Nova Name: Tötentaz
Real Name: Klaus Kleisner
Eruption: Emotional Trauma
Nature: Bravo
Allegiance: DeVries
Concept: Nova Hitman
Background: He's in the Elites Book.
Roleplaying Notes: Leech from hiding until the target runs dry, then finish him off. The only reason he couldn't kill Battousai was that he couldn't drain the Quantum faster than Battousai could recover it.
Strength: 5, Dexterity: 5, Stamina: 5, Perception: 4, Intelligence: 5, Wits: 5, Appearance: 4, Manipulation: 3, Charisma: 3
Might: 3, Athletics: 3, Drive: 2, Firearms: 4, Martial Arts: 5, Melee: 5, Pilot: 1, Stealth: 5, Endurance: 5, Resistance: 5, Awareness: 4, Investigation: 1, Academics: 1, Computer: 1, Intrusion: 4, Linguistics: 2, Medicine: 1, Science: 1, Survival: 4, Rapport: 1, Intimidation: 4, Style: 1, Interrogation: 3, Streetwise: 3, Subterfuge: 1, Command: 4, Etiquette: 2
Backing: 4, Contacts: 3, Eufiber: 5, Node: 2, Resources: 5
Mega Attributes:
Mega Strength: 2 (Crush, Quantum Leap)
Mega Dexterity: 5 (Accuracy, Catfooted, Enhanced Movement, Rapid Strike)
Mega Stamina: 2 (Adaptability, Durability)
Mega Perception: 2 (Blindfighting, Bloodhound)
Mega Intelligence: 2 (Analyze Weakness, Tactical Prodigy)
Mega Wits: 4 (Enhanced Initiative, Quickness x3)
Quantum Powers:
Boost (Dexterity): 3
Claws: 4 (Extras: Armor Piercing, Kinetic Discharge)
Disorient: 2
Force Field: 5
Healing: 3
Invisibility to Quantum Attunement: 2
Psychic Shield: 5
Quantum Leech: 4 (Extras: Energy Siphon
Quantum Regeneration: 2
Willpower: 10, Quantum: 5, Taint: 1, Quantum Pool: 40, Initiative: 22 (27)
Health levels:
Bruised x2, Hurt, Injured, Wounded, Maimed, Crippled, Incapacitated, For Whom the Bell Tolls