This is another PC for Rifts that I never got to play. Maybe you could give her a good home in your campaign?
This is Dr. Strange in the world of Rifts. Centuries older and a bit more powerful.
A Metahuman Experiment for Rifts Japan.
This was the biggest PC I ever played. I don't remember what this body was called but it was a robotic armature built to specification. I never got to try it out because one player went away to Santo Domingo that year, another joined the army or something and the rest just fell out of touch. So there's another unfinished campaign. I do remember that this body was big enough to house the rest of the players in the chest area which included living quarters and an observation deck.
This was the previous body that the spirit creature I played inhabited before it took on the big one. To the right of him are three other characters from that campaign.
This is the samurai from the previous pic, with his favourite weapon and at plus size. He could get huge and had a sword that had to be transported with a flatbed truck.
Juicer NPC that never got used. I think he can kick a$$ though. He has six weapons, two vibroblades that come out from his boots to take advantage of the Hyperion's Kick damage bonus. He also has two grappling hooks that were supposed to be both weapons and to swing around with. And two Monofilament Whips like the infamous Monofilament Whip in Shadowrun.
Another Juicer. This one a Delphi. She was the stealth member of the group. She was a Minor Psionic before she became a Delphi.
This is the Juicer I almost played in a Rifts campaign. Ended up playing a Psycho Stalker instead. Refreshing change of pace from the lawful good PC's I usually play.
This is an Ogre Titan Juicer. Begin to see a pattern here? Yeah I had the Juicer Uprising book and couldn't help myself.