This here is John Sudo. He's less over the top than Gregor, but still too 'over the top' for most campaigns. John's thing was that he was a Vietnam Vet who had trained with Akashics after the war and then went on to become a Mercenary. After that he was captured by the Technocracy, experimented upon by Iteration X and had a load of cybernetic implants put in him. After he got away he was hunted by Iteration X and developed a whole bunch of psychological problems. He could tear a HitMark apart with his bare hands and could usually handle most situations by himself. The big thing during that campaign had to be the introduction of an optional rule that allowed you to buy Merits with Experience and buy off Flaws the same way as long as you could justify it with Roleplaying. Our storyteller had the bright idea that you had to acquire the same amount in Flaws as you did in Merits as well as pay for them with experience. John started out with Dark Secret, Hatred and Vengance. As soon as he got Enemy, Flashbacks and Hunted he became a danger to the other PCs. He could take care of himself with multiple attacks and the ability take down most enemies with one or two attacks. The other PCs, not so much... And remember, John may be a bit high powered, but Gregor is ten times worse. Gregor had his own Horizon Realm. |  |