwise only the Impervious armor, the invulnerabilities and extra health levels are active. Part of his power's expression is that The Superheavy Armor, Claws, Tail and Maw are all tied to his Growth power and due to this psychological limitation he can't use them unless he also uses his Growth power and consequently whenever he uses his Growth power he also uses all of the tied powers.
Health Levels:
Bruised (x13, x30*), Hurt, Injured, Wounded (x6*), Maimed (x9), Crippled, Incapacitated, Timber!
*At full size. Unlimited Gain Extra: This Extra can be applied to any Quantum Power that gives a bonus to an attribute or Mega Attribute, such as Absorption, Boost and Density Increase. This Extra can also be taken more than once but each time it is taken it raises the Quantum Minimum of the power affected by one. The first time this Extra is taken it allows the nova to use an attrbute boosting power to raise that attribute by 5 dots over his normal maximum up to an absolute maximum of ten. The second time this Extra is taken the nova can use the Attribute boosting power to raise the attribute by 5 dots over his previous maximum, up to an absolute maximum of 15. The third time it is taken the nova can boost an attribute or Mega Attribute by 5 dots more, up to an absolute maximum of 20. Each time it is taken it raises the maximum effect of the attribute boost by 5 dots or to the next absolute maximum divisible by five, but it also raises the Quantum Minimum of the Attribute boosting power by one.