Rend was an NPC I created for a World of Darkness spanning campaign.
He was always a PC buster. I used him mostly to eliminate problems that
arise when one player decides that the other PC's are easier to deal with
when they're dead. Just having the threat of him around would make sworn
enemies band together as best buds. ;)

This is a fun PC that was made for Shadowrun and that spanned several campaigns. One of the things that made him unique was that he had a sim link in his cyber eye hooked up to his internal broadband military radio set to display images in his field of vision. But instead of using that to superimpose tactical maps on the battlefield he would set it to his favorite 'telenovelas', which is spanish for soap opera. Then he'd interact with others as if he were inside a soap opera.

This was the brother of Lotus. Rosario. He was a kick ass Physad who was made using the
Psychic Rules I cooked up. One of his signature moves was to run straight to the opponent with the heaviest armor then rip his heart out through the chest. At least that's how I'd describe it when his Unarmed Combat successes would stage the damage up to twice the Overflow of his target.
This was a Nezumi NPC played against the grain.
He was a strength 5 Ahroun with multiple combat skills and a weapon freak.
Made him a nasty customer in hand to hand combat.
This is another DarkSun PC. His name was the unoriginal Zophar. Players...
He was a half giant gladiator whose most memorable moment came when he challenged
a medusa to show it's face. I quote "Si eres hombre, sal y muestra la cara."
(If you're a man, come out and show your face.)
Rifts Campaign PC's and NPC's
Aberrant Campaign PC's and NPC's
Dungeons & Dragons PC's and NPC's
Vampire PC's and NPC's
All Images are Copyright © 2002 William Adams and cannot be
reproduced without permission.
Some Characters are inspired by the TV show
Buffy The Vampire Slayer and their use here does not represent
a challenge to any pre-existing
copyrights or trademarks.
Warning: This comic may include adult situations
and suggestive dialogue not suited for minors.