Victory Angel (War Angel)

Real Name: Lisa Marie Ottoman
Eruption: Revelation
Nature: Jester (Survivor)
Alliegance: Project Utopia, NSI Chicago

Lisa Marie was a Christian girl with a wieght problem who worked as a Librarian in Chicago.  One night while working late she dozed off and dreamed that an angel had come to visit her and told her many things she just quite couldn't remember when she woke up.  Dismissing the whole thing as a dream she got up to get more coffee then saw herself in the mirror.  Now a stunning 6 ft. blond with a waistline down in the teens she couldn't believe the transformation that had taken place.  Having no idea what the message from her 'angel' was she simply started to help people out in natural disasters and emergencies, though she never got the opportunity to fight crime.  She never seemed to be in the right place at the right time.  Fires and floods she could see on TV and fly to in time to help.  But muggings and bank robberies where always over by the time she arrived on the scene.  That's what pushed her to join project Utopia as a member of T2M reserve and to take the name of Victory Angel.  She is genuinely happy to be a Nova and could care less for all the negative people who want to exploit her for her fame and power.

Recently she was abducted by Al'Allah, an insane Nova who believed himself the prophet of God.  He confused Victory Angel for an Angel when he heard of her healing powers.  The rest of T2M Chicago reserve along with some members of Project Proteus came to rescue her.  But it was the actions of an independant Nova named Basara that allowed her to win her freedom.  In an act of sacrifice she interposed herself between Basara and a Quantum Bolt from Al'Allah that would have vaporized the Nova from this and as many as four alternate timelines.  As the last struck her she manifested the power to become War Angel.  Al'Allah, shocked that one of his 'angels' would be willing to sacrifice herself for a 'devil' retired from the affairs of man until judgement day.  However War Angel is nothing like Victory Angel and the price of power takes a heavy toll.  War Angel is a Survivor first and foremost and has no feelings for Basara or anyone else, begging the question...  Is War Angel a bigger threat than the fanatical Al'Allah ever was?

  Strength: 5, Dexterity: 5, Stamina: 5, Perception: 3, Intelligence: 3, Wits: 4, Apperance: 4, Manipulation: 2, Charisma: 5

 Brawl: 3, Might: 3, Athletics: 3 (Acrobatics), Drive: 2, Martial Arts: 3, Stealth: 3, Endurance: 5, Resistance: 5, Awareness: 2, Investigation: 2, Academics: 3 (Philosophy), Computer: 3 (Hacking), Linguistics: 3, Rapport: 2, Style: 2, Command: 1, Etiquette: 3, Perform: 1

Mega Attributes
 Mega Strength: 3 (Lifter)
 Mega Dexterity: 3 (Enhanced Movement)
 Mega Stamina: 5 (Adaptability, Durability, Hardbody, Resiliency, Toughness)
 Mega Perception: 2 (Electromagnetic Vision)
 Mega Intelligence: 1 (Tactical Prodigy)
 Mega Appearance: 3 (Seductive Looks)
 Mega Charisma: 2 (Seductive, Soothe)

 Attunement: 2, Backing: 3 (T2M Middle East), Cipher: 2, Dormancy: 2, Node: 5, Resources: 4

 Quantum 5, Taint 0, Willpower 8, Quantum Pool 30, Initiative 18

Quantum Powers
 Armor: 4 (Extra: Superheavy Armor) (Weakness: Superheavy activation linked to Density Increase) (Strength: Impervious)
 Body Modification: Extra Health Levels (6 Bruised, 2 Maimed, Wings)
 Claws: 3 (Weakness: Linked to Density Increase and Superheavy Extra Activation)
 Density Increase: 3 (Weakness: Linked to Superheavy Extra Activation and Claws) (Strength: Unlimited Gain Extra)
 Flight: 3
 Healing: 3 (Strength: Detox Extra)
 Invulnerability: 2 (Broad Category Extra: Mental & Emotional Attacks)
 Quantum (Lifeforce) Bolt: 3 (Extra: Armor Piercing, Bashing damage [Lethal as War Angel])

 Aberrant eyes (golden glow), Anima Banner (Silver feathery wings), Vulnerable to Darkness, Energy emission (life energies, causes plants to grow perceptably and animals to follow her around-sort of the opposite of the flaw Aura of Corruption)
War Angel